%%% Please DO NOT EDIT this file - it was automatically generated. %%% Licentiate Theses from the Department of Information Technology, %%% Uppsala University, Sweden. %%% Series ISSN 1404-5117. %%% %%% ==================================================================== %%% BibTeX-file{ %%% author = "Bj{\"o}rn Victor", %%% date = "20 May 2024", %%% filename = "itlic.bib", %%% url = "http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/reports/lic/itlic.bib", %%% www-home = "http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/reports/lic/", %%% address = "Department of Information Technology, %%% Uppsala University, %%% Box 337, %%% SE-751 05 Uppsala, SWEDEN", %%% telephone = "+46 18 471 0000", %%% FAX = "+46 18 511925", %%% email = "Bjorn.Victor at it.uu.se", %%% dates = {2000--}, %%% keywords = "", %%% supported = "yes", %%% supported-by = "Bj{\"o}rn Victor", %%% abstract = "Licentiate Theses from the Department of %%% Information Technology at Uppsala University" %%% } %%% ==================================================================== @STRING{cb = "Centre for Image Analysis" } @STRING{csd = "Computing Science Division" } @STRING{docs = "Division of Computer Systems" } @STRING{hci = "Division of Human-Computer Interaction" } @STRING{it = "Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University" } @STRING{mdi = "Division of Human-Computer Interaction" } @STRING{syscon = "Division of Systems and Control" } @STRING{tdb = "Division of Scientific Computing" } @STRING{vi2 = "Division of Visual Information and Interaction" } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2024-001, author = {Thom Kunkeler}, title = {Capital and the Social Reproduction of Inequality in Computing Education}, school = it, department = vi3, year = 2024, number = {2024-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 31, note = {Updated 2024-05-20.}, abstract = {Computing education in Western countries has traditionally been characterised by low levels of participation and diversity among its student population. In order to broaden participation in the field, it is fundamental to understand the various mechanisms through which power structures and inequality are reproduced. From a Bourdieusian perspective, this licentiate thesis sets out to understand the interaction between capital, class, and habitus which allows a dominant class to thrive at the expense of other classes. Paper I shows that capital serves as a barrier for non-computing students entering the computing field, whereas in Paper II a dominant class is identified as possessing higher levels of capital, which is then related to their higher levels of participation in the field. In addition, Paper I provides insight into the ways the subordinate class internalises and acts upon their lower levels of capital. This licentiate thesis lays out the groundwork for studying capital in computing education by developing and validating research instruments which can be used for further study. In addition, relevant theories to educational participation are discussed, with a particular focus on capital theory. More work is needed to understand the reproductive mechanism through which the dominant class legitimises their capital within the field of computing education, thereby establishing their class position. Future work is recommended in the domain of habitus and capital-inclusive pedagogy. Ultimately, the goal is to reduce the reproduction of inequality in computing education by assessing the various mechanisms involved, and designing pedagogy which can be used for successful engagement of students with varying levels of capital. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2023-003, author = {Anh Tung Nguyen}, title = {Security Allocation in Networked Control Systems}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2023, number = {2023-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 13, abstract = {Sustained use of critical infrastructure, such as electrical power and water distribution networks, requires efficient management and control. Facilitated by the advancements in computational devices and non-proprietary communication technology, such as the Internet, the efficient operation of critical infrastructure relies on network decomposition into interconnected subsystems, thus forming networked control systems. However, the use of public and pervasive communication channels leaves these systems vulnerable to cyber attacks. Consequently, the critical infrastructure is put at risk of suffering operation disruption and even physical damage that would inflict financial costs as well as pose a hazard to human health. Therefore, security is crucial to the sustained efficient operation of critical infrastructure. This thesis develops a framework for evaluating and improving the security of networked control systems in the face of cyber attacks. The considered security problem involves two strategic agents, namely a malicious adversary and a defender, pursuing their specific and conflicting goals. The defender aims to efficiently allocate defense resources with the purpose of detecting malicious activities. Meanwhile, the malicious adversary simultaneously conducts cyber attacks and remains stealthy to the defender. We tackle the security problem by proposing a game-theoretic framework and characterizing its main components: the payoff function, the action space, and the available information for each agent. Especially, the payoff function is characterized based on the output-to-output gain security metric that fully explores the worst-case attack impact. Then, we investigate the properties of the game and how to efficiently compute its equilibrium. Given the combinatorial nature of the defender's actions, one important challenge is to alleviate the computational burden. To overcome this challenge, the thesis contributes several systemand graph-theoretic conditions that enable the defender to shrink the action space, efficiently allocating the defense resources. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is validated through numerical examples.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2023-002, author = {Philipp Pilar}, title = {Integrating Prior Knowledge into Machine Learning Models with Applications in Physics}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2023, number = {2023-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 20, abstract = {At the extremes, two antithetical approaches to describing natural processes exist. Theoretical models can be derived from first principles, allowing for clear interpretability; on the downside, this approach may be infeasible or inefficient for complex systems. Alternatively, methods from statistical machine learning can be employed to learn black box models from large amounts of data, while providing little or no understanding of their inner workings. Both approaches have different desirable properties and weaknesses. It is natural to ask how they may be combined to create better models. This is the question that the field of physics-informed machine learning is concerned with, and which we will consider in this thesis. More precisely, we investigate ways of integrating additional prior knowledge into machine learning models. In Paper I, we consider multitask Gaussian processes and devise a way to include so-called sum constraints into the model, where a nonlinear sum of the outputs is required to equal a known value. In Paper II, we consider the task of determining unknown parameters from data when solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with physics-informed neural networks. Given the prior knowledge that the measurement noise is homogeneous but otherwise unknown, we demonstrate that it is possible to learn the solution and parameters of the PDE jointly with the noise distribution. In Paper III, we consider generative adversarial networks, which may produce realistic-looking samples but fail to reproduce their true distribution. In our work, we mitigate this issue by matching the true and generated distributions of statistics extracted from the data.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2023-001, author = {H{\aa}kan Runvik}, title = {Modeling and Estimation of Impulsive Biomedical Systems}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2023, number = {2023-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, day = 12, abstract = {Dynamical systems are often expressed in either continuous or discrete time. Some biomedical processes are however more suitably modeled as impulsive systems, which combine continuous dynamics with abrupt changes of the state of the system. This thesis concerns two such systems: the pharmacokinetics of the anti-Parkinson's drug levodopa, and the testosterone regulation in the human male. Despite the differences between these systems, they can be modeled in similar ways. Modeling entails not only the model, but also the methods used to estimate its parameters. Impulsive dynamics can enable simpler representations compared with using continuous dynamics alone, but may also complicate the estimation procedure, since standard techniques often cannot be used. The contributions of this thesis are therefore both in model development and parameter estimation. Model development is the topic of Paper I. It presents a model of the multi-peaking phenomenon in levodopa pharmacokinetics, which is manifested by secondary concentration peaks in the blood concentration profile of the drug. The remaining papers focus on estimation, in a setup where a sequence of impulses is fed to a linear plant, whose output is measured. Two estimation techniques are considered. The first is presented in Paper II and uses a Laguerre domain representation to estimate the timing and weights of the impulses. The second combines estimation of the impulsive input with estimation of the plant parameters, which represent the elimination rates of testosterone-regulating hormones. This problem is particularly challenging since increasing the estimated elimination rates and the number of impulses generally improves the model fit, but only models with sparse input signals are practically useful. Paper III addresses this issue through a novel regularization method. The uncertainties in model and measurements encountered when working with clinical hormone data add another layer of complexity to the problem; methods for handling such issues are described in Paper IV.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2022-003, author = {Camille Clouard}, title = {Computational Statistical Methods for Genotyping Biallelic {DNA} Markers from Pooled Experiments}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2022, number = {2022-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = nov, day = 9, abstract = {The information conveyed by genetic markers such as Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) has been widely used in biomedical research for studying human diseases, but also increasingly in agriculture by plant and animal breeders for selection purposes. Specific identified markers can act as a genetic signature that is correlated to certain characteristics in a living organism, e.g. a sensitivity to a disease or high-yield traits. Capturing these signatures with sufficient statistical power often requires large volumes of data, with thousands of samples to analyze and possibly millions of genetic markers to screen. Establishing statistical significance for effects from genetic variations is especially delicate when they occur at low frequencies. The production cost of such marker genotype data is therefore a critical part of the analysis. Despite recent technological advances, the production cost can still be prohibitive and genotype imputation strategies have been developed for addressing this issue. The genotype imputation methods have been widely investigated on human data and to a smaller extent on crop and animal species. In the case where only few reference genomes are available for imputation purposes, such as for non-model organisms, the imputation results can be less accurate. Group testing strategies, also called pooling strategies, can be well-suited for complementing imputation in large populations and decreasing the number of genotyping tests required compared to the single testing of every individual. Pooling is especially efficient for genotyping the low-frequency variants. However, because of the particular nature of genotype data and because of the limitations inherent to the genotype testing techniques, decoding pooled genotypes into unique data resolutions is a challenge. Overall, the decoding problem with pooled genotypes can be described as as an inference problem in Missing Not At Random data with nonmonotone missingness patterns. Specific inference methods such as variations of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm can be used for resolving the pooled data into estimates of the genotype probabilities for every individual. However, the non-randomness of the undecoded data impacts the outcomes of the inference process. This impact is propagated to imputation if the inferred genotype probabilities are to be devised as input into classical imputation methods for genotypes. In this work, we propose a study of the specific characteristics of a pooling scheme on genotype data, as well as how it affects the results of imputation methods such as tree-based haplotype clustering or coalescent models.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2022-002, author = {Gustaf Borgstr{\"o}m}, title = {Making Sampled Simulations Faster by Minimizing Warming Time}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2022, number = {2022-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 28, abstract = {A computer system simulator is a fundamental tool for computer architects to try out brand new ideas or explore the system's response to different configurations when executing different program codes. However, even simulating the CPU core in detail is time-consuming as the execution rate slows down by several orders of magnitude compared to native execution. To solve this problem, previous work, namely SMARTS, demonstrates a statistical sampling methodology that records measurements only from tiny samples throughout the simulation. It spends only a fraction of the full simulation time on these sample measurements. In-between detailed sample simulations, SMARTS fast-forwards in the simulation using a greatly simplified and much faster simulation model (compared to full detail), which maintains only necessary parts of the architecture, such as cache memory. This maintenance process is called warming. While warming is mandatory to keep the simulation accuracy high, caches may be sufficiently warm for an accurate simulation long before reaching the sample. In other words, much time may be wasted on warming in SMARTS. In this work, we show that caches can be kept in an accurate state with much less time spent on warming. The first paper presents Adaptive Cache Warming, a methodology for identifying the minimum amount of warming in an iterative process for every SMARTS sample. The rest of the simulation time, previously spent on warming, can be skipped by fast-forwarding between samples using native hardware execution of the code. Doing so will thus result in significantly faster statistically sampled simulation while maintaining accuracy. The second paper presents Cache Merging, which mitigates the redundant warmings introduced in Adaptive Cache Warming. We solve this issue by going back in time and merging the existing warming with a cache warming session that comes chronologically before the existing warming. By removing the redundant warming, we yield even more speedup. Together, Adaptive Cache Warming and Cache Merging is a powerful boost for statistically sampled simulations.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2022-001, author = {Sam Hylamia}, title = {Secure In-body Communication and Sensing}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2022, number = {2022-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 26, abstract = {Implantable medical devices (IMDs) such as cardiac implants and insulin pumps provide patients with lifesaving functions and improve their lives. These properties make them an integral part of medical professionals' toolbox. Today, IMDs which can be controlled or adjusted wirelessly are widely adopted and are becoming increasingly connected to each other and to the internet. While the modern communication properties of IMDs provide substantial benefits, they pose a major cybersecurity risk when devices are not secured adequately. In this thesis, we explore security issues related to the communication and sensing capabilities of modern on-body devices such as IMDs. In particular, we investigate authentication and key agreement in a network of body-worn devices, and address the privacy of in-body continuous sensing and monitoring. The main contributions of this thesis are twofold: (1) We propose and evaluate Tiek, an authentication and key distribution protocol for networked body-worn devices. Tiek authenticates the presence of participating devices on the body and distributes cryptographic keys to them using environment based sources of randomness. The protocol utilizes a two-tier authorization scheme to restrict the access of mal-behaving body-worn participants to the network. (2) We also study the information leakage associated with the deployment of a novel in-body continuous monitoring technique. We target the information leakage from the sensing process, and propose and evaluate privacy enhancing measures that prevent a passive eavesdropper from violating the privacy of the patient. We believe this thesis contributes to the development of secure on-body devices in general and IMDs in particular.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2021-002, author = {Karl Bengtsson Bernander}, title = {Improving Training of Deep Learning for Biomedical Image Analysis and Computational Physics}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, institution = it, department = vi2, number = {2021-002}, year = 2021, month = dec, day = 22, abstract = {The previous decade has seen breakthroughs in image analysis and computer vision, mainly due to machine learning methods known as deep learning. These methods have since spread to other fields. This thesis aims to survey the progress, highlight problems related to data and computations, and show techniques to mitigate them. In Paper I, we show how to modify the VGG16 classifier archi- tecture to be equivariant to transformations in the p4 group, consisting of translations and specific rotations. We conduct experiments to investigate if baseline architectures, using data augmentation, can be replaced with these rotation-equivariant networks. We train and test on the Oral cancer dataset, used to automate cancer diagnostics. In Paper III, we use a similar methodology as in Paper I to modify the U-net architecture combined with a discriminative loss, for semantic instance segmentation. We test the method on the BBBC038 dataset consisting of highly varied images of cell nuclei. In Paper II, we look at the UCluster method, used to group sub- atomic particles in particle physics. We show how to distribute the training over multiple GPUs using distributed deep learning in a cloud environment. The papers show how to use limited training data more effi- ciently, using group-equivariant convolutions, to reduce the prob- lems of overfitting. They also demonstrate how to distribute training over multiple nodes in computational centers, which is needed to handle growing data sizes.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2021-001, author = {Niklas Gunnarsson}, title = {On the Registration and Modeling of Sequential Medical Images}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2021, number = {2021-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, day = 16, month = dec, abstract = {Real-time imaging can be used to monitor, analyze and control medical treatments. In this thesis, we want to explain the spatiotemporal motion and thus enable more advanced procedures, especially real-time adaptation in radiation therapy. The motion occurring between image acquisitions can be quantified by image registration, which generates a mapping between the images. The contribution of the thesis consists of three papers, where we have used different approaches to estimate the motion between images. In Paper I, we combine a state-of-the-art method in real-time tracking with a learned sparse-to-dense interpolation scheme. For this, we track an arbitrary number of regions in a sequence of medical images. We estimated a sparse displacement field, based on the tracking positions and used the interpolation network to achieve its dense representation. Paper II was a contribution to a challenge in learnable image registration where we finished at 2nd place. Here we train a deep learning method to estimate the dense displacement field between two images. For this, we used a network architecture inspired by both conventional medical image registration methods and optical flow in computer vision. For Paper III, we estimate the dynamics of spatiotemporal images by training a generative network. We use nonlinear dimensional reduction techniques and assume a linear dynamic in a low-dimensional latent space. In comparison with conventional image registration methods, we provide a method more suitable for real-world scenarios, with the possibility of imputation and extrapolation. Although the problem is challenging and several questions are left unanswered we believe a combination of conventional, learnable, and dynamic modeling of the motion is the way forward. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2020-006, author = {David Widmann}, title = {Calibration of Probabilistic Predictive Models}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2020, number = {2020-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 28, abstract = {Predicting unknown and unobserved events is a common task in many domains. Mathematically, the uncertainties arising in such prediction tasks can be described by probabilistic predictive models. Ideally, the model estimates of these uncertainties allow us to distinguish between uncertain and trustworthy predictions. This distinction is particularly important in safety-critical applications such as medical image analysis and autonomous driving. For the probabilistic predictions to be meaningful and to allow this differentiation, they should neither be over- nor underconfident. Models that satisfy this property are called calibrated. In this thesis we study how one can measure, estimate, and statistically reason about the calibration of probabilistic predictive models. In Paper I we discuss existing approaches for evaluating calibration in multi-class classification. We mention potential pitfalls and suggest hypothesis tests for the statistical analysis of model calibration. In Paper II we propose a framework of calibration measures for multi-class classification. It captures common existing measures and includes a new kernel calibration error based on matrix-valued kernels. For the kernel calibration error consistent and unbiased estimators exist and asymptotic hypothesis tests for calibration can be derived. Unfortunately, by construction the framework is limited to prediction problems with finite discrete target spaces. In Paper III we use a different approach to develop a more general framework of calibration errors that applies to any probabilistic predictive model and is not limited to classification. We show that it coincides with the framework presented in Paper II for multi-class classification. Based on scalar-valued kernels, we generalize the kernel calibration error, its estimators, and hypothesis tests to all probabilistic predictive models. For real-valued regression problems we present empirical results.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2020-005, author = {Anna Wigren}, title = {Exploiting Conjugacy in State-Space Models with Sequential {M}onte {C}arlo}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2020, number = {2020-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 14, abstract = {Many processes we encounter in our daily lives are dynamical systems that can be described mathematically using state-space models. Exact inference of both states and parameters in these models is, in general, intractable. Instead, approximate methods, such as sequential Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo, are used to infer quantities of interest. However, sample-based inference inherently introduces variance in the estimates. In this thesis we explore different aspects of how conjugacy relations in a model can improve the performance of sequential Monte Carlo-based inference methods. A conjugacy relation between the prior distribution and the likelihood implies that the posterior distribution has the same distributional form as the prior, allowing for analytic updates in place of numerical integration. In Paper I we consider state inference in state-space models where the transition density is intractable. By adding artificial noise conjugate to the observation density we can design an efficient proposal for sequential Monte Carlo inference that can reduce the variance of the state estimates. Conjugacy can also be utilized in the setting of parameter inference. In Paper II we show that the performance of particle Gibbs-type samplers, in terms of the autocorrelation of the samples, can be improved when conjugacy relations allow for marginalizing out the dependence on parameters in the state update. Despite enabling analytical evaluation of integrals, the derivation and implementation of conjugacy updates is cumbersome in all but the simplest cases, which limits the usefulness in practice. Recently, the emerging field of probabilistic programming has changed this, by providing a framework for automating inference in probabilistic models -- including identifying and utilizing conjugacy relations. In Paper II we make use of probabilistic programming to automatically exploit conjugacy in an epidemiological state-space model describing the spread of dengue fever. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2020-004, author = {Muhammad Osama}, title = {Machine Learning for Spatially Varying Data}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2020, number = {2020-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = apr, day = 22, abstract = {Many physical quantities around us vary across space or space-time. An example of a \emph{spatial} quantity is provided by the temperature across Sweden on a given day and as an example of a \emph{spatio-temporal} quantity we observe the counts of the corona virus cases across the globe. Spatial and spatio-temporal data enable opportunities to answer many important questions. For example, what the weather would be like tomorrow or where the highest risk for occurrence of a disease is in the next few days? Answering questions such as these requires formulating and learning statistical models. One of the challenges with spatial and spatio-temporal data is that the size of data can be extremely large which makes learning a model computationally costly. There are several means of overcoming this problem by means of matrix manipulations and approximations. In paper I, we propose a solution to this problem where the model is learned in a streaming fashion i.e. as the data arrives point by point. This also allows for efficient updating of the learned model based on newly arriving data which is very pertinent to spatio-temporal data. Another interesting problem in the spatial context is to study the causal effect that an exposure variable has on a response variable. For instance, policy makers might be interested in knowing whether increasing the number of police in a district has the desired effect of reducing crimes there. The challenge here is that of \emph{spatial confounding}. A spatial map of the number of police against the spatial map of the number of crimes in different districts might show a clear association between these two quantities. However, there might be a third unobserved confounding variable that makes both quantities small and large together. In paper II, we propose a solution for estimating causal effects in the presence of such a confounding variable. Another common type of spatial data is \emph{point} or \emph{event} data, i.e., the occurrence of events across space. The event could for example be a reported disease or crime and one may be interested in predicting the counts of the event in a given region. A fundamental challenge here is to quantify the uncertainty in the predicted counts in a model in a robust manner. In paper III, we propose a regularized criterion for learning a predictive model of counts of events across spatial regions. The regularization ensures tighter prediction intervals around the predicted counts and have valid coverage irrespective of the degree of model misspecification. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2020-003, author = {Christos Sakalis}, title = {Securing the Memory Hierarchy from Speculative Side-Channel Attacks}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2020, number = {2020-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = 6, abstract = {Modern high-performance CPUs depend on speculative out-of-order execution in order to offer high performance while also remaining energy efficient. However, with the introduction of Meltdown and Spectre in the beginning of 2018, speculative execution has been under attack. These attacks, and the many that followed, take advantage of the unchecked nature of speculative execution and the microarchitectural changes it causes in order to mount speculative side-channel attacks. Such attacks can bypass software and hardware barriers and gain access to sensitive information while remaining invisible to the application. In this thesis we will describe our work on preventing speculative side-channel attacks that exploit the memory hierarchy as their side-channel. Specifically, we will discuss two different approaches, one that does not restrict speculative execution but tries to keep its microarchitectural side-effects hidden, and one where we delay speculative memory accesses if we determine that they might lead to information leakage. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches, compare them against other state-of-the-art solutions, and show that it is possible to achieve secure, invisible speculation while at the same time maintaining high performance and efficiency. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2020-002, author = {Ulrika Sundin}, title = {Global Radial Basis Function Collocation Methods for {PDE}s}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2020, number = {2020-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = 20, abstract = {Radial basis function (RBF) methods are meshfree, i.e., they can operate on unstructured node sets. Because the only geometric information required is the pairwise distance between the node points, these methods are highly flexible with respect to the geometry of the computational domain. The RBF approximant is a linear combination of translates of a radial function, and for PDEs the coefficients are found by applying the PDE operator to the approximant and collocating with the right hand side data. Infinitely smooth RBFs typically result in exponential convergence for smooth data, and they also have a shape parameter that determines how flat or peaked they are, and that can be used for accuracy optimization. In this thesis the focus is on global RBF collocation methods for PDEs, i.e., methods where the approximant is constructed over the whole domain at once, rather than built from several local approximations. A drawback of these methods is that they produce dense matrices that also tend to be ill-conditioned for the shape parameter range that might otherwise be optimal. One current trend is therefore to use over-determined systems and least squares approximations as this improves stability and accuracy. Another trend is to use localized RBF methods as these result in sparse matrices while maintaining a high accuracy. Global RBF collocation methods together with RBF interpolation methods, however, form the foundation for these other versions of RBF--PDE methods. Hence, understanding the behaviour and practical aspects of global collocation is still important. In this thesis an overview of global RBF collocation methods is presented, focusing on different versions of global collocation as well as on method properties such as error and convergence behaviour, approximation behaviour in the small shape parameter range, and practical aspects including how to distribute the nodes and choose the shape parameter value. Our own research illustrates these different aspects of global RBF collocation when applied to the Helmholtz equation and the Black--Scholes equation.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2019-007, author = {Carl Andersson}, title = {Deep Learning Applied to System Identification: A Probabilistic Approach}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2019, number = {2019-007}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 4, abstract = {Machine learning has been applied to sequential data for a long time in the field of system identification. As deep learning grew under the late 00's machine learning was again applied to sequential data but from a new angle, not utilizing much of the knowledge from system identification. Likewise, the field of system identification has yet to adopt many of the recent advancements in deep learning. This thesis is a response to that. It introduces the field of deep learning in a probabilistic machine learning setting for problems known from system identification. Our goal for sequential modeling within the scope of this thesis is to obtain a model with good predictive and/or generative capabilities. The motivation behind this is that such a model can then be used in other areas, such as control or reinforcement learning. The model could also be used as a stepping stone for machine learning problems or for pure recreational purposes. Paper I and Paper II focus on how to apply deep learning to common system identification problems. Paper I introduces a novel way of regularizing the impulse response estimator for a system. In contrast to previous methods using Gaussian processes for this regularization we propose to parameterize the regularization with a neural network and train this using a large dataset. Paper II introduces deep learning and many of its core concepts for a system identification audience. In the paper we also evaluate several contemporary deep learning models on standard system identification benchmarks. Paper III is the odd fish in the collection in that it focuses on the mathematical formulation and evaluation of calibration in classification especially for deep neural network. The paper proposes a new formalized notation for calibration and some novel ideas for evaluation of calibration. It also provides some experimental results on calibration evaluation. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2019-006, author = {Kristiina Ausmees}, title = {Efficient Computational Methods for Applications in Genomics}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2019, number = {2019-006}, month = nov, type = {Licentiate thesis}, abstract = {During the last two decades, advances in molecular technology have facilitated the sequencing and analysis of ancient DNA recovered from archaeological finds, contributing to novel insights into human evolutionary history. As more ancient genetic information has become available, the need for specialized methods of analysis has also increased. In this thesis, we investigate statistical and computational models for analysis of genetic data, with a particular focus on the context of ancient DNA. The main focus is on imputation, or the inference of missing genotypes based on observed sequence data. We present results from a systematic evaluation of a common imputation pipeline on empirical ancient samples, and show that imputed data can constitute a realistic option for population-genetic analyses. We also discuss preliminary results from a simulation study comparing two methods of phasing and imputation, which suggest that the parametric Li and Stephens framework may be more robust to extremely low levels of sparsity than the parsimonious Browning and Browning model. An evaluation of methods to handle missing data in the application of PCA for dimensionality reduction of genotype data is also presented. We illustrate that non-overlapping sequence data can lead to artifacts in projected scores, and evaluate different methods for handling unobserved genotypes. In genomics, as in other fields of research, increasing sizes of data sets are placing larger demands on efficient data management and compute infrastructures. The last part of this thesis addresses the use of cloud resources for facilitating such analysis. We present two different cloud-based solutions, and exemplify them on applications from genomics.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2019-005, author = {Carl Jidling}, title = {Tailoring {G}aussian Processes for Tomographic Reconstruction}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2019, number = {2019-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 18, abstract = {A probabilistic model reasons about physical quantities as random variables that can be estimated from measured data. The Gaussian process is a respected member of this family, being a flexible non-parametric method that has proven strong capabilities in modelling a wide range of nonlinear functions. This thesis focuses on advanced Gaussian process techniques; the contribution consist of practical methodologies primarily intended for inverse tomographic applications. In our most theoretical formulation, we propose a constructive procedure for building a customised covariance function given any set of linear constraints. These are explicitly incorporated in the prior distribution and thereby guaranteed to be fulfilled by the prediction. One such construction is employed for strain field reconstruction, to which end we successfully introduce the Gaussian process framework. A particularly well-suited spectral based approximation method is used to obtain a significant reduction of the computational load. The formulation has seen several subsequent extensions, represented in this thesis by a generalisation that includes boundary information and uses variational inference to overcome the challenge provided by a nonlinear measurement model. We also consider X-ray computed tomography, a field of high importance primarily due to its central role in medical treatments. We use the Gaussian process to provide an alternative interpretation of traditional algorithms and demonstrate promising experimental results. Moreover, we turn our focus to \emph{deep kernel learning}, a special construction in which the expressiveness of a standard covariance function is increased through a neural network input transformation. We develop a method that makes this approach computationally feasible for integral measurements, and the results indicate a high potential for computed tomography problems.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2019-004, author = {Amin Kaveh}, title = {Local Measures for Probabilistic Networks}, school = it, department = csd, year = 2019, number = {2019-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 26, abstract = {Modeling and analysis of imperfection in network data is essential in many applications such as protein-protein interaction networks, ad-hoc networks and social influence networks. In the study of imperfect network data, three issues have to be considered: first the type of imperfection, second the aspects of networks such as existence of nodes/edges or attributes of nodes/edges in which imperfection occurs and third the theory that has been used to represent imperfection. This thesis, first, reviews the different types of imperfection and consolidates the meaning of the terms used in literature. Second, it discusses network aspects and theories through which imperfect network data is represented and analyzed. Amongst all, the most applied model is uncertainty about existence of edges which is represented using probability theory, called probabilistic networks. Third, this thesis surveys queries and algorithms which have been applied over probabilistic networks. Forth and the main focus of this dissertation is to look deeply at nodes' local properties in probabilistic networks. In our first contribution we have shown that two nodes with the same expected degree can have different properties. In this work we have highlighted the role of other summary information of degree distribution such as variance and skewness in addition to the expected value. In our second contribution, we have introduced two possible definitions of probabilistic ego networks and we have studied the concepts of degree, ego betweenness and ego closeness. One of the main applications of the proposed local properties could be in the \textit{sparsification} process, in which a network's edges and the probability of the edges are altered, but nodes' local properties are preserved.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2019-003, author = {Viktor Bro}, title = {Volterra Modeling of the Human Smooth Pursuit System in Health and Disease}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2019, number = {2019-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 13, abstract = {This thesis treats the identification of Volterra models of the human smooth pursuit system from eye-tracking data. Smooth pursuit movements are gaze movements used in tracking of moving targets and controlled by a complex biological network involving the eyes and brain. Because of the neural control of smooth pursuit, these movements are affected by a number of neurological and mental conditions, such as Parkinson's disease. Therefore, by constructing mathematical models of the smooth pursuit system from eye-tracking data of the patient, it may be possible to identify symptoms of the disease and quantify them. While the smooth pursuit dynamics are typically linear in healthy subjects, this is not necessarily true in disease or under influence of drugs. The Volterra model is a classical black-box model for dynamical systems with smooth nonlinearities that does not require much \textit{a priori} information about the plant and thus suitable for modeling the smooth pursuit system. The contribution of this thesis is mainly covered by the four appended papers. Papers~I-III treat the problem of reducing the number of parameters in Volterra models with the kernels parametrized in Laguerre functional basis (Volterra-Laguerre models), when utilizing them to capture the signal form of smooth pursuit movements. Specifically, a Volterra-Laguerre model is obtained by means of sparse estimation and principal component analysis in Paper~I, and a Wiener model approach is used in Paper~II. In Paper~III, the same model as in Paper~I is considered to examine the feasibility of smooth pursuit eye tracking for biometric purposes. Paper~IV is concerned with a Volterra-Laguerre model that includes an explicit time delay. An approach to the joint estimation of the time delay and the finite-dimensional part of the Volterra model is proposed and applied to time-delay compensation in eye-tracking data. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2019-002, author = {Anton G. Artemov}, title = {Inverse Factorization in Electronic Structure Theory: Analysis and Parallelization}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2019, number = {2019-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, day = 5, abstract = {This licentiate thesis is a part of an effort to run large electronic structure calculations in modern computational environments with distributed memory. The ultimate goal is to model materials consisting of millions of atoms at the level of quantum mechanics. In particular, the thesis focuses on different aspects of a computational problem of inverse factorization of Hermitian positive definite matrices. The considered aspects are numerical properties of the algorithms and parallelization. Not only is an efficient and scalable computation of inverse factors necessary in order to be able to run large scale electronic computations based on the Hartree-Fock or Kohn-Sham approaches with the self-consistent field procedure, but it can be applied more generally for preconditioner construction. Parallelization of algorithms with unknown load and data distributions requires a paradigm shift in programming. In this thesis we also discuss a few parallel programming models with focus on task-based models, and, more specifically, the Chunks and Tasks model.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2019-001, author = {Diane Golay}, title = {An Invisible Burden: An Experience-Based Approach to Nurses' Daily Work Life with Healthcare Information Technology}, school = it, department = vi2, year = 2019, number = {2019-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = 22, abstract = {Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been an increasingly pervasive component of most workplaces throughout the past half century. In healthcare, the turn to the digital has resulted into the broad implementation of Healthcare Information Technology (HIT). The impacts of ICT on work life have been investigated predominantly through surveys, although some researchers have advocated for the use of a qualitative, experience-based approach. Meanwhile, the existing body of research on the impacts of HIT on clinicians has painted a mixed picture of digitalization. Despite some clear benefits, HIT has indeed been found to have unexpected, unintended adverse consequences for hospital staff. Typical issues include loss in efficiency, extra effort to carry out routine tasks, and the creation of new, HIT-induced work activities. Simultaneously, research outside of the healthcare domain has shown that ICT could require extra effort from some users in order for the sociotechnical system to function properly - extra work often invisible to developers. Based on observation, interview and focus group data collected at a large Swedish hospital, this thesis set out to investigate the impact of HIT on hospital nurses from an experience-based perspective, resulting in four main contributions. First, a method supporting experience-based data analysis, the HolisticUX method, is introduced. Second, 13 forms of HIT-induced additional tasks in nurses' workload are identified, five of which are not acknowledged in previous research. Third, task avoidance is identified as a consequence of nurses' increased workload, negatively affecting patient safety, care quality and nurses' professional satisfaction. Finally, four factors are argued to contribute to a suggested invisibility of the HIT-induced time burden in nurses' work life to management and developers: 1) lack of a holistic perspective, 2) the hidden cost of a single click, 3) the invisibility of nursing work, and 4) visible data, invisible work.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2018-004, author = {Charalampos Orfanidis}, title = {Robustness in Low Power Wide Area Networks}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2018, number = {2018-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, day = 14, abstract = {During the past few years we have witnessed an emergence of Wide Area Networks in the Internet of Things area. There are several new technologies like LoRa, Wi-SUN, Sigfox, that offer long range communication and low power for low-bitrate applications. These new technologies enable new application scenarios, such as smart cities, smart agriculture, and many more. However, when these networks co-exist in the same frequency band, they may cause problems to each other since they are heterogeneous and independent. Therefore it is very likely to have frame collisions between the different networks. In this thesis we first explore how tolerant these networks are to Cross Technology Interference (CTI). CTI can be described as the interference from heterogeneous wireless technologies that share the same frequency band and is able to affect the robustness and reliability of the network. In particular, we select two of them, LoRa and Wi-SUN and carry out a series of experiments with real hardware using several configurations. In this way, we quantify the tolerance of cross technology interference of each network against the other as well as which configuration settings are important. The next thing we explored is how well channel sensing mechanisms can detect the other network technologies and how they can be improved. For exploring these aspects, we used the default Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) mechanism of Wi-SUN against LoRa interference and we evaluated how accurate it is. We also improved this mechanism in order to have higher accuracy detection against LoRa interference. Finally, we propose an architecture for WSNs which will enable flexible re-configuration of the nodes. The idea is based on Software Defined Network (SDN) principles and could help on our case by re-configuring a node in order to mitigate the cross-technology interference from other networks.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2018-003, author = {Fredrik Olsson}, title = {Modeling and Assessment of Human Balance and Movement Disorders Using Inertial Sensors}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2018, number = {2018-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 29, abstract = {Inertial sensors and magnetometers are abundant in today's society, where they can be found in many of our everyday electronic devices, such as smart phones or smart watches. Their primary function is to measure the movement and orientation of the device and provide this information for the apps that request it. This licenciate thesis explores the use of these types of sensors in biomedical applications. Specifically, how these sensors can be used to analyze human movement and work as a tool for assessment of human balance and movement disorders. The methods presented in this thesis deal with mathematical modeling of the sensors, their relationship to the biomechanical models that are used to describe the dynamics of human movement and how we can combine these models to describe the mechanisms behind human balance and quantify the symptopms of movement disorders. The main contributions come in the form of four papers. A practical calibration method for accelerometers is presented in Paper I, that deals with compensation of intrinsic sensor errors that are common for relatively cheap sensors that are used in e.g. smart phones. In Paper II we present an experimental evaluation and minor extension of methods that are used to determine the position of the joints in the biomecanical model, using inertial sensor data alone. Paper III deals with system identification of nonlinear controllers operating in closed loop, which is a method that can be used to model the neuromuscular control mechanisms behind human balance. In Paper IV we propose a novel method for quantification of hand tremor, a primary symptom of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD) or Essential tremor (ET), where we make use of data collected from sensors in a smart phone. The thesis also contains an introduction to the sensors, biomechanical modeling, neuromuscular control and the various estimation and modeling techniques that are used throughout the thesis.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2018-002, author = {Tatiana Chistiakova}, title = {Ammonium Based Aeration Control in Wastewater Treatment Plants - Modelling and Controller Design}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2018, number = {2018-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = apr, day = 12, abstract = {Wastewater treatment involves many processes and methods which make a treatment plant a large-scaled and complex system. A fundamental challenge is how to maintain a high process efficiency while keeping the operational costs low. The variety in plant configurations, the nonlinear behaviour, the large time delays and saturations present in the system contribute to making automation and monitoring a demanding task. The biological part of a wastewater treatment process includes an aeration of the water and this process has been shown to often result in the highest energy consumption of the plant. Oxygen supply is a fundamental part of the activated sludge process used for aerobic microorganisms growing. The concentration of the dissolved oxygen should be high enough to maintain a sufficient level of biological oxidation. However, if the concentration is too high the process efficiency is significantly reduced leading to a too high energy consumption. Hence, there are two motivations behind the aeration control task: process efficiency and economy. One of the possible strategies to adjust the dissolved oxygen level in a nitrifying activated sludge process is to use ammonium feedback measurements. In this thesis, an activated sludge process is modelled and analysed in terms of dissolved oxygen to ammonium dynamics. First, the data obtained from a simplified Benchmark Simulation Model no.1 was used to identify the system. Both linear and nonlinear models were evaluated. A model with a Hammerstein structure where the nonlinearity was described by a Monod function was chosen for a more thorough study. Here, a feedback controller was designed to achieve $\mathcal{L}_2$-stability. The stability region was pre-computed to determine the maximum allowed time delay for the closed loop system. Finally, a feedforward controller was added to the system, and shown to significantly improve the disturbance rejection properties.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2018-001, author = {Kim-Anh Tran}, title = {Static Instruction Scheduling for High Performance on Energy-Efficient Processors}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2018, number = {2018-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jan, day = 17, abstract = {New trends such as the internet-of-things and smart homes push the demands for energy-efficiency. Choosing energy-efficient hardware, however, often comes as a trade-off to high-performance. In order to strike a good balance between the two, we propose software solutions to tackle the performance bottlenecks of small and energy-efficient processors. One of the main performance bottlenecks of processors is the discrepancy between processor and memory speed, known as the memory wall. While the processor executes instructions at a high pace, the memory is too slow to provide data in a timely manner, if data has not been cached in advance. Load instructions that require an access to memory are thereby referred to as long-latency or delinquent loads. Long latencies caused by delinquent loads are putting a strain on small processors, which have few or no resources to effectively hide the latencies. As a result, the processor may stall. In this thesis we propose compile-time transformation techniques to mitigate the penalties of delinquent loads on small out-of-order processors, with the ultimate goal to avoid processor stalls as much as possible. Our code transformation is applicable for general-purpose code, including unknown memory dependencies, complex control flow and pointers. We further propose a software-hardware co-design that combines the code transformation technique with lightweight hardware support to hide latencies on a stall-on-use in-order processor. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2017-003, author = {Oscar Samuelsson}, title = {Fault Detection in Water Resource Recovery Facilities}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2017, number = {2017-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 20, abstract = {Reliable sensor values are important for resource-efficient control and op-erations of wastewater treatment processes. Automatic fault detection meth-ods are necessary to monitor the increasing amount of data produced in any modern water resource recovery facility (WRRF). Most on-line measure-ments exhibit large variations under normal conditions, due to considerable variations in the influent flow. The work reported in this licentiate thesis deals with fault detection in WRRFs. In the first paper, we studied how Gaussian process regression (GPR), a probabilistic machine learning method, could be applied for fault detection in WRRFs. The results showed that the standard parameter estimation meth-od for GPR suffered from local optima which could be solved by instead estimating the distribution of the parameters with a sequential Monte Carlo algorithm (GPR-SMC). The GPR-SMC allowed for automatic estimation of missing data in a simulated influent flow signal with high noise, which is a representative signal for on-line sensors in WRRFs. In addition, the GPR-SMC provided uncertainty predictions for the estimated data and accurate sensor noise estimates. Care should be taken in selecting a suitable kernel for GPR, since the results were in contrast to the general assumption that prior knowledge can easily be encoded by means of selecting a proper kernel. Here, the autocorrelation graph was found useful as diagnostic tool for se-lecting a proper kernel. In the second paper, we studied how active fault detection (AFD) could be used to reveal information about the sensor status. The AFD was imple-mented by evaluating the change in a dissolved oxygen (DO)-signal caused by the sensor's automatic cleaning system. Fault signatures were obtained for fouling and several other sensor faults such as a worn out or mechanically damaged membrane. This demonstrates the potential of AFD, not only for fault detection, but also for fault diagnosis. Interestingly, the progression of the sensor bias due to organic biofilm fouling differed depending on the measurement technique used within the DO-sensor. This is new knowledge that is valuable for process control and should be further studied. The AFD was implemented on a full scale system to demonstrate its applicability, which is rarely done in research papers in the field of WRRFs. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2017-002, author = {Germ{\'a}n Ceballos}, title = {Modeling the Interactions Between Tasks and the Memory System}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2017, number = {2017-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 11, abstract = {Making computer systems more energy efficient while obtaining the maximum performance possible is key for future developments in engineering, medicine, entertainment, etc. However it has become a difficult task due to the increasing complexity of hardware and software, and their interactions. For example, developers have to deal with deep, multi-level cache hierarchies on modern CPUs, and keep busy thousands of cores in GPUs, which makes the programming process more difficult. To simplify this task, new abstractions and programming models are becoming popular. Their goal is to make applications more scalable and efficient, while still providing the flexibility and portability of old, widely adopted models. One example of this is \emph{task-based programming}, where simple independent tasks (functions) are delegated to a runtime system which orchestrates their execution. This approach has been successful because the runtime can automatically distribute work across hardware cores and has the potential to minimize data movement and placement (e.g., being aware of the cache hierarchy). To build better runtime systems, it is crucial to understand bottlenecks in the performance of current and future multicore systems. In this thesis, we provide fast, accurate and mathematically-sound models and techniques to understand the execution of task-based applications concerning three key aspects: \emph{memory behavior} (data locality), \emph{scheduling}, and \emph{performance}. With these methods, we lay the groundwork for improving runtime system, providing insight into the interplay between the schedule's behavior, data reuse through the cache hierarchy, and the resulting performance.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2017-001, author = {Diana Yamalova}, title = {Hybrid Observers for Systems with Intrinsic Pulse-Modulated Feedback}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2017, number = {2017-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = 3, abstract = {This licentiate thesis deals with a special class of hybrid systems, where the continuous linear part is controlled by an intrinsic impulsive feedback that contributes discrete dynamics. The impacting pulsatile feedback signal is not available for measurement and, therefore, has to be reconstructed. To estimate all the elements of the hybrid state vector, an observation problem is considered. The motivation for the research performed in this thesis comes from mathematical modelling of pulsatile endocrine regulation, where one of the hormones (a releasing hormone) is secreted in pulses from neurons in the hypothalamus of the brain. Thus a direct measurement of the concentration of this hormone in the human is not possible for ethical reasons and has to be estimated. Several hybrid observer structures are proposed and evaluated. The observer design is reduced to a problem of synchronizing the impulsive sequence produced by the observer with that of the plant. It utilizes a local approach of assigning, through the output error feedback in both the discrete and continuous parts of the plant model, a guaranteed convergence rate to the local dynamics of a synchronous mode. Performance of the proposed observer schemes is analyzed by means of pointwise discrete (Poincare) maps. The first two papers of the thesis address the effects of observer design degrees of freedom on the convergence of the hybrid state estimation error. A generalization of the proposed observation scheme to hybrid impulsive systems with a time delay in continuous part of the plant is investigated in Paper~III and Paper~IV. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-012, author = {Peter Backeman}, title = {New Techniques for Handling Quantifiers in Boolean and First-Order Logic}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2016, number = {2016-012}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 12, abstract = {The automation of reasoning has been an aim of research for a long time. Already in 17th century, the famous mathematician Leibniz invented a mechanical calculator capable of performing all four basic arithmetic operators. Although automatic reasoning can be done in different fields, many of the procedures for automated reasoning handles formulas of first-order logic. Examples of use cases includes hardware verification, program analysis and knowledge representation. One of the fundamental challenges in first-order logic is handling quantifiers and the equality predicate. On the one hand, SMT-solvers (Satisfiability Modulo Theories) are quite efficient at dealing with theory reasoning, on the other hand they have limited support for complete and efficient reasoning with quantifiers. Sequent, tableau and resolution calculi are methods which are used to construct proofs for first-order formulas and can use more efficient techniques to handle quantifiers. Unfortunately, in contrast to SMT, handling theories is more difficult. In this thesis we investigate methods to handle quantifiers by restricting search spaces to finite domains which can be explored in a systematic manner. We present this approach in two different contexts. First we introduce a function synthesis based on template-based quantifier elimination, which is applied to gene interaction computation. The function synthesis is shown to be capable of generating smaller representations of solutions than previous solvers, and by restricting the constructed functions to certain forms we can produce formulas which can more easily be interpreted by a biologist. Secondly we introduce the concept of Bounded Rigid \emph{E}-Unification (BREU), a finite form of unification that can be used to define a complete and sound sequent calculus for first-order logic with equality. We show how to solve this bounded form of unification in an efficient manner, yielding a first-order theorem prover utilizing BREU that is competitive with other state-of-the-art tableau theorem provers. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-011, author = {Andreas Svensson}, title = {Learning Probabilistic Models of Dynamical Phenomena Using Particle Filters}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2016, number = {2016-011}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 16, abstract = {Dynamical behavior can be seen in many real-life phenomena, typically as a dependence over time. This thesis studies and develops methods and probabilistic models for statistical learning of such dynamical phenomena. A probabilistic model is a mathematical model expressed using probability theory. Statistical learning amounts to constructing such models, as well as adjusting them to data recorded from real-life phenomena. The resulting models can be used for, e.g., drawing conclusions about the phenomena under study and making predictions. The methods in this thesis are primarily based on the particle filter and its generalizations, sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) and particle Markov chain Monte Carlo (PMCMC). The model classes considered are nonlinear state-space models and Gaussian processes. The following contributions are included. Starting with a Gaussian-process state-space model, a general, flexible and computationally feasible nonlinear state-space model is derived in Paper I. In Paper II, a benchmark is performed between the two alternative state-of-the-art methods SMCs and PMCMC. Paper III considers PMCMC for solving the state-space smoothing problem, in particular for an indoor positioning application. In Paper IV, SMC is used for marginalizing the hyperparameters in the Gaussian-process state-space model, and Paper V is concerned with learning of jump Markov linear state-space models. In addition, the thesis also contains an introductory overview covering statistical inference, state-space models, Gaussian processes and some advanced Monte Carlo methods, as well as two appendices summarizing some useful technical results.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-010, author = {Aleksandar Zelji{\'c}}, title = {Approximations and Abstractions for Reasoning about Machine Arithmetic}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2016, number = {2016-010}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 14, abstract = {Safety-critical systems rely on various forms of machine arithmetic to perform their tasks: integer arithmetic, fixed-point arithmetic or floating-point arithmetic. The problem with machine arithmetic is that it can exhibit subtle differences in behavior compared to the ideal mathematical arithmetic, due to fixed-size representation in memory. Failure of safety-critical systems is unacceptable, because it can cost lives or huge amounts of money, time and effort. To prevent such incidents, we want to formally prove that systems satisfy certain safety properties, or otherwise discover cases when the properties are violated. However, for this we need to be able to formally reason about machine arithmetic. The main problem with existing approaches is their inability to scale well with the increasing complexity of systems and their properties. In this thesis, we explore two alternatives to bit-blasting, the core procedure lying behind many common approaches to reasoning about machine arithmetic. In the first approach, we present a general approximation framework which we apply to solve constraints over floating-point arithmetic. It is built on top of an existing decision procedure, e.g., bit-blasting. Rather than solving the original formula, we solve a sequence of approximations of the formula. Initially very crude, these approximations are frequently solved very quickly. We use results from these approximations to either obtain a solution, obtain a proof of unsatisfiability or generate a new approximation to solve. Eventually, we will either have found a solution or a proof that solution does not exist. The approximation framework improves the solving time and can solve a number of formulas that the bit-blasting cannot. In the second approach, we present a novel method to reason about the theory of fixed-width bit-vectors. This new decision procedure is called \textsf{mcBV} and it is based on the model constructing satisfiability calculus~(\textsf{mcSAT}). The procedure uses a lazy representation of bit-vectors and attempts to avoid bit-blasting altogether. It is able to reason about bit-vectors on both bit- and word-level, leveraging both Boolean constraint propagation and native arithmetic reasoning. It also features a greedy explanation generalization mechanism and is capable of more general learning compared to existing approaches. \textsf{mcBV} is able to reason about bit-vectors with sizes that significantly exceed the usual 32, 64 and 128 bits. Evaluation of \textsf{mcBV} shows an improvement in performance (compared to bit-blasting) on several classes of problems.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-009, author = {Timofey Mukha}, title = {Inflow Generation for Scale-Resolving Simulations of Turbulent Boundary Layers}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2016, number = {2016-009}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 30, abstract = {Generating inflow fields for scale-resolving simulations of turbulent flow is crucial for a wide range of applications and is an active area of research. In this thesis, a method for inflow generation employing a precursor turbulent channel flow simulation is proposed. A procedure for determining the parameters of the precursor simulation based on the properties of the inflow is given. To evaluate the performance of the method, results from a simulation of a flat-plate zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer are analysed. The adaption length is quantified in terms of the development of integral quantities and the statistical moments of the velocity field. The performance is also compared with that of a state-of-the-art rescaling method for the generation of inflow data. It is shown that both approaches result in adaption lengths of comparable sizes, which makes the proposed method an attractive alternative due to its conceptual simplicity and robustness. As part of the work on inflow generation, a Python package, \texttt{eddylicious}, was developed. The purpose of the package is to be a framework within which various generation methods can be implemented. The package is available online under an open-source license. An overview of the architecture and currently implemented functionality of the package is given in this thesis. Furthermore, the results of a preparatory study on large-eddy simulation of wall-bounded turbulent flows are discussed. Fully-developed turbulent channel flow is used as a model problem, and the general-purpose computational fluid dynamics solver \texttt{OpenFOAM} is employed. The accuracy of the results with respect to the resolution of the computational mesh is analysed. Several modelling approaches for the subgrid scale stresses are considered.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-008, author = {Simon Sticko}, title = {Towards Higher Order Immersed Finite Elements for the Wave Equation}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2016, number = {2016-008}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 16, abstract = {We consider solving the scalar wave equation using immersed finite elements. Such a method might be useful, for instance, in scattering problems when the geometry of the domain is not known a priori. For hyperbolic problems, the amount of computational work per dispersion error is generally lower when using higher order methods. This serves as motivation for considering a higher order immersed method. One problem in immersed methods is how to enforce boundary conditions. In the present work, boundary conditions are enforced weakly using Nitsche's method. This leads to a symmetric weak formulation, which is essential when solving the wave equation. Since the discrete system consists of symmetric matrices, having real eigenvalues, this ensures stability of the semi-discrete problem. In immersed methods, small intersections between the immersed domain and the elements of the background mesh make the system ill-conditioned. This ill-conditioning becomes increasingly worse when using higher order elements. Here, we consider resolving this issue using additional stabilization terms. These terms consist of jumps in higher order derivatives acting on the internal faces of the elements intersected by the boundary.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-007, author = {Volkan Cambazoglou}, title = {Protocol, Mobility and Adversary Models for the Verification of Security}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2016, number = {2016-007}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 19, abstract = {The increasing heterogeneity of communicating devices, ranging from resource constrained battery driven sensor nodes to multi-core processor computers, challenges protocol design. We examine security and privacy protocols with respect to exterior factors such as users, adversaries, and computing and communication resources; and also interior factors such as the operations, the interactions and the parameters of a protocol. Users and adversaries interact with security and privacy protocols, and even affect the outcome of the protocols. We propose user mobility and adversary models to examine how the location privacy of users is affected when they move relative to each other in specific patterns while adversaries with varying strengths try to identify the users based on their historical locations. The location privacy of the users are simulated with the support of the K-Anonymity protection mechanism, the Distortion-based metric, and our models of users' mobility patterns and adversaries' knowledge about users. Security and privacy protocols need to operate on various computing and communication resources. Some of these protocols can be adjusted for different situations by changing parameters. A common example is to use longer secret keys in encryption for stronger security. We experiment with the trade-off between the security and the performance of the Fiat-Shamir identification protocol. We pipeline the protocol to increase its utilisation as the communication delay outweighs the computation. A mathematical specification based on a formal method leads to a strong proof of security. We use three formal languages with their tool supports in order to model and verify the Secure Hierarchical In-Network Aggregation (SHIA) protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The three formal languages specialise on cryptographic operations, distributed systems and mobile processes. Finding an appropriate level of abstraction to represent the essential features of the protocol in three formal languages was central.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-006, author = {Anton Axelsson}, title = {Context: The Abstract Term for the Concrete}, school = it, department = vi2, year = 2016, number = {2016-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 18, abstract = {This thesis deals with the term `context' and the aim has been to reason about the term in order to see whether it is possible to reach a satisfactory understanding of the concept. But the thesis is also a journey into human reasoning and conveys a certain view of human cognition. It aims to synthesise results of studies within psychology, cognitive science, anthropology, and human-computer interaction. My understanding is that context is not something we are a part of, but rather something we create mentally in relation a specific goal. Determination of something ambiguous thus comes from top-down processes related to a goal. I believe context has been wrongly interpreted in HCI as that which a user is situated \textit{in} and which a product is being used \textit{in}. I suggest instead a separation between the user environment and the user context.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-005, author = {Ida Bodin}, title = {Cognitive Work Analysis in Practice: Adaptation to Project Scope and Industrial Context}, school = it, department = vi2, year = 2016, number = {2016-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = 23, abstract = {The Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA) framework is widely used by researchers for the analysis of complex systems. It, however, lacks the same impact amongst industrial practitioners. This thesis investigates possible adaptations of the framework to project and industrial constraints, and the consequences associated with such adaptations. Long haul heavy vehicle transportation is the application domain for the work presented in the thesis. The CWA framework has been applied within the Methods for Designing Future Autonomous Systems (MODAS) project. Adaptations have been made to fit the framework within the project constraints and the industrial contexts. Interviews with stakeholders in an industrial organization regarding possible use of models from the CWA framework have been made. The CWA was scaled to available resources when applied within the MODAS project. From this we realized that prioritization of work activity can have consequences on the resulting systems ability to handle unforeseen events. Further, a focus on the current system probed a rapid out-dating of the analysis due to technical development. The conclusion is that even if advantages are lost during adaptation due to practical constraints, the CWA framework could add value to practitioners within industry if adapted to the industrial context.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-004, author = {Kasun Hewage}, title = {Towards a Secure Synchronous Communication Architecture for Low-power Wireless Networks}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2016, number = {2016-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = feb, day = 2, abstract = {The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming the future Internet where most day-to-day devices are connected to the Internet. These devices are often resource constrained and use low-power wireless communication. Hence networks of them are called Low-power and lossy networks (LLNs). LLN devices may be used in critical applications such as health care, traffic and industrial plants that concern privacy and security, thus their communication has to be protected from malicious activities. LLNs face threats at different levels ranging from transmitting bits wirelessly to applications. In this thesis, we primarily explore LLN security issues related to application protocols and attacks that target the availability of LLNs. Particularly, we investigate compressing messages of a transport security protocol, DTLS, to make it efficient for LLNs. The IETF proposes to use DTLS for securing CoAP, a specialized web protocol for constrained devices. Furthermore, we experimentally study disrupting the communication of one of the state of the art LLN protocols, Glossy, by attacking its core mechanism. Secondarily, we aim at improving the performance of TCP in LLNs with mobility over a reliable data link protocol. To this end, we use a Glossy-based communication protocol, LWB, as a reliable data link protocol. We plan to use the evaluation of this work as a stepping stone towards comparing the performance of secure Glossy-based communication protocols. The main contributions of this thesis are threefold. We propose novel message compression mechanisms for DTLS messages. We also present novel attacks on Glossy, evaluate the effectiveness of them experimentally, and propose potential counter measures. Finally, we show that a reliable data link protocol can improve the performance of TCP in static and mobile settings.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-003, author = {Sven-Erik Ekstr{\"o}m}, title = {A Vertex-Centered Discontinuous {G}alerkin Method for Flow Problems}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2016, number = {2016-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = feb, day = 25, abstract = {The understanding of flow problems, and finding their solution, has been important for most of human history, from the design of aqueducts to boats and airplanes. The use of physical miniature models and wind tunnels were, and still are, useful tools for design, but with the development of computers, an increasingly large part of the design process is assisted by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Many industrial CFD codes have their origins in the 1980s and 1990s, when the low order finite volume method (FVM) was prevalent. Discontinuous Galerkin methods (DGM) have, since the turn of the century, been seen as the successor of these methods, since it is potentially of arbitrarily high order. In its lowest order form DGM is equivalent to FVM. However, many existing codes are not compatible with standard DGM and would need a complete rewrite to obtain the advantages of the higher order. This thesis shows how to extend existing vertex-centered and edge-based FVM codes to higher order, using a special kind of DGM discretization, which is different from the standard cell-centered type. Two model problems are examined to show the necessary data structures that need to be constructed, the order of accuracy for the method, and the use of an $hp$-adaptation scheme to resolve a developing shock. Then the method is further developed to solve the steady Euler equations, within the existing industrial \textsf{Edge} code, using acceleration techniques such as local time stepping and multigrid. With the ever increasing need for more efficient and accurate solvers and algorithms in CFD, the modified DGM presented in this thesis could be used to help and accelerate the adoption of high order methods in industry.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-002, author = {Rub{\'e}n Cubo}, title = {Mathematical Modeling for Optimization of Deep Brain Stimulation}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2016, number = {2016-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jan, day = 29, abstract = {Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) consists of sending mild electric stimuli to the brain via a chronically implanted lead. The therapy is used to alleviate the symptoms of different neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's Disease. However, its underlying biological mechanism is currently unknown. DBS patients undergo a lengthy trial-and-error procedure in order to tune the stimuli so that the treatment achieves maximal therapeutic benefits while limiting side effects that are often present with large stimulation values. The present licentiate thesis deals with mathematical modeling for DBS, extending it towards optimization. Mathematical modeling is motivated by the difficulty of obtaining in vivo measurements from the brain, especially in humans. It is expected to facilitate the optimization of the stimuli delivered to the brain and be instrumental in evaluating the performance of novel lead designs. Both topics are discussed in this thesis. First, an analysis of numerical accuracy is presented in order to verify the DBS models utilized in this study. Then a performance comparison between a state-of-the-art lead and a novel field-steering lead using clinical settings is provided. Afterwards, optimization schemes using intersection of volumes and electric field control are described, together with some simplification tools, in order to speed up the computations involved in the modeling. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2016-001, author = {Victor Shcherbakov}, title = {Radial Basis Function Methods for Pricing Multi-Asset Options}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2016, number = {2016-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jan, day = 22, abstract = {The price of an option can under some assumptions be determined by the solution of the Black--Scholes partial differential equation. Often options are issued on more than one asset. In this case it turns out that the option price is governed by the multi-dimensional version of the Black--Scholes equation. Options issued on a large number of underlying assets, such as index options, are of particular interest, but pricing such options is a challenge due to the ``curse of dimensionality''. The multi-dimensional PDE turn out to be computationally expensive to solve accurately even in quite a low number of dimensions. In this thesis we develop a radial basis function partition of unity method for pricing multi-asset options up to moderately high dimensions. Our approach requires the use of a lower number of node points per dimension than other standard PDE methods, such as finite differences or finite elements, thanks to a high order convergence rate. Our method shows good results for both European style options and American style options, which allow early exercise. For the options which do not allow early exercise, the method exhibits an exponential convergence rate under node refinement. For options that allow early exercise the option pricing problem becomes a free boundary problem. We incorporate two different approaches for handling the free boundary into the radial basis function partition of unity method: a penalty method, which leads to a nonlinear problem, and an operator splitting method, which leads to a splitting scheme. We show that both methods allow for locally high algebraic convergence rates, but it turns out that the operator splitting method is computationally more efficient than the penalty method. The main reason is that there is no need to solve a nonlinear problem, which is the case in the penalty formulation. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2015-006, author = {Hanna Holmgren}, title = {Towards Accurate Modeling of Moving Contact Lines}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2015, number = {2015-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = nov, day = 12, abstract = {The present thesis treats the numerical simulation of immiscible incompressible two-phase flows with moving contact lines. The conventional Navier--Stokes equations combined with a no-slip boundary condition leads to a non-integrable stress singularity at the contact line. The singularity in the model can be avoided by allowing the contact line to slip. Implementing slip conditions in an accurate way is not straight-forward and different regularization techniques exist where ad-hoc procedures are common. This thesis presents the first steps in developing the macroscopic part of an accurate multiscale model for a moving contact line problem in two space dimensions. It is assumed that a micro model has been used to determine a relation between the contact angle and the contact line velocity. An intermediate region is introduced where an analytical expression for the velocity field exists, assuming the solid wall is perfectly flat. This expression is used to implement boundary conditions for the moving contact line, at the macroscopic scale, along a fictitious boundary located a small distance away from the physical boundary. Model problems where the shape of the interface is constant throughout the simulation are introduced. For these problems, experiments show that the errors in the resulting contact line velocities converge with the grid size $h$ at a rate of convergence $p \approx 2$. Further, an analytical expression for the velocity field in the intermediate region for the case with a curved solid wall is derived. The derivation is based on perturbation analysis. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2015-005, author = {Siyang Wang}, title = {Analysis of Boundary and Interface Closures for Finite Difference Methods for the Wave Equation}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2015, number = {2015-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 27, abstract = {We consider high order finite difference methods for the wave equations in the second order form, where the finite difference operators satisfy the summation-by-parts principle. Boundary conditions and interface conditions are imposed weakly by the simultaneous-approximation-term method, and non-conforming grid interfaces are handled by an interface operator that is based on either interpolating directly between the grids or on projecting to piecewise continuous polynomials on an intermediate grid. Stability and accuracy are two important aspects of a numerical method. For accuracy, we prove the convergence rate of the summation-by-parts finite difference schemes for the wave equation. Our approach is based on Laplace transforming the error equation in time, and analyzing the solution to the boundary system in the Laplace space. In contrast to first order equations, we have found that the determinant condition for the second order equation is less often satisfied for a stable numerical scheme. If the determinant condition is satisfied uniformly in the right half plane, two orders are recovered from the boundary truncation error; otherwise we perform a detailed analysis of the solution to the boundary system in the Laplace space to obtain an error estimate. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our analysis gives a sharp error estimate. For stability, we study the numerical treatment of non-conforming grid interfaces. In particular, we have explored two interface operators: the interpolation operators and projection operators applied to the wave equation. A norm-compatible condition involving the interface operator and the norm related to the SBP operator is essential to prove stability by the energy method for first order equations. In the analysis, we have found that in contrast to first order equations, besides the norm-compatibility condition an extra condition must be imposed on the interface operators to prove stability by the energy method. Furthermore, accuracy and efficiency studies are carried out for the numerical schemes. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2015-004, author = {Pavol Bauer}, title = {Parallelism and Efficiency in Discrete-Event Simulation}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2015, number = {2015-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = nov, day = 5, note = {PDF updated 2015-10-27 to include the papers.}, abstract = {Discrete-event models depict systems where a discrete state is repeatedly altered by instantaneous changes in time, the events of the model. Such models have gained popularity in fields such as Computational Systems Biology or Computational Epidemiology due to the high modeling flexibility and the possibility to easily combine stochastic and deterministic dynamics. However, the system size of modern discrete-event models is growing and/or they need to be simulated at long time periods. Thus, efficient simulation algorithms are required, as well as the possibility to harness the compute potential of modern multicore computers. Due to the sequential design of simulators, parallelization of discrete event simulations is not trivial. This thesis discusses event-based modeling and sensitivity analysis and also examines ways to increase the efficiency of discrete-event simulations and to scale models involving deterministic and stochastic spatial dynamics on a large number of processor cores.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2015-003, author = {Fredrik Hellman}, title = {Multiscale and Multilevel Methods for Porous Media Flow Problems}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2015, number = {2015-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 25, abstract = {We consider two problems encountered in simulation of fluid flow through porous media. In macroscopic models based on Darcy's law, the permeability field appears as data. The first problem is that the permeability field generally is not entirely known. We consider forward propagation of uncertainty from the permeability field to a quantity of interest. We focus on computing $p$-quantiles and failure probabilities of the quantity of interest. We propose and analyze improved standard and multilevel Monte Carlo methods that use computable error bounds for the quantity of interest. We show that substantial reductions in computational costs are possible by the proposed approaches. The second problem is fine scale variations of the permeability field. The permeability often varies on a scale much smaller than that of the computational domain. For standard discretization methods, these fine scale variations need to be resolved by the mesh for the methods to yield accurate solutions. We analyze and prove convergence of a multiscale method based on the Raviart--Thomas finite element. In this approach, a low-dimensional multiscale space based on a coarse mesh is constructed from a set of independent fine scale patch problems. The low-dimensional space can be used to yield accurate solutions without resolving the fine scale.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2015-002, author = {Ali Dorostkar}, title = {Developments in preconditioned iterative methods with application to glacial isostatic adjustment models}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2015, number = {2015-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 29, abstract = {This study examines the block lower-triangular preconditioner with element-wise Schur complement as the lower diagonal block applied on matrices arising from an application in geophysics. The element-wise Schur complement is a special approximation of the exact Schur complement that can be constructed in the finite element framework. The preconditioner, the exact Schur complement and the element-wise Schur complement are analyzed mathematically and experimentally. The preconditioner is developed specifically for the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) model in its simplified flat Earth variant, but it is applicable to linear system of equations with matrices of saddle point form. In this work we investigate the quality of the element-wise Schur complement for symmetric indefinite matrices with positive definite pivot block and show spectral bounds that are independent of the problem size. For non-symmetric matrices we use generalized locally Toeplitz (GLT) sequences to construct a function that asymptotically describes the spectrum of the involved matrices. The theoretical results are verified by numerical experiments for the GIA model. The results show that the so-obtained preconditioned iterative method converges to the solution in constant number of iterations regardless of the problem size or parameters.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2015-001, author = {Karl Ljungkvist}, title = {Techniques for Finite Element Methods on Modern Processors}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2015, number = {2015-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jan, day = 23, abstract = {In this thesis, methods for efficient utilization of modern computer hardware for numerical simulation are considered. In particular, we study techniques for speeding up the execution of finite-element methods. One of the greatest challenges in finite-element computation is how to efficiently perform the the system matrix assembly efficiently in parallel, due to its complicated memory access pattern. The main difficulty lies in the fact that many entries of the matrix are being updated concurrently by several parallel threads. We consider transactional memory, an exotic hardware feature for concurrent update of shared variables, and conduct benchmarks on a prototype processor supporting it. Our experiments show that transactions can both simplify programming and provide good performance for concurrent updates of floating point data. Furthermore, we study a matrix-free approach to finite-element computation which avoids the matrix assembly. Motivated by its computational properties, we implement the matrix-free method for execution on graphics processors, using either atomic updates or a mesh coloring approach to handle the concurrent updates. A performance study shows that on the GPU, the matrix-free method is faster than a matrix-based implementation for many element types, and allows for solution of considerably larger problems. This suggests that the matrix-free method can speed up execution of large realistic simulations.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2014-007, author = {Ram{\=u}nas Gutkovas}, title = {Advancing Concurrent System Verification: Type based approach and tools}, school = it, department = csd, year = 2014, number = {2014-007}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 20, abstract = {Concurrent systems, i.e., systems of parallel processes, are nearly ubiquitous and verifying the correctness of such systems is becoming an important subject. Many formalisms were invented for such purpose, however, new types of systems are introduced and there is a need for handling larger systems. One examples is wireless sensor networks that are being deployed in increasing numbers in various areas; and in particular safety-critical areas, e.g., bush fire detection. Thus, ensuring their correctness is important. A process calculus is a formal language for modeling concurrent systems. The pi-calculus is a prominent example of such a language featuring message-passing concurrency. Psi-calculi is a parametric framework that extends the pi-calculus with arbitrary data and logics. Psi-calculi feature a universal theory with its results checked in an automated theorem prover ensuring their correctness. In this thesis, we extend psi-calculi expressiveness and modeling precision by introducing a sort system and generalised pattern matching. We show that the extended psi-calculi enjoy the same meta-theoretical results. We have developed the Pwb, a tool for the psi-calculi framework. The tool provides a high-level interactive symbolic execution and automated behavioral equivalence checking. We exemplify the use of the tool by developing a high-level executable model of a data collection protocol for wireless sensor networks. We are the first to introduce a session types based system for systems with unreliable communication. Remarkably, we do not need to add specific extensions to the types to accommodate such systems. We prove the standard desirable properties for type systems hold also for our type system.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2014-006, author = {Per Mattsson}, title = {Pulse-modulated Feedback in Mathematical Modeling and Estimation of Endocrine Systems}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2014, number = {2014-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 9, abstract = {The research field of systems biology has gained a lot of interest during the last decades. Systems biology can be seen as the systematic study of complex interactions in biological systems, mainly by methods from dynamical systems theory. This thesis mainly deals with the testosterone (Te) regulation in the human male, but techniques developed here might be useful for studying other parts of the endocrine system too. The contribution of the thesis can be divided into two parts: one covering mathematical models of Te regulation and another suggesting and validating identification techniques for those models. Regarding modeling, existing models of testosterone regulation have been extended with time delays and nonlinear dynamics, with the purpose of achieving better fit to clinical data. The identification part treats the estimation of unknown model parameters, and estimation of signals that can not be measured in a non-invasive way.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2014-005, author = {Thomas Lind}, title = {Change and Resistance to Change in Health Care: Inertia in Sociotechnical Systems}, school = it, department = vi2, year = 2014, number = {2014-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, day = 13, abstract = {This thesis explores change and resistance to change of IT systems in organisations from a sociotechnical perspective. The work is drawing on empirical data gathered during two Action Research projects in Swedish Health Care: one regarding the deployment of electronic patient record systems within health care organisations, and the other regarding the deployment of eHealth services geared towards patients and citizens. Resistance to change is classified as an indicator of social inertia, and the concept of counter-implementation, comprising three general strategies to obstruct change initiatives, is used to highlight the political aspects of social inertia. For the analysis, the concept of social inertia is used as a point of departure towards inertia in sociotechnical systems by applying values and principles from sociotechnical systems research, most prominently the interdependence-characteristic. This extended concept is used to show and discuss how IT systems can either enforce change or be a source of inertia preventing change in organisations, and such planned or inadvertent effects of implementing IT systems are discussed as a significant source of user resistance.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2014-004, author = {Anne-Kathrin Peters}, title = {The Role of Students' Identity Development in Higher Education in Computing}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2014, number = {2014-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = apr, day = 25, abstract = {Higher Education Research in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) indicates that students are not well supported in the process of integrating their educational experience with their perception of who they are and want to become. This is associated with drop-out and also has consequences for student learning. Here, learning is defined in the broad sense of personal and professional development. This thesis presents results from a research project that explores students' identity development during their first three years of studies. The analysis and results build on interview and essay data collected during a longitudinal study of students in two study programmes at Uppsala University, Computer and Information Engineering (IT) and Computer Science (CS). The main body of data analysed for this thesis was collected from the students at the beginning and end of their first study year. A research framework to study identity has been developed. The notion of identity used in this work has been inspired by Lave and Wenger's social theory of learning, and theory of situated learning. Identity, in this work, refers to students' histories of experiences with a focus on how they negotiate meaning within the discipline of CS/IT. The results describe aspects of CS/IT students' identities and provide a basis from which to discuss the implications of identity for learning and education, as well as to reason about how identity development can be supported in CS/IT education.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2014-003, author = {Liang Dai}, title = {On Several Sparsity Related Problems and the Randomized {K}aczmarz Algorithm}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2014, number = {2014-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = apr, day = 9, abstract = {This thesis studies several problems related to recovery and estimation. Specifically, these problems are about sparsity and low-rankness, and the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm. This thesis includes four papers referred to as Paper A, Paper B, Paper C, and Paper D. Paper A considers how to make use of the fact that the solution to an overdetermined system is sparse. This paper presents a three-stage approach to accomplish the task. We show that this strategy, under the assumptions as made in the paper, achieves the oracle property. In Paper B, a Hankel-matrix completion problem arising in system theory is studied. The use of the nuclear norm heuristic for this basic problem is considered. Theoretical justification for the case of a single real pole is given. Results show that for the case of a single real pole, the nuclear norm heuristic succeeds in the matrix completion task. Numerical simulations indicate that this result does not always carry over to the case of two real poles. Paper C discusses a screening approach for improving the computational performance of the Basis Pursuit De-Noising problem. The key ingredient for this work is to make use of an efficient ellipsoid update algorithm. The results of the experiments show that the proposed scheme can improve the overall time complexity for solving the problem. Paper D studies the choice of the probability distribution for implementing the row-projections in the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm. This relates to an open question in the recent literature. The result proves that a probability distribution resulting in a faster convergence of the algorithm can be found by solving a related Semi-Definite Programming optimization problem.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2014-002, author = {Johannes Nygren}, title = {Output Feedback Control - Some Methods and Applications}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2014, number = {2014-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = 27, abstract = {This thesis studies some output feedback control laws. Particularly, iterative learning control (ILC) and decentralized network based algorithms are studied. Applications to control of wastewater treatment plants are outlined. For a linear, discrete time MIMO plant, it is shown that the size of the global controller gain, also referred to as the diffusion matrix, plays an important role in stabilization of a decentralized control system with possibly non-linear output feedback. Based on information from a step response experiment of the open loop system, a controller gain which is sufficient for stability can be found. For the SISO case, frequency response expressions are derived for the choice of this controller gain. The results relate nicely to notions of optimality and the Nyquist stability criterion. Various types of ILC algorithms are analysed and numerically illustrated. In particular, new expressions of the asymptotic control error variance for adjoint based iterative learning control (ILC) are derived. It is proven that the control error variance converges to its minimum if a decreasing learning gain matrix is used for ILC. In a simulation study ILC is applied to control a sequencing batch reactor. It is shown numerically that an adjoint based ILC outperforms inverse based ILC and model-free, proportional ILC. A merge of an activated sludge process simulator and a simulator for a wireless sensor network is described and used for illustrating some control performance. Finally, in a numerical optimization study it is shown that the aeration energy can be decreased if many dissolved oxygen sensors are used for aeration control in a biological reactor for nitrogen removal. This results may support future use of inexpensive wireless sensor networks for control of wastewater treatment plants. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2014-001, author = {Daniel Jansson}, title = {Mathematical Modeling of the Human Smooth Pursuit System}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2014, number = {2014-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jan, day = 21, abstract = {This licentiate thesis concerns mathematical modeling and identification of the the human smooth pursuit system (SPS) and the application of the models to motor symptom quantification in Parkinson's disease (PD). The SPS is a complex neuromuscular system governing smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM), and the task is to keep a moving target in the visual field. Diagnosing and quantifying the disease is done by interview and clinical observation which requires hours of interaction between the patient and a qualified clinician. Acquiring a better understanding of the SPS cast in mathematical models may be a first step towards developing a technology that allows for fast and automatic PD staging. Lately, the increased performance and accessibility of eye tracking technologies have generated a great deal of interest in the commercial sector. This thesis presents an effort towards developing more sophisticated data analysis techniques in an attempt to extract previously hidden information from the eye tracking data and to open up for new more advanced applications. The SPS relates gaze direction to visual stimuli and may thus be viewed as a dynamical system with an input and an output signal. This thesis considers various parametric and non-parametric black- and grey-box models, both linear and nonlinear, to portray the SPS. The models are evaluated to characterize the SPS in different individuals and to look for discrepancies between the SPS function of healthy controls and Parkinson patients. It is shown that disease does indeed impair the system and that the effects are distinguishable from those of healthy aging.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2013-007, author = {Hjalmar Wennerstr{\"o}m}, title = {Meteorological Impact and Transmission Errors in Outdoor Wireless Sensor Networks}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2013, number = {2013-007}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 17, abstract = {Wireless sensor networks have been deployed outdoors ever since their inception. They have been used in areas such as precision farming, tracking wildlife, and monitoring glaciers. These diverse application areas all have different requirements and constraints, shaping the way in which the sensor network communicates. Yet something they all share is the exposure to an outdoor environment, which at times can be harsh, uncontrolled and difficult to predict. Therefore, understanding the implications of an outdoor environment is an essential step towards reliable wireless sensor network operations. In this thesis we consider aspects of how the environment influence outdoor wireless sensor networks. Specifically, we experimentally study how meteorological factors impact radio links, and find that temperature is most significant. This motivates us to further study and propose a first order model describing the impact of temperature on wireless sensor nodes. We also analyze transmission errors in an outdoor wireless sensor networks, identifying and explaining patterns in the way data gets corrupted. The findings lead to a design and evaluation of an approach for probabilistic recover of corrupt data in outdoor wireless sensor networks. Apart from the experimental findings we have conducted two different outdoor deployments for which large data sets has been collected, containing both link and meteorological measurements. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2013-006, author = {Kristoffer Virta}, title = {Difference Methods with Boundary and Interface Treatment for Wave Equations}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2013, number = {2013-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 22, abstract = {Wave motion in acoustic and elastic media is highly influenced by the presence of outer boundaries and media interfaces. The solutions to the equations governing the wave motion at any point in the domain as a function of time can be sought either through analytical or numerical techniques. This thesis proposes provably stable finite difference schemes to accurately investigate wave interaction with boundaries and interfaces. Schemes for the acoustic wave equation in three spatial coordinates, general domains and heterogeneous media and the elastic wave equation in two spatial dimensions and layered media are presented. A study of the Rayleigh surface wave in almost incompressible media is carried through. Extensive numerical experiments designed to verify stability and accuracy as well as applicability to non - trivial boundary and interface phenomena are given.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2013-005, author = {Emil Kieri}, title = {Numerical Quantum Dynamics}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2013, number = {2013-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 15, note = {Included papers available at \url{http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-179058}, \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/reports/2013-019/}, \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/reports/2013-007/}.} , abstract = {We consider computational methods for simulating the dynamics of molecular systems governed by the time-dependent Schr{\"o}dinger equation. Solving the Schr{\"o}dinger equation numerically poses a challenge due to its often highly oscillatory solutions, and to the exponential growth of work and memory with the number of particles in the system. Two different classes of problems are studied: the dynamics of the nuclei in a molecule and the dynamics of an electron in orbit around a nucleus. For the first class of problems we present new computational methods which exploit the relation between quantum and classical dynamics in order to make the computations more efficient. For the second class of problems, the lack of regularity in the solution poses a computational challenge. Using knowledge of the non-smooth features of the solution we construct a new method with two orders higher accuracy than what is achieved by direct application of a difference stencil.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2013-004, author = {{\AA}man Pohjola, Johannes}, title = {Bells and Whistles: Advanced Language Features in Psi-Calculi}, school = it, department = csd, year = 2013, number = {2013-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 4, abstract = {Psi-calculi is a parametric framework for process calculi similar to popular pi-calculus extensions such as the explicit fusion calculus, the applied pi-calculus and the spi calculus. Remarkably, machine-checked proofs of standard algebraic and congruence properties of bisimilarity apply to every instance of the framework. The contribution of this licentiate thesis is to significantly extend the applicability and expressiveness of psi-calculi by incorporating several advanced language features into the framework: broadcasts, higher-order communication, generalised pattern matching, sorts and priorities. The extensions present several interesting technical challenges, such as negative premises. The machine-checked proofs for standard results about bisimilarity are generalised to each of these new settings, and the proof scripts are freely available online. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2013-003, author = {Daniel Elfverson}, title = {On Discontinuous Galerkin Multiscale Methods}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2013, number = {2013-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, day = 4, abstract = {In this thesis a new multiscale method, the discontinuous Galerkin multiscale method, is proposed. The method uses localized fine scale computations to correct a global coarse scale equation and thereby takes the fine scale features into account. We show a priori error bounds for convection dominated diffusion-convection-reaction problems with variable coefficients. We also present a posteriori error bound in the case of no convection or reaction and present an adaptive algorithm which tunes the method parameters automatically. We also present extensive numerical experiments which verify our analytical findings.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2013-002, author = {Marcus Holm}, title = {Scientific Computing on Hybrid Architectures}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2013, number = {2013-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 31, abstract = {Modern computer architectures, with multicore CPUs and GPUs or other accelerators, make stronger demands than ever on writers of scientific code. As a rule of thumb, the fastest, most efficient program consists of labor- intensive code written by expert programmers for a certain application on a particular computer. This thesis deals with several algorithmic and technical approaches towards effectively satisfying the demand for high-performance parallel programming without incurring such a high cost in expert program- mer time. Effective programming is accomplished by writing performance- portable code where performance-critical functionality is provided either by external software or at least a balance between maintainability/generality and efficiency.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2013-001, author = {Olov Ros{\'e}n}, title = {Parallelization of Stochastic Estimation Algorithms on Multicore Computational Platforms}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2013, number = {2013-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = apr, day = 19, abstract = {The main part of this licentiate thesis concerns parallelization of recursive estimation methods, both linear and nonlinear. Recursive estimation deals with the problem of extracting information about parameters or states of a dynamical system, given noisy measurements of the system output and plays a central role in many applications of signal processing, system identification, and automatic control. Solving the recursive Bayesian estimation problem is known to be computationally expensive, which often makes the methods infeasible in real-time applications and for problems of large dimension. As the computational power of the hardware is today increased by adding more processors on a single chip rather than increasing the clock frequency and shrinking the logic circuits, parallelization is the most powerful way of improving the execution time of an algorithm. It has been found in this thesis that several of the optimal filtering methods are suitable for parallel implementation, in certain ranges of problem sizes. It has been concluded from the experiments that substantial improvements can be achieved by performing "tailor"-made parallelization, compared to straightforward implementations based on multi-threaded libraries. For many of the suggested parallelizations, a linear speedup in the number of cores has been achieved that have provided up to 8 times speedup on a double quad-core computer. As the evolution of the parallel computer architectures is unfolding rapidly, many more processors on the same chip will become available. The developed methods do not, of course, scale infinitely, but definitely can exploit and harness some of the computational power of the next generation of parallel platforms, allowing for optimal state estimation in real-time applications.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2012-009, author = {Andreas Sembrant}, title = {Efficient Techniques for Detecting and Exploiting Runtime Phases}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2012, number = {2012-009}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 21, abstract = {Most applications have time-varying runtime phase behavior. For example, alternating between memory-bound and compute-bound phases. Nonetheless, the predominant approach in computer research has been to categorize an application based on its average runtime behavior. However, this can be misleading since the application may appear to be neither memory nor compute bound. In this thesis we introduce tools and techniques to enable researchers and software developers to capture the true time-varying behavior of their applications. To do so, we 1) develop an efficient technique to detect runtime phases, 2) give new insight into applications' runtime phase behaviors using this technique, and, finally, 3) explore different ways to exploit runtime phase detection. The results are ScarPhase, a low-overhead phase detection library, and three new methods for exploring applications' phase behaviors with respect to: 1) cache performance as a function of cache allocation, 2) performance when sharing cache with co-running applications, and finally, 3) performance and power as a function of processor frequency. These techniques enable us to better understand applications' performance and how to adapt different settings to runtime changes. Ultimately, this insight allow us to create new faster and more power efficient applications and runtime systems that can better handle the increasing computation demands and power constraints of tomorrow's problems.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2012-008, author = {Palle Raabjerg}, title = {Extending Psi-calculi and their Formal Proofs}, school = it, department = csd, year = 2012, number = {2012-008}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = nov, day = {14}, abstract = {Psi-calculi is a parametric framework for extensions of the pi-calculus, with arbitrary data structures and logical assertions for facts about data. This thesis presents broadcast psi-calculi and higher-order psi-calculi, two extensions of the psi-calculi framework, allowing respectively one-to-many communications and the use of higher-order process descriptions through conditions in the parameterised logic. Both extensions preserve the purity of the psi-calculi semantics; the standard congruence and structural properties of bisimilarity are proved formally in Isabelle. The work going into the extensions show that depending on the specific extension, working out the formal proofs can be a work-intensive process. We find that some of this work could be automated, and implementing such automation may facilitate the development of future extensions to the psi-calculi framework.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2012-007, author = {Martins da Silva, Margarida}, title = {System Identification and Control for General Anesthesia based on Parsimonious {W}iener Models}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2012, number = {2012-007}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 17, abstract = {The effect of anesthetics in the human body is usually described by Wiener models. The high number of patient-dependent parameters in the standard models, the poor excitatory pattern of the input signals (administered anesthetics) and the small amount of available input-output data make application of system identification strategies difficult. The idea behind this thesis is that, by reducing the number of parameters to describe the system, improved results may be achieved when system identification algorithms and control strategies based on those models are designed. The choice of the appropriate number of parameters matches the parsimony principle of system identification. The three first papers in this thesis present Wiener models with a reduced number of parameters for the neuromuscular blockade and the depth of anesthesia. Batch and recursive system identification algorithms are presented. Taking advantage of the small number of continuous time model parameters, adaptive controllers are proposed in the two last papers. The controller structure combines an inversion of the static nonlinearity of the Wiener model with a linear controller for the exactly linearized system, using the parameter estimates obtained recursively by an extended Kalman filter. The performance of the adaptive nonlinear controllers is tested in a database of realistic patients with good results. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2012-006, author = {Martin Tillenius}, title = {Leveraging Multicore Processors for Scientific Computing}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2012, number = {2012-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 28, abstract = {This thesis deals with how to develop scientific computing software that runs efficiently on multicore processors. The goal is to find building blocks and programming models that increase the productivity and reduce the probability of programming errors when developing parallel software. In our search for new building blocks, we evaluate the use of hardware transactional memory for constructing atomic floating point operations. Using benchmark applications from scientific computing, we show in which situations this achieves better performance than other approaches. Driven by the needs of scientific computing applications, we develop a programming model and implement it as a reusable library. The library provides a run-time system for executing tasks on multicore architectures, with efficient and user-friendly management of dependencies. Our results from scientific computing benchmarks show excellent scaling up to at least 64 cores. We also investigate how the execution time depend on the task granularity, and build a model for the performance of the task library.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2012-005, author = {Egi Hidayat}, title = {On Identification of Endocrine Systems}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2012, number = {2012-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, day = 1, abstract = {System identification finds nowadays application in various areas of biomedical research as a tool of empiric mathematical modeling and model individualization. Hormone regulation is a classical example of biological feedback where control theories, in general, and system identification, in particular, are indispensable in unraveling the regulation mechanisms and explicating the complex dynamical phenomena arising in endocrine systems. The main function of endocrine feedback regulation is to maintain the hormone levels within a particular physiological range as well as to sustain an appropriate hormone secretion pattern. Therefore, a natural operating mode of a closed-loop endocrine system is a stable periodic cycle. This property significantly reduces the repertoire of readily available identification techniques, not least due to the fact that the regulation (input) signal is immeasurable in many practical cases. There are two approaches to blind identification of hormone dynamics presented in this thesis. The first one is based on constrained nonlinear least-squares method. Weighting functions play an important role in satisfying the biological conditions on the identified model. The second approach is derived from a novel time-delay system identification method in Laguerre domain. In the latter, the time delay appears due to a specific input signal model and is estimated along with the finite-dimensional dynamics of hormone kinetics. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2012-004, author = {Soma Tayamon}, title = {Nonlinear System Identification with Applications to Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2012, number = {2012-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, day = 7, abstract = {The stringent regulations on the emissions levels of heavy duty vehicles create a demand for new methods of reducing harmful emissions from the engine. In order to be able to follow these increasingly stricter legislations, complex aftertreatment systems are used. Achievement of optimal performance of these systems requires accurate models that can be used for control design. As a result, the interest in modelling and control of aftertreatment systems has increased. This thesis deals with the modelling of the nitrogen oxide (NO$_x$) emissions from heavy duty vehicles using the selective catalyst as an aftertreatment system for its reduction. The process of the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is nonlinear since the chemical reactions involved are highly depending on the operating point. The momentary operating point is defined by the driving profile of the vehicle which, for example, includes cold and hot engine starts, highway and urban driving. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate different methods for nonlinear system identification of SCR systems with control in mind. The first two papers contain the theoretical work of this thesis. The first paper deals with improvement of an existing recursive prediction error method (RPEM) where a more accurate discretisation algorithm was used to improve the accuracy of the estimated nonlinear model. The second paper deals with analysis of the convergence properties of the algorithm. For this analysis several conditions were formulated that link the global and local convergence properties of the algorithm to stability properties of an associated differential equation. Global convergence to a stationary point was shown. In the third paper, the RPEM is used for identification of the SCR system and finally the fourth paper a Hammerstein-Wiener model for identification of the SCR system is applied. In both these cases the black-box models could predict the NO$_x$ behaviour of the SCR system quite well. The nonlinear models were shown to describe the SCR system more accurately than linear models.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2012-003, author = {Magnus Gustafsson}, title = {Towards an Adaptive Solver for High-Dimensional {PDE} Problems on Clusters of Multicore Processors}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2012, number = {2012-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = 4, note = {Included papers available at \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-11795-4_44}, \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-28145-7_36}, \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/reports/2011-022} and \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/reports/2012-001}.} , abstract = {Accurate numerical simulation of time-dependent phenomena in many spatial dimensions is a challenging computational task apparent in a vast range of application areas, for instance quantum dynamics, financial mathematics, systems biology and plasma physics. Particularly problematic is that the number of unknowns in the governing equations (the number of grid points) grows exponentially with the number of spatial dimensions introduced, often referred to as the curse of dimensionality. This limits the range of problems that we can solve, since the computational effort and requirements on memory storage directly depend on the number of unknowns for which to solve the equations. In order to push the limit of tractable problems, we are developing an implementation framework, HAParaNDA, for high-dimensional PDE-problems. By using high-order accurate schemes and adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) in space, we aim at reducing the number of grid points used in the discretization, thereby enabling the solution of larger and higher-dimensional problems. Within the framework, we use structured grids for spatial discretization and a block-decomposition of the spatial domain for parallelization and load balancing. For integration in time, we use exponential integration, although the framework allows the flexibility of other integrators to be implemented as well. Exponential integrators using the Lanzcos or the Arnoldi algorithm has proven a succesful and efficient approach for large problems. Using a truncation of the Magnus expansion, we can attain high levels of accuracy in the solution. As an example application, we have implemented a solver for the time-dependent Schr{\"o}dinger equation using this framework. We provide scaling results for small and medium sized clusters of multicore nodes, and show that the solver fulfills the expected rate of convergence.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2012-002, author = {Fredrik Bjurefors}, title = {Measurements in Opportunistic Networks}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2012, number = {2012-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = 2, abstract = {Opportunistic networks are a subset of delay tolerant networks where the contacts are unscheduled. Such networks can be formed ad hoc by wireless devices, such as mobile phones and laptops. In this work we use a data-centric architecture for opportunistic networks to evaluate data dissemination overhead, congestion in nodes' buffer, and the impact of transfer ordering. Dissemination brings an overhead since data is replicated to be spread in the network and overhead leads to congestion, i.e., overloaded buffers. We develop and implement an emulation testbed to experimentally evaluate properties of opportunistic networks. We evaluate the repeatability of experiments in the emulated testbed that is based on virtual computers. We show that the timing variations are on the order of milliseconds. The testbed was used to investigate overhead in data dissemination, congestion avoidance, and transfer ordering in opportunistic networks. We show that the overhead can be reduced by informing other nodes in the network about what data a node is carrying. Congestion avoidance was evaluated in terms of buffer management, since that is the available tool in an opportunistic network, to handle congestion. It was shown that replication information of data objects in the buffer yields the best results. We show that in a data-centric architecture were each data item is valued differently, transfer ordering is important to achieve delivery of the most valued data.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2012-001, author = {Gunnika Isaksson-Lutteman}, title = {Future Train Traffic Control -- Development and deployment of new principles and systems in train traffic control}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2012, number = {2012-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = apr, day = 3, abstract = {The train traffic control system of the future requires new solutions and strategies in order to better meet tomorrow's demands and goals. Uppsala University and Trafikverket has been collaborating for several years in research regarding train traffic control and how to improve traffic controllers' work environment. At an early stage in the collaboration there have been studies and analysis of important aspects of the traffic controller's tasks, strategies, decision making, use of information and support systems. This research resulted in new control paradigms, from control by exception to control by re-planning. By using this paradigm we developed and designed prototype systems and interfaces that better could meet future goals and contribute to more optimal use of infrastructure capacity. Based on this research, a new operational traffic control system called STEG, was developed in an iterative and user-centred design process. The system was deployed and tested operatively at a train traffic control centre in Sweden. The following evaluations focused on what happens when STEG is introduced in train traffic controllers' work places. The evaluation of STEG showed satisfied users with a feeling of active involvement during the design and deployment processes, and the new control strategies are functioning. STEG was seen as successful and was thereafter developed into MULTI-STEG, intended to be used by several users simultaneously and supporting them to share information in a new way. MULTI-STEG was deployed and tested at another train traffic control centre in Sweden. The following evaluations of MULTI-STEG focused on what happens when several users are involved and how train traffic controllers felt of sharing information with each other that before have been only in their own minds. Some complications occurred due to mistakes in the deployment process, but all together the evaluation showed positive attitudes towards the new system and MULTI-STEG was received as an efficient system for train traffic control. The main results are that STEG and MULTI-STEG can be used as an efficient train traffic control system and the new system can reduce the unnecessary cognitive load that the traffic controllers suffer from with today's system. Also the deployment process is crucial whether the users are going to accept a new system or not. STEG was developed in a user-centred design process, but it is important that the deployment process is user-centered as well.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2011-006, author = {Anette L{\"o}fstr{\"o}m}, title = {Intranet Use as a Leadership Strategy}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2011, number = {2011-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 9, abstract = {This thesis presents results from an investigation of a virtual leadership strategy, which is utilised in the city of Stockholm. The Intranet is used as a strategic tool to implement a steering document in a similar way among all employees in the organisation. In this frame, features like sensemakings of the distributed information, influences of experienced lifeworlds, circumstances at local workplaces, cultural aspects and technological issues are explored. The investigation is fully qualitative. Interviews have been processed, recorded and transcribed. A survey with open and unstructured questions has broadened empirical results. The aim is to explore opinions towards and driving forces behind taking part of an Intranet based leader strategy and to investigate what circumstances at local workplaces affect the potential success of such a leader strategy. A new interpretation of Geert Hofstede~s work is suggested in future works. This is framed in a cultural model.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2011-005, author = {Elena Sundkvist}, title = {A High-Order Accurate, Collocated Boundary Element Method for Wave Propagation in Layered Media}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2011, number = {2011-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 9, abstract = {The ultimate goal of this research is to construct a hybrid model for sound propagation in layered underwater environments with curved boundaries by employing a differential formulation for inhomogeneous layers and a boundary integral formulation for homogeneous layers. The discretization of the new hybrid model is a combination of a finite difference method for the Helmholtz equation for inhomogeneous media and a collocated boundary element method (BEM) for the integral equation for homogeneous media, while taking special care of the open boundaries and the common interface. Our focus is on sound wave propagation in layered piecewise \emph{homogeneous} fluid media. A boundary integral formulation of the Helmholtz equation governing the acoustic pressure is employed. A fourth-order accurate, collocated BEM is constructed for this equation in a systematic way, facilitating its generalization to even higher orders of accuracy. A novel approach (for boundary element techniques) is proposed for modelling the open vertical boundaries. We introduce artificial near- and far-field boundaries and apply nonlocal radiation boundary conditions at these. The collocated BEM is implemented in \textsc{Matlab} and the numerical experiments show the expected convergence rate. A strong benefit of the collocated BEM is that only the boundary is discretized, thus, reducing the number of dimensions by one. By a comparison with a fourth-order finite difference method (FD) it is illustrated that both methods have memory requirements of the same order, however, the number of unknowns in the collocated BEM is an order of magnitude less than in FD and the ratio grows with the problem size. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2011-004, author = {Niclas Finne}, title = {Towards Adaptive Sensor Networks}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2011, number = {2011-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 30, abstract = {Wireless sensor networks consist of many small embedded devices that are equipped with sensors and a wireless communication unit. These devices, or sensor nodes, are typically low cost, resource constrained and battery-powered. Sensor network applications include environmental monitoring, industrial condition monitoring, building surveillance, and intelligent homes. Sensor network applications today are often developed either using standard software components which enables simpler development but leads to far from optimal performance, or software customized for the specific application which complicates development, software updates, and software reuse. We suggest that logic is separated from configuration and other information, for instance, network statistics and estimated power consumption. Software components publish their configuration and other information using a generalized programming abstraction. Configuration policies are separate modules that react on changes and reconfigure the sensor node as needed. These configuration policies are responsible for coordinating the configuration between the components and optimize the sensor network towards the application objectives. One of our contributions is that we demonstrate the need for self-monitoring and self-configuration based on experiences from two deployed sensor networks. Our main contribution is that we devise a configuration architecture that solves the problem of cross-layer optimization for sensor network applications without tight coupling between components, thus enabling standard and easily replaceable components to be used. The configuration architecture makes it possible to reach the same level of performance as specialized cross-layer optimizations but without adding application-specific knowledge to the components.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2011-003, author = {Rebecka Janols}, title = {Tailor the System or Tailor the User? How to Make Better Use of Electronic Patient Record Systems}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2011, number = {2011-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 6, abstract = {Health care organisations are extremely complex because they consist of heterogeneous groups of people (clinical professions, patients, managers), use advanced technology (medical devices and patient record systems), and apply many organisational and clinical routines. When introducing Electronic Patient Record systems (EPR) in health care organisations, all these aspects get affected. Using a sociotechnical perspective is necessary in order to get a ``successful'' EPR usage. The aim of my PhD studies is to provide health care organisations with knowledge and insights into how they can improve their organisation and practice in relation to usage of EPR systems. In my research I have used a grounded theory methodology for studying, analysing and reflecting on how electronic patient record systems are used by professionals in their practice. Studies have been conducted during a 2.5 years collaborative research project. Within the studied health care organisation there are differing opinions if an EPR system is mainly a technical system or a tool to support the clinical organisation. This conceptual division leads to an uncertainty in who is responsible for the proper function of the EPR system and have a major effect for the clinicians in their clinical practice. During the research seven potential problems areas, \emph{mandate, usability, education, participation, improvements, support} and \emph{evaluation} have been identified as crucial for the health care organisation to manage to achieve an effective EPR usage. The main results are 1) The health care organisation needs to establish a problem-solving strategy that questions the reasons behind the problems occurred, 2) The different stakeholder groups need to interact, create a better understanding for each other~s perspective and agree on the same goal for the EPR system, 3) The clinical organisation needs help to improve their clinical practice in relation to the EPR system, 4) The EPR deployment and usage affect the clinicians in different ways. Their attitude towards the EPR system is dependent on the usability of the EPR system, the deployment process, their experience of participation, education, support and possibilities to improve the system.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2011-002, author = {Xin He}, title = {Robust Preconditioning Methods for Algebraic Problems, Arising in Multi-Phase Flow Models}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2011, number = {2011-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = apr, day = 18, pages = 52, copies-printed= 80, abstract = {The aim of the project is to construct, analyse and implement fast and reliable numerical solution methods to simulate multi-phase flow, modeled by a coupled system consisting of the time-dependent Cahn-Hilliard and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with variable viscosity and variable density. This thesis mainly discusses the efficient solution methods for the latter equations aiming at constructing preconditioners, which are numerically and computationally efficient, and robust with respect to various problem, discretization and method parameters. In this work we start by considering the stationary Navier-Stokes problem with constant viscosity. The system matrix arising from the finite element discretization of the linearized Navier-Stokes problem is nonsymmetric of saddle point form, and solving systems with it is the inner kernel of the simulations of numerous physical processes, modeled by the Navier-Stokes equations. Aiming at reducing the simulation time, in this thesis we consider iterative solution methods with efficient preconditioners. When discretized with the finite element method, both the Cahn-Hilliard equations and the stationary Navier-Stokes equations with constant viscosity give raise to linear algebraic systems with nonsymmetric matrices of two-by-two block form. In Paper I we study both problems and apply a common general framework to construct a preconditioner, based on the matrix structure. As a part of the general framework, we use the so-called element-by-element Schur complement approximation. The implementation of this approximation is rather cheap. However, the numerical experiments, provided in the paper, show that the preconditioner is not fully robust with respect to the problem and discretization parameters, in this case the viscosity and the mesh size. On the other hand, for not very convection-dominated flows, i.e., when the viscosity is not very small, this approximation does not depend on the mesh size and works efficiently. Considering the stationary Navier-Stokes equations with constant viscosity, aiming at finding a preconditioner which is fully robust to the problem and discretization parameters, in Paper II we turn to the so-called augmented Lagrangian (AL) approach, where the linear system is transformed into an equivalent one and then the transformed system is iteratively solved with the AL type preconditioner. The analysis in Paper II focuses on two issues, (1) the influence of a scalar method parameter (a stabilization constant in the AL method) on the convergence rate of the preconditioned method and (2) the choice of a matrix parameter for the AL method, which involves an approximation of the inverse of the finite element mass matrix. In Paper III we consider the stationary Navier-Stokes problem with variable viscosity. We show that the known efficient preconditioning techniques in particular, those for the AL method, derived for constant viscosity, can be straightforwardly applicable also in this case. One often used technique to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes problem with variable density is via operator splitting, i.e., decoupling of the solutions for density, velocity and pressure. The operator splitting technique introduces an additional error, namely the splitting error, which should be also considered, together with discretization errors in space and time. Insuring the accuracy of the splitting scheme usually induces additional constrains on the size of the time-step. Aiming at fast numerical simulations and using large time-steps may require to use higher order time-discretization methods. The latter issue and its impact on the preconditioned iterative solution methods for the arising linear systems are envisioned as possible directions for future research. When modeling multi-phase flows, the Navier-Stokes equations should be considered in their full complexity, namely, the time-dependence, variable viscosity and variable density formulation. Up to the knowledge of the author, there are not many studies considering all aspects simultaneously. Issues on this topic, in particular on the construction of efficient preconditioners of the arising matrices need to be further studied.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2011-001, author = {David Ekl{\"o}v}, title = {Efficient Methods for Application Performance Analysis}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2011, number = {2011-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = feb, day = 18, abstract = {To reduce latency and increase bandwidth to memory, modern microprocessors are designed with deep memory hierarchies including several levels of caches. For such microprocessors, the service time for fetching data from off-chip memory is about two orders of magnitude longer than fetching data from the level-one cache. Consequently, the performance of applications is largely determined by how well they utilize the caches in the memory hierarchy, captured by their miss ratio curves. However, efficiently obtaining an application's miss ratio curve and interpreting its performance implications is hard. This task becomes even more challenging when analyzing application performance on multicore processors where several applications/threads share caches and memory bandwidths. To accomplish this, we need powerful techniques that capture applications' cache utilization and provide intuitive performance metrics. In this thesis we present three techniques for analyzing application performance, StatStack, StatCC and Cache Pirating. Our main focus is on providing memory hierarchy related performance metrics such as miss ratio, fetch ratio and bandwidth demand, but also execution rate. These techniques are based on profiling information, requiring both runtime data collection and post processing. For such techniques to be broadly applicable the data collection has to have minimal impact on the profiled application, allow profiling of unmodified binaries, and not depend on custom hardware and/or operating system extensions. Furthermore, the information provided has to be accurate and easy to interpret by programmers, the runtime environment and compilers. StatStack estimates an application's miss ratio curve, StatCC estimates the miss ratio of co-running application sharing the last-level cache and Cache Pirating measures any desired performance metric available through hardware performance counters as a function of cache size. We have experimentally shown that our methods are both efficient and accurate. The runtime information required by StatStack and StatCC can be collected with an average runtime overhead of 40\%. The Cache Pirating method measures the desired performance metrics with an average runtime overhead of 5\%. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2010-005, author = {Mikael Laaksoharju}, title = {Let Us Be Philosophers! Computerized Support for Ethical Decision Making}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2010, number = {2010-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 24, abstract = {This thesis presents a computerized tool for ethical decision making. For someone who is unfamiliar with the psychological theory that the tool is based on, it will perhaps first appear as a pointless piece of software. It does not give any guidance to what an ethically correct decision is, it does not suggest relevant ethical principles or guidelines and it does not even make reference to known cases of good moral conduct. In fact, it does not make any moral claims at all. The only two things that the tool does are that it stimulates reflective, analytical and holistic reasoning and blocks automatic, biased and constrained impulses. This approach is chosen to improve the decision maker~s ability to consider the relevant circumstances in a situation. By focusing on relevant interests of stakeholders, the scope of consideration in a moral situation can be expanded and the impact of decisions can be evaluated with respect to these. To justify this non-normative approach, the functionality of normative ethics is analyzed. The conclusion stresses the importance of self-conscious deliberation. Further arguments for advocating a systematic, holistic and self-critical handling of moral problems are collected from both philosophy and psychology. The structure and functionality of the tool is founded in psychological theory and especially the problem of cognitive biases in moral decision making is addressed. The tool has been evaluated in two studies, which both indicate that it actually delivers what it was designed to do. Statistically significant results show that the tool helped users to expand the scope of consideration in a moral problem situation compared to using an equivalent paper-and-pen-based method.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2010-004, author = {Kenneth Duru}, title = {Perfectly Matched Layers for Second Order Wave Equations}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2010, number = {2010-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 7, pages = 102, copies-printed= 80, abstract = {Numerical simulation of propagating waves in unbounded spatial domains is a challenge common to many branches of engineering and applied mathematics. Perfectly matched layers (PML) are a novel technique for simulating the absorption of waves in open domains. The equations modeling the dynamics of phenomena of interest are usually posed as differential equations (or integral equations) which must be solved at every time instant. In many application areas like general relativity, seismology and acoustics, the underlying equations are systems of second order hyperbolic partial differential equations. In numerical treatment of such problems, the equations are often rewritten as first order systems and are solved in this form. For this reason, many existing PML models have been developed for first order systems. In several studies, it has been reported that there are drawbacks with rewriting second order systems into first order systems before numerical solutions are obtained. While the theory and numerical methods for first order systems are well developed, numerical techniques to solve second order hyperbolic systems is an on-going research. In the first part of this thesis, we construct PML equations for systems of second order hyperbolic partial differential equations in two space dimensions, focusing on the equations of linear elasto-dynamics. One advantage of this approach is that we can choose auxiliary variables such that the PML is strongly hyperbolic, thus strongly well-posed. The second is that it requires less auxiliary variables as compared to existing first order formulations. However, in continuum the stability of both first order and second order formulations are linearly equivalent. A turning point is in numerical approximations. We have found that if the so-called geometric stability condition is violated, approximating the first order PML with standard central differences leads to a high frequency instability for any given resolution. The second order discretization behaves much more stably. In the second order setting instability occurs only if unstable modes are well resolved. The second part of this thesis discusses the construction of PML equations for the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. From mathematical perspective, the Schr\"odinger equation is unique, in the sense that it is only first order in time but second order in space. However, with slight modifications, we carry over our ideas from the hyperbolic systems to the Schr\"odinger equations and derive a set of asymptotically stable PML equations. The new model can be viewed as a modified complex absorbing potential (CAP). The PML model can easily be adapted to existing codes developed for CAP by accurately discretizing the auxiliary variables and appending them accordingly. Numerical experiments are presented illustrating the accuracy and absorption properties of the new PML model. We are hopeful that the results obtained in this thesis will find useful applications in time-dependent wave scattering calculations.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2010-003, author = {Salman Zubair Toor}, title = {Managing Applications and Data in Distributed Computing Infrastructures}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2010, number = {2010-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = 31, abstract = {Over the last few decades, the needs of computational power and data storage by collaborative, distributed scientific communities have increased very rapidly. Distributed computing infrastructures such as computing and storage grids provide means to connect geographically distributed resources and helps in addressing the needs of these communities. Much progress has been made in developing and operating grids, but several issues still need further attention. This thesis discusses three different aspects of managing large-scale scientific applications in grids: \begin{itemize} \item Using large-scale scientific applications is often in itself a complex task, and to set them up and run experiments in a distributed environment adds another level of complexity. It is important to design general purpose and application specific frameworks that enhance the overall productivity for the scientists. The thesis present further development of a general purpose framework where existing portal technology is combined with tools for robust and middleware independent job management. Also, a pilot implementation of a domain-specific problem solving environment based on a grid-enabled R solution is presented. \item Many current and future applications will need large-scale storage systems. Centralized systems are eventually not scalable enough to handle huge data volumes and also have can have additional problems with security and availability. An alternative is a reliable and efficient distributed storage system. In the thesis the architecture of a self-healing, grid-aware distributed storage cloud, Chelonia, is described and performance results for a pilot implementation are presented. \item In a distributed computing infrastructure it is very important to manage and utilize the available resources efficiently. The thesis presents a review of different resource brokering techniques and how they are implemented in different production level middlewares. Also, a modified resource allocation model for the Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) middleware is described and performance experiments are presented. \end{itemize}} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2010-002, author = {Carl Nettelblad}, title = {Using {M}arkov Models and a Stochastic {L}ipschitz Condition for Genetic Analyses}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2010, number = {2010-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = 19, abstract = {A proper understanding of biological processes requires an understanding of genetics and evolutionary mechanisms. The vast amounts of genetical information that can routinely be extracted with modern technology have so far not been accompanied by an equally extended understanding of the corresponding processes. The relationship between a single gene and the resulting properties, phenotype of an individual is rarely clear. This thesis addresses several computational challenges regarding identifying and assessing the effects of quantitative trait loci (QTL), genomic positions where variation is affecting a trait. The genetic information available for each individual is rarely complete, meaning that the unknown variable of the genotype in the loci modelled also needs to be addressed. This thesis contains the presentation of new tools for employing the information that is available in a way that maximizes the information used, by using hidden Markov models (HMMs), resulting in a change in algorithm runtime complexity from exponential to log-linear, in terms of the number of markers. It also proposes the introduction of inferred haplotypes to further increase the power to assess these unknown variables for pedigrees of related genetically diverse individuals. Modelling consequences of partial genetic information are also treated. Furthermore, genes are not directly affecting traits, but are rather expressed in the environment of and in concordance with other genes. Therefore, significant interactions can be expected within genes, where some combination of genetic variation gives a pronounced, or even opposite, effect, compared to when occurring separately. This thesis addresses how to perform efficient scans for multiple interacting loci, as well as how to derive highly accurate empirical significance tests in these settings. This is done by analyzing the mathematical properties of the objective function describing the quality of model fits, and reformulating it through a simple transformation. Combined with the presented prototype of a problem-solving environment, these developments can make multi-dimensional searches for QTL routine, allowing the pursuit of new biological insight.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2010-001, author = {Anna Nissen}, title = {Absorbing Boundary Techniques for the Time-dependent Schr{\"o}dinger Equation}, school = it, year = 2010, number = {2010-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = feb, day = 11, abstract = {Chemical dissociation processes are important in quantum dynamics. Such processes can be investigated theoretically and numerically through the time-dependent Schr{\"o}dinger equation, which gives a quantum mechanical description of molecular dynamics. This thesis discusses the numerical simulation of chemical reactions involving dissociation. In particular, an accurate boundary treatment in terms of artificial, absorbing boundaries of the computational domain is considered. The approach taken here is based on the perfectly matched layer technique in a finite difference framework. The errors introduced due to the perfectly matched layer can be divided into two categories, the modeling error from the continuous model and numerical reflections that arise for the discretized problem. We analyze the different types of errors using plane wave analysis, and parameters of the perfectly matched layer are optimized so that the modeling error and the numerical reflections are of the same order. The level of accuracy is determined by estimating the order of the spatial error in the interior domain. Numerical calculations show that this procedure enables efficient calculations within a given accuracy. We apply our perfectly matched layer to a three-state system describing a one-dimensional IBr molecule subjected to a laser field and to a two-dimensional model problem treating dissociative adsorbtion and associative desorption of a H2 molecule on a solid surface. Comparisons made to standard absorbing layers in chemical physics prove our approach to be efficient, especially when high accuracy is of importance.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2009-005, author = {Martin Kronbichler}, title = {Numerical Methods for the {N}avier-{S}tokes Equations Applied to Turbulent Flow and to Multi-Phase Flow}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2009, number = {2009-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 16, abstract = {This thesis discusses the numerical approximation of flow problems, in particular the large eddy simulation of turbulent flow and the simulation of laminar immiscible two-phase flow. The computations for both applications are performed with a coupled solution approach of the Navier-Stokes equations discretized with the finite element method. Firstly, a new implementation strategy for large eddy simulation of turbulent flow is discussed. The approach is based on the variational multiscale method, where scale ranges are separated by variational projection. The method uses a standard Navier-Stokes model for representing the coarser of the resolved scales, and adds a subgrid viscosity model to the smaller of the resolved scales. The scale separation within the space of resolved scales is implemented in a purely algebraic way based on a plain aggregation algebraic multigrid restriction operator. A Fourier analysis underlines the importance of projective scale separations and that the proposed model does not affect consistency of the numerical scheme. Numerical examples show that the method provides better results than other state-of-the-art methods for computations at low resolutions. Secondly, a method for modeling laminar two-phase flow problems in the vicinity of contact lines is proposed. This formulation combines the advantages of a level set model and of a phase field model: Motion of contact lines and imposition of contact angles are handled like for a phase field method, but the computational costs are similar to the ones of a level set implementation. The model is realized by formulating the Cahn-Hilliard equation as an extension of a level set model. The phase-field specific terms are only active in the vicinity of contact lines. Moreover, various aspects of a conservative level set method discretized with finite elements regarding the accuracy of force balance and prediction in jump of pressure between the inside and outside of a circular bubble are tested systematically. It is observed that the errors in velocity are mostly due to inaccuracies in curvature evaluation, whereas the errors in pressure prediction mainly come from the finite width of the interface. The error in both velocity and pressure decreases with increasing number of mesh points.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2009-004, author = {Katharina Kormann}, title = {Numerical Methods for Quantum Molecular Dynamics}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2009, number = {2009-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 9, abstract = {The time-dependent Schr{\"o}dinger equation models the quantum nature of molecular processes. Numerical simulations of these models help in understanding and predicting the outcome of chemical reactions. In this thesis, several numerical algorithms for evolving the Schr{\"o}dinger equation with an explicitly time-dependent Hamiltonian are studied and their performance is compared for the example of a pump-probe and an interference experiment for the rubidium diatom. For the important application of interaction dynamics between a molecule and a time-dependent field, an efficient fourth order Magnus--Lanczos propagator is derived. Error growth in the equation is analyzed by means of a posteriori error estimation theory and the self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian is exploited to yield a low-cost global error estimate for numerical time evolution. Based on this theory, an $h,p$-adaptive Magnus--Lanczos propagator is developed that is capable to control the global error. Numerical experiments for various model systems (including a three dimensional model and a dissociative configuration) show that the error estimate is effective and the number of time steps needed to meet a certain accuracy is reduced due to adaptivity. Moreover, the thesis proposes an efficient numerical optimization framework for the design of femtosecond laser pulses with the aim of manipulating chemical reactions. This task can be formulated as an optimal control problem with the electric field of the laser being the control variable. In the algorithm described here, the electric field is Fourier transformed and it is optimized over the Fourier coefficients. Then, the frequency band is narrowed which facilitates the application of a quasi-Newton method. Furthermore, the restrictions on the frequency band make sure that the optimized pulse can be realized by the experimental equipment. A numerical comparison shows that the new method can outperform the Krotov method, which is a standard scheme in this field.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2009-003, author = {Marta L{\'a}rusd{\'o}ttir}, title = {Listen to Your Users - The Effect of Usability Evaluation on Software Development Practice}, school = it, year = 2009, number = {2009-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 2, abstract = {A vast majority of the people in the western world use software systems on daily basis for achieving their goals. To be able to do that each person needs to communicate what he or she wants to do to the system and receive a response. This communication needs to be easy for the user, especially when the system is new to him or her. Otherwise, the user either quits using the system; it takes a very long time or gets very irritated. A software team that is making new software needs to evaluate the usability of the system and various methods have been introduced in the literature to do that. My research focus in this thesis is on usability evaluation. I study particularly, how usability evaluation methods can be compared, what data should be gathered in usability evaluation to gain knowledge on how the software affects users who are getting new software for their daily work and how useful this data is to the recipients. Two experiments are reported in this thesis where results from using three different usability evaluation methods are compared. The main result from these two studies is that the think-aloud evaluation method should be used, if the goal of the evaluation is to gather as realistic information as possible on usability problems that the users will have when using the system. Furthermore four case studies are described in the thesis, in which usability evaluation was done by using the think-aloud method in co-operation with real users in their real work situation. These studies give much richer information on the actual use of the systems involved. The findings from one of these case studies indicate that the results from user observation done on a system that users have not seen before or used only for few days are rather similar to the results from usability evaluation done when users have used the system for a longer period. So the common practice of doing user observation on a software system that the participants have not seen before and then interpreting that the results will be the same for actual usage of the system when users will use the system for their real tasks for shorter or longer period is adequate.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2009-002, author = {Elina Eriksson}, title = {Making Sense of Usability - Organizational Change and Sensemaking when Introducing User-Centred Systems Design in Public Authorities}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2009, number = {2009-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 2, abstract = {Computers have become an everyday encounter, not at least in work settings. These computers must support the user in order for her to work in an effective and efficient manner. The field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has among other things been focusing on this issue, and there are numerous methods and activities that aim at helping developers to develop usable computer systems. However, the methods and activities must be used in practice in order to be beneficial, not only within research, thus the methods must make sense to the system developers, as well as the organization in which they shall be applied. Furthermore, the organization must change in order to incorporate these methods and activities, and this change must impact a larger part of the organization than just the IT-department. My research has revolved around the introduction of usability methods in public authorities, in particular user-centred systems design (UCSD). My methodology has been action research, which implies a close collaboration with practitioners. Some of the methods used to gather data have been interviews, participatory observations, research diaries and field studies. In this licentiate thesis I present my work up to date and the theories that have informed my understanding of organizations and organizational change. Furthermore I have been influenced by the sensemaking theory, which can be used in order to understand how people make sense of technology, methods and organizational change. With the help of these theories, I extend my results further than presented in the papers. The notion of organizational change when introducing usability issues has not achieved sufficient attention in the HCI-field. This thesis is a step towards an understanding of this issue. Furthermore, I have, with the results from my papers together with the theories presented shown that although formal documents can be used to promote change, it is not enough. Rather there is a need to further explore the interplay between formal aspects and the situated work, and how to enhance sensegiving in this sensemaking process.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2009-001, author = {Joakim Eriksson}, title = {Detailed Simulation of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2009, number = {2009-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 14, abstract = {Wireless sensor networks consist of many small nodes. Each node has a small microprocessor, a radio chip, some sensors, and is usually battery powered which limits network lifetime. Applications of wireless sensor networks range from environmental monitoring and health-care to industrial automation and military surveillance. Since the nodes are battery powered and communication consumes more than computation much of the research focuses on power efficient communication. One of the problems is however to measure the power consumption and communication quality of the different solutions. Simulation of sensor networks can greatly increase development speed and also be used for evaluating power consumption as well as communication quality. Simulation experiments typically give easier access to fine grained results than corresponding real-world experiments. The problem with simulators is that it is hard to show that a simulation experiment corresponds well with a similar real-world experiment. This thesis studies how detailed simulation of wireless sensor networks can be validated for accuracy and also shows several important uses of detailed simulation such as power consumption profiling and interoperability testing. Both of them represent important topics in today's wireless sensor network research and development. The results of the thesis are the simulation platform COOJA/MSPSim and that we show that MAC-protocol experiments performed in our simulator COOJA/MSPSim correspond well with experiments performed in our testbed. We also show that using COOJA/MSPSim any software running in the simulation can be power profiled.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2008-003, author = {Andreas Hellander}, title = {Numerical Simulation of Well Stirred Biochemical Reaction Networks Governed by the Master Equation}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2008, number = {2008-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 15, pages = 34, note = {Included papers available at \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2007.07.020}, \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10543-008-0174-z}, and \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2897976}}, abstract = {Numerical simulation of stochastic biochemical reaction networks has received much attention in the growing field of computational systems biology. Systems are frequently modeled as a continuous-time discrete space Markov chain, and the governing equation for the probability density of the system is the (chemical) master equation. The direct numerical solution of this equation suffers from an exponential growth in computational time and memory with the number of reacting species in the model. As a consequence, Monte Carlo simulation methods play an important role in the study of stochastic chemical networks. The stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) due to Gillespie has been available for more than three decades, but due to the multi-scale property of the chemical systems and the slow convergence of Monte Carlo methods, much work is currently being done in order to devise more efficient approximate schemes. In this thesis we review recent work for the solution of the chemical master equation by direct methods, by exact Monte Carlo methods and by approximate and hybrid methods. We also describe two conceptually different numerical methods to reduce the computational time when studying models using the SSA. A hybrid method is proposed, which is based on the separation of species into two subsets based on the variance of the copy numbers. This method yields a significant speed-up when the system permits such a splitting of the state space. A different approach is taken in an algorithm that makes use of low-discrepancy sequences and the method of uniformization to reduce variance in the computed density function.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2008-002, author = {Ioana Rodhe}, title = {Query Authentication and Data Confidentiality in Wireless Sensor Networks}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2008, number = {2008-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, day = 11, abstract = {In this thesis we consider different aspects of security in sensor networks, in particular query authentication and confidential data aggregation. Authenticating the queries is important so attackers cannot modify existing queries because this would lead to wrong readings; or insert new queries into the network because this would lead to waste of energy. When answering to queries, in-network aggregation in sensor networks is an efficient way to save energy. Nevertheless, node capture in hostile environments require protocols for data aggregation where the intermediate nodes contribute with their own values to the aggregated data without getting access to it. Our contributions are two protocols for query authentication and confidential data aggregation together with a common layered key distribution scheme. Both static and mobile base stations are supported. The proposed protocols use symmetric cryptography, which is preferred in sensor networks because of the sensor's limited computational power, energy supply and memory storage. The results from our simulations show that, if an attacker captures a small number of nodes, the attacker can only introduce unauthorized queries into a limited part of the network and can only get access to a small part of the data that is aggregated into the network.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2008-001, author = {Mattias Wiggberg}, title = {Unwinding Processes in Computer Science Student Projects}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2008, number = {2008-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = {19}, abstract = {This thesis investigates computer science student projects and some of the processes involved in the running of such projects. The reason for this investigation is that there are some interesting claims concerning the use of projects as learning approach. For example, they are supposed to give an extra challenge to the students and prepare them for working life, by adding known development methods from industry the sense of reality is emphasized, and involving industry partners as mock clients also increases the feeling of reality, but still unclear if these features contribute to the students' learning and what can be done to increase the potential for learning. There are thus interesting pedagogical challenges with computer science student projects. There is a need to better understand the effects on learning outcomes as a function of how a student project is designed. The focus in this thesis is on the effects of role taking in the project groups, work allocation, and goal setting in student projects. In this thesis, three studies investigating different aspects of processes in computer science student projects are presented. A number of conclusions are drawn, which serve as a starting point for further research. The first study investigates how power is distributed within a group of students in a full semester computer science project course. Perceived competence of fellow students contributes to personal influence in the student project groups, and three qualitatively different ways of experiencing competence among other students have been identified. The second study investigates experiences of the process of decision-making in a full semester computer science project course. Six categories describing the experience of decision-making have been identified spanning from the experience of decision-making in individual decisions too small and unimportant to handle by anyone else than the individual to the experience of decision-making as a democratic process involving both the full group and the context in which the group acts. The third study investigates Swedish engineering students' conceptions of engineering, where dealing with problems and their solutions and creativity are identified as core concepts. Subject concepts, as math, and physics do not appear in any top position. ``Math'', for example, accounts for only five percent of the total mentioned engineering terms. ``Physics'', the second highest ranked subject term, only accounts for circa 1 percent. By combining the results from the three studies, four central areas of general interest for designing and running student projects have been identified. These four features are: 1) the mechanism for work allocation; 2) students connection to external stakeholders; 3) focus on result or process; and 4) level of freedom in the project task. These four features are related to the results from the three studies in this thesis. The thesis is concluded by proposing an analytical framework based on those four features. The intention with the framework is to provide a useful tool for the analysis and development of future computer science student projects. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2007-006, author = {Bj{\"o}rn Halvarsson}, title = {Interaction Analysis and Control of Bioreactors for Nitrogen Removal}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2007, number = {2007-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, abstract = {Efficient control of wastewater treatment processes are of great importance. The requirements on the treated water (effluent standards) have to be met at a feasible cost. This motivates the use of advanced control strategies. In this thesis the activated sludge process, commonly found in the biological wastewater treatment step for nitrogen removal, was considered. Multivariable interactions present in this process were analysed. Furthermore, control strategies were suggested and tested in simulation studies. The relative gain array (RGA), Gramian-based interaction measures and an interaction measure based on the $\mathcal{H}_2$ norm were considered and compared. Properties of the $\mathcal{H}_2$ norm based measure were derived. It was found that the Gramian-based measures, and particularly the $\mathcal{H}_2$ norm based measure, in most of the considered cases were able to properly indicate the interactions. The information was used in the design of multivariable controllers. These were found to be less sensitive to disturbances compared to controllers designed on the basis of information from the RGA. The conditions for cost-efficient operation of the activated sludge process were investigated. Different fee functions for the effluent discharges were considered. It was found that the economic difference between operation in optimal and non-optimal setpoints may be significant even though the treatment performance was the same. This was illustrated graphically in operational maps. Strategies for efficient control were also discussed. Finally, the importance of proper aeration in the activated sludge process was illustrated. Strategies for control of a variable aeration volume were compared. These performed overall well in terms of treatment efficiency, disturbance rejection and process economy.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2007-005, author = {Mahen Jayawardena}, title = {Parallel Algorithms and Implementations for Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Traits}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2007, number = {2007-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 28, note = {Typo corrected Sep 10 2007. Included papers available at \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2007-005/paperA.pdf}, \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2007-005/paperB.pdf}, \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2007-005/paperC.pdf}, and \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2007-005/paperD.pdf}} , abstract = {Many important traits in plants, animals and humans are quantitative, and most such traits are generally believed to be regulated by multiple genetic loci. Standard computational tools for analysis of quantitative traits use linear regression models for relating the observed phenotypes to the genetic composition of individuals in a population. However, using these tools to simultaneously search for multiple genetic loci is very computationally demanding. The main reason for this is the complex nature of the optimization landscape for the multidimensional global optimization problems that must be solved. This thesis describes parallel algorithms and implementation techniques for such optimization problems. The new computational tools will eventually enable genetic analysis exploiting new classes of multidimensional statistical models, potentially resulting in interesting results in genetics. We first describe how the algorithm used for global optimization in the standard, serial software is parallelized and implemented on a grid system. Then, we also describe a parallelized version of the more elaborate global optimization algorithm DIRECT and show how this can be deployed on grid systems and other loosely-coupled architectures. The parallel DIRECT scheme is further developed to exploit both coarse-grained parallelism in grid or clusters as well as fine-grained, tightly-coupled parallelism in multi-core nodes. The results show that excellent speedup and performance can be archived on grid systems and clusters, even when using a tightly-coupled algorithms such as DIRECT. Finally, a pilot implementation of a grid portal providing a graphical front-end for our code is implemented. After some further development, this portal can be utilized by geneticists for performing multidimensional genetic analysis of quantitative traits on a regular basis.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2007-004, author = {Olof Rensfelt}, title = {Tools and Methods for Evaluation of Overlay Networks}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2007, number = {2007-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 27, abstract = {Overlay networks is a popular method to deploy new functionality which does not currently exist in the Internet. Such networks often use the peer-to-peer principle where users are both servers as well as clients at the same time. We evaluate how overlay networks performs in a mix of strong and weak peers. The overlay system of study in this thesis is Bamboo, which is based on a distributed hash table (DHT). For the performance evaluation we use both simulations in NS-2 and emulations in the testbed PlanetLab. One of our contributions is a NS-2 implementation of the Bamboo DHT. To simulate nodes joining and leaving, NS-2 is modified to be aware of the identity of overlay nodes. To control experiments on PlanetLab we designed Vendetta. Vendetta is both a tool to visualize network events and a tool to control the individual peer-to-peer nodes on the physical machines. PlanetLab does not support bandwidth limitations which is needed to emulate weak nodes. Therefore we designed a lightweight connectivity tool called Dtour. Both the NS-2 and PlanetLab experiments indicate that a system like Bamboo can handle as much as 50 \% weak nodes and still serve requests. Although, the lookup latency and the number of successful lookups suffer with the increased network dynamics.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2007-003, author = {Thabotharan Kathiravelu}, title = {Towards Content Distribution in Opportunistic Networks}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2007, number = {2007-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, day = 8, note = {Typo corrected 2007-06-01}, abstract = {Opportunistic networking is a new communication paradigm. Content Distribution in opportunistic networks is challenging due to intermittent connectivity, short connection durations and a highly dynamic topology. Research is needed to develop new applications and protocols that can distribute content in opportunistic networks. This thesis explores and evaluates approaches to developing mobile P2P systems for content distribution, focusing mainly on the problem of modeling device contacts. Contact duration and patterns of connections influence routing and forwarding strategies. To model device contacts we need to capture the characteristics of the network and be able to model its behavior. Connectivity models capture the aggregated network behavior by modeling the social connectedness of the network. A model of inter-device relationships can be constructed using parameters are extracted from connectivity traces collected in the field using real devices. These traces represent how connectivity might look in an opportunistic network. Altering and fine tuning these parameters enables us to change the stochastic behavior of the network and study the behavior of applications and protocols. Another approach is mobility modeling. There are two major drawbacks to using mobility models. First, in ad hoc networks traces have been collected which estimate the connectivity of the network. Typically traces are then used to model node mobility which in turn generates nodal connectivity during a simulation. This is a wasteful process and as the network size grows it becomes a tedious job. Second, the inter-contact time distribution observed in traces differs greatly from what is generated by popular mobility models. We have developed a connectivity model to generate synthetic device contact traces for opportunistic networks. We present the preliminary validation results from a comparative study of synthetic traces and traces collected in the field.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2007-002, author = {Jonas Boustedt}, title = {Students Working with a Large Software System: Experiences and Understandings}, school = it, year = 2007, number = {2007-002}, pages = 162, copies-printed= 80, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 24, abstract = {This monograph describes an empirical study with the overall aim of producing insights about how students experience the subject Computer Science and its learning environments, particularly programming and software engineering. The research takes a start in the students' world, from their perspective, using their stories, and hence, we have chosen a phenomenographic approach for our research. By interpreting the students' descriptions and experiences of various phenomena and situations, it is possible to gain knowledge about which different conceptions students can have and how teaching and the learning environment affect their understanding. In this study, we focus specifically on students' conceptions of aspects of object-oriented programming and their experiences of problem solving situations in connection with object-oriented system development. The questions posed enlighten and focus on the students' conceptions of both tangible and abstract concepts; the study investigates how students experienced a task concerning development in a specific software system, how they conceived the system itself, and how the students describe the system's plugin modules. Academic education in programming deals with abstract concepts, such as interfaces in the programming language Java. Hence, one of the questions in this study is how students describe that specific abstract concept, in a context where they are conducting a realistic software engineering task. The results show that there is a distinct variation of descriptions, spanning from a concrete to-do list, to a more advanced description where the interface plays a crucial role in order to produce dynamic and adaptive systems. The discussion interprets the results and suggests how we can use them in teaching to provide an extended and varied understanding, where the educational goal is to provide for and strengthen the conditions for students to be able to learn how to develop and understand advanced software.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2007-001, author = {Manivasakan Sabesan}, title = {Querying Mediated Web Services}, school = it, department = csd, year = 2007, number = {2007-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = feb, day = 5, abstract = {Web services provide a framework for data interchange between applications by incorporating standards such as XMLSchema, WSDL SOAP, HTTP etc. They define operations to be invoked over a network to perform the actions. These operations are described publicly in a WSDL document with the data types of their argument and result. Searching data accessible via web services is essential in many applications. However, web services don't provide any general query language or view capabilities. Current web services applications to access the data must be developed using a regular programming language such Java, or C#. The thesis provides an approach to simplify querying web services data and proposes efficient processing of database queries to views of wrapped web services. To show the effectiveness of the approach, a prototype, web Service MEDiator system (WSMED), is developed. WSMED provides general view and query capabilities over data accessible through web services by automatically extracting basic meta-data from WSDL descriptions. Based on imported meta-data, the user can then define views that extract data from the results of calls to web service operations. The views can be queried using SQL. A given view can access many different web service operations in different ways depending on what view attributes are known. The views can be specified in terms of several declarative queries to be applied by the query processor. In addition, the user can provide semantic enrichments of the meta-data with key constraints to enable efficient query execution over the views by automatic query transformations. We evaluated the effectiveness of our approach over multi-level views of existing web services and show that the key constraint enrichments substantially improve query performance.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-012, author = {Stefan Blomkvist}, title = {User-Centred Design and Agile Development of {IT} Systems}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2006, number = {2006-012}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 7, abstract = {Despite the knowledge on the interaction between humans and computers, too many IT systems show great deficits when it comes to usability. Every day we run into technology that makes our every day life and our work unnecessarily complex and difficult because of the IT systems that are not designed to support our tasks in a usable way. This thesis deals with different aspects of usability and the process of how to develop usable IT systems effectively. Primarily, the systems concerned are used in professional work, such as case handling systems in large government organisations. The main objective of this research is to understand which essential factors in the system development process that facilitate the development of usable IT systems. Another key subject is how Human-computer interaction (HCI) knowledge can be integrated into systems development, in particular the integration of user-centred design (UCD) and agile software development. The research is based on a qualitative approach and on reflections from my own experience in development projects. It also includes exploratory studies and design cases. The attempts of bridging the gap between HCI and software engineering have not been notably successful in practice. To address some of these problems, there is a need for a more precise definition of user-centred design, which is proposed in the thesis. Also, the complicated reality of systems development is not considered enough by HCI researchers and practitioner. To reach better results, UCD has to be integrated as a natural part of the development process. In the thesis, I argue that the agile approach together with UCD can be a good starting point for this integration. The agile approach emphasises that responding to change in development is more important than strictly adhering to a plan. Also, it prioritises regular deliveries of working software over extensive models and documentation. However, from a HCI perspective, agile processes do not inherently provide the required support for user-centred design. Nevertheless, the basic values and specific methods of agile development may have the potential to work very well together with UCD. For instance, iterative development is fundamental to both user-centred design and agile development. Finally, the research addresses how iterative methods can be used to find design solutions that support the users to cope with the problems of overview and control in case handling work.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-011, author = {{\AA}sa Cajander}, title = {Values and Perspectives Affecting {IT} Systems Development and Usability Work}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2006, number = {2006-011}, pages = {126}, copies-printed= {80}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 7, abstract = {Computer supported work is often stressful and inadequate computer systems and poor usability contribute to the problem. Still the work situation, and work environment of users are seldom considered when developing computer systems, and it is difficult to incorporate the ideas of User Centred Systems Design (UCSD) in practice. Hence, this research addresses the difficulty in integrating usability, UCSD and occupational health issues in IT systems development in order to improve the resulting work situation and well-being of users. How do basic values and perspectives of stakeholders in systems development projects affect the work with UCSD, usability and users’ health issues in the organisations studied? This research aims at influencing systems development in practice; hence, research is carried out in real life settings with an action research approach. Data is gathered and analysed with a qualitative research approach with interview studies, meetings with stakeholders, analysis of documentation, observations and field studies. The theoretical framework adheres to situated action, participatory design, and UCSD that stresses the importance of involving users in the design process. This research shows that several basic values and perspectives affect systems development and hinder the usability work, for example, the perspective on user representatives, the value of rationality and objectivity, and the perspective underpinning descriptions and discourse on work. Moreover, this research indicates that the strong business values of automation, efficiency and customer satisfaction shape the development of new technology, and ultimately the tasks and work practices of the civil servants. In short, the studies show that there are some contradictions in business values and the implementation of user-centred systems design, usability and health issues in systems development. Attitudes and perspectives are not easily changed, and change comes gradually. In these organisations, we continuously discuss the integration of health issues in systems development, and by introducing and changing the models of systems development these will hopefully enable communication and change forwards of new perspectives and values. However, a focus on models alone is insufficient and therefore we need to develop a systematic approach to include reflection and new perspectives. Perhaps the reflection itself would help us see our values and perspectives and to alter them?} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-010, author = {Henrik Johansson}, title = {Performance Characterization and Evaluation of Parallel PDE Solvers}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2006, number = {2006-010}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = nov, day = {22}, pages = {90}, copies-printed= {80}, note = {Included papers available at \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2006-010/paperA.pdf}, \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2006-010/paperB.pdf}, and \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2006-010/paperC.pdf}} , abstract = {Computer simulations that solve partial differential equations (PDEs) are common in many fields of science and engineering. To decrease the execution time of the simulations, the PDEs can be solved on parallel computers. For efficient parallel implementations, the characteristics of both the hardware and the PDE solver must be taken into account. In this thesis, we explore two ways to increase the efficiency of parallel PDE solvers. First, we use full-system simulation of a parallel computer to get detailed knowledge about cache memory usage for three parallel PDE solvers. The results reveal cases of bad cache memory locality. This insight can be used to improve the performance of the PDE solvers. Second, we study the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) partitioning problem. Using AMR, computational resources are dynamically concentrated to areas in need of a high accuracy. Because of the dynamic resource allocation, the workload must repeatedly be partitioned and distributed over the processors. We perform two comprehensive characterizations of partitioning algorithms for AMR on structured grids. For an efficient parallel AMR implementation, the partitioning algorithm must be dynamically selected at run-time with regard to both the application and computer state. We prove the viability of dynamic algorithm selection and present performance data that show the benefits of using a large number of complementing partitioning algorithms. Finally, we discuss how our characterizations can be used in an algorithm selection framework.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-009, author = {Eddie Wadbro}, title = {Topology Optimization for Acoustic Wave Propagation Problems}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2006, number = {2006-009}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 13, copies-printed= {80}, pages = {112}, abstract = {The aim of this study is to develop numerical techniques for the analysis and optimization of acoustic horns for time harmonic wave propagation. An acoustic horn may be viewed as an impedance transformer, designed to give an impedance matching between the feeding waveguide and the surrounding air. When modifying the shape of the horn, the quality of this impedance matching changes, as well as the angular distribution of the radiated wave in the far field (the directivity). The dimensions of the horns considered are in the order of the wavelength. In this wavelength region the wave physics is complicated, and it is hard to apply elementary physical reasoning to enhance the performance of the horn. Here, topology optimization is applied to improve the efficiency and to gain control over the directivity of the acoustic horn.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-008, author = {Agnes Rensfelt}, title = {Nonparametric Identification of Viscoelastic Materials}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2006, number = {2006-008}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 6, abstract = {Viscoelastic materials can today be found in a wide range of practical applications. In order to make efficient use of these materials in construction, it is of importance to know how they behave when subjected to dynamic load. Characterization of viscoelastic materials is therefore an important topic, that has received a lot of attention over the years. This thesis treats different nonparametric methods for identifying the complex modulus of an viscoelastic material. The complex modulus is a frequency dependent material function, that describes the deformation of the material when subjected to uniaxial stress. With knowledge about this and other material functions, it is possible to simulate and predict how the material behaves under different kinds of dynamic loads. The complex modulus is often identified through wave propagation testing. An important aspect of identification is the accuracy of the estimates. For the identification to be as accurate as possible, it is important that the experimental data contains as much valuable information as possible. Different experimental condition, such as sensor locations and choice of excitation, can influence the amount of valuable information in the data. The procedure of determining optimal values for such design parameters is known as optimal experiment design. The first two papers of the thesis treats optimal experiment design for nonparametric identification of the complex modulus, based on wave propagation tests on large homogenous specimens. Optimal sensor locations is treated in the first paper, and optimal excitation in the second. In the third paper, a technique for estimating the complex modulus for a small pellet-sized specimen is presented. Three different procedures are considered, and an analysis of the accuracy of the estimates is carried out.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-007, author = {Stefan Engblom}, title = {Numerical Methods for the Chemical Master Equation}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2006, number = {2006-007}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 27, copies-printed= 80, pages = 112, note = {Included papers available at \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2006-007/paperA.pdf}, \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2006-007/paperB.pdf}, and \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2006-007/paperC.pdf}} , abstract = {The numerical solution of chemical reactions described at the meso-scale is the topic of this thesis. This description, the \emph{master equation of chemical reactions}, is an accurate model of reactions where stochastic effects are crucial for explaining certain effects observed in real life. In particular, this general equation is needed when studying processes inside living cells where other macro-scale models fail to reproduce the actual behavior of the system considered. The main contribution of the thesis is the numerical investigation of two different methods for obtaining numerical solutions of the master equation. The first method produces statistical quantities of the solution and is a generalization of a frequently used macro-scale description. It is shown that the method is efficient while still being able to preserve stochastic effects. By contrast, the other method obtains the full solution of the master equation and gains efficiency by an accurate representation of the state space. The thesis contains necessary background material as well as directions for intended future research. An important conclusion of the thesis is that, depending on the setup of the problem, methods of highly different character are needed.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-006, author = {Anna Eckerdal}, title = {Novice Students' Learning of Object-Oriented Programming}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2006, number = {2006-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = 6, abstract = {This thesis investigates students' experiences of learning to program. Learning to program is a complex activity. It involves elements of learning abstract concepts as well as both learning and using advanced resources like computers and compilers. The learning experience is affected by factors like students' motives to learn and their general understanding of what learning to program means. These issues form the basis for the four research themes addressed in this thesis, specifically: students' experiences of what learning to program means; how students understand central concepts in programming; how students use and experience help from resources; and students' motives to learn to program. The thesis presents a qualitative study on novice students' experiences of learning object-oriented programming. Data was collected via semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analysed mainly using a phenomenographic research approach. The analysis resulted in the formulation of categories of description of students' qualitatively different ways to understand what learning to program means. In addition, categories describing different ways to understand the concepts \emph{object} and \emph{class} in object-oriented programming were formulated. From an educational point of view, these results can be used to identify aspects of learning to program that are critical from the students' perspective. The analysis of students' use of resources revealed that some resources were mainly used in a search-for-meaning way that promotes good learning, while another group of resources were mainly used in a superficial way. The two groups of resources seem however to interact with each other when students take responsibility for their own learning, which in particular characterizes their work with the larger computer assignments. When working with those, the students describe that both groups of resources were important for the learning. The analysis of students' descriptions of their motives to learn pinpoints motives that can enhance learning. In the study there were students who expressed that they had problems to know how to go about to study computer programming. This might indicate problems about knowing how to use available resources efficiently. Students who do not know how to use resources like the compiler in an efficient way, will have difficulties to perform assignments, which is expressed by the students as very important for the learning of concepts. The results also indicate the importance for educators to provide a learning environment with a variety of resources which can connect to students' different motives to learn, pointed to in the study. In this way all four aspects of the learning experience examined in the present study are important for students' learning of object-oriented programming. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-005, author = {Arvid Kauppi}, title = {A Human-Computer Interaction Approach to Train Traffic Control}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2006, number = {2006-005}, pages = 112, copies-printed= 80, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, day = 30, abstract = {Train traffic in Sweden have increased over the last years and is today at an all time high. At the same time demands for improved punctuality and better predictability are increasing. If it would be possible to improve punctuality and thereby the possibility to use the infrastructural resources more optimally by providing improved systems for controlling train traffic, this could be a very cost efficient way to improve the train traffic. This thesis addresses research with a primary goal to investigate how, from a Human-Computer Interaction perspective, systems could be designed to better support the human's capacity and capabilities to control train traffic in an efficient way. Earlier research on humans in control of complex systems contributes to this work. One important part of the research is to gain knowledge on how train dispatchers perform their work today and which difficulties that exist. The research has a user centered approach. In close co-operation with train traffic professionals we try to discuss and develop solutions for improving the situation Since the project started in 1996 proposals of new strategies for control and also solutions for how such a system can be designed have been developed and to some extent evaluated. The Swedish National Rail Administration (Banverket) is now planning to build an operative control system based on control strategies and ideas from this research project.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-004, author = {Mikael Erlandsson}, title = {Usability in Transportation -- Improving the Analysis of Cognitive Work Tasks}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2006, number = {2006-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, day = 02, note = {ISSN of originally printed version should be 1404-5117}, abstract = {In most vehicle domains within the transportation sector, traffic is increasing and vehicles are becoming more technologically advanced. In addition to this, drivers are faced with conflicting goals, such as punctuality, maintaining safety, minimizing fuel consumption, ensuring passenger comfort, etc. When accidents occur, the drivers' actions and mishaps are often in focus, even though the work environment, the organization behind the drivers, and the educational level may provide equally important explanations for incidents and actions. In this thesis, factors influencing operators' behaviour are acknowledged and attempts are made to understand how these factors affect vehicle operators in their daily work. Even though modern vehicles are equipped with new technology that supposedly aids drivers, studies of actual work typically reveal that these tools are not necessarily suited for their purpose. In a larger perspective, it is necessary not only to improve this technology, but to redesign how vehicle drivers perform their work. In practice, also traditional processes for development of technology affect how the operators work, although then simply a side effect of technology being introduced. Based on a deep understanding of the operators' work, the long-term goal here is to instead design new ways of working that allows the operators to use their skills to do meaningful driving tasks supported by technology. To acquire this understanding of how the operators work, a new method of information acquisition has been developed and tested within the rail and marine domains. These studies resulted with an understanding of what train and high-speed ferry operators are occupied with during their journeys, as well as insights into why they perform in certain manners and how they think and reason about these tasks.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-003, author = {Therese Berg}, title = {Regular Inference for Reactive Systems}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2006, number = {2006-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = apr, day = 27, pages = 132, abstract = {Models of reactive systems play a central role in many techniques for verification and analysis of reactive systems. Both a specification of the system and the abstract behavior of the system can be expressed in a formal model. Compliance with the functional parts in the specification can be controlled in different ways. Model checking techniques can be applied to a model of the system or directly to source code. In testing, model-based techniques can generate test suites from specification. A bottleneck in model-based techniques is however to construct a model of the system. This work concerns a technique that automatically constructs a model of a system without access to specification, code or internal structure. We assume that responses of the system to sequences of input can be observed. In this setting, so called regular inference techniques build a model of the system based on system responses to selected input sequences. There are three main contributions in this thesis. The first is a survey on the most well-known techniques for regular inference. The second is an analysis of Angluin's algorithm for regular inference on synthesized examples. On a particular type of examples, with prefix-closed languages, typically used to model reactive systems, the required number of input sequences grow approximately quadratically in the number of transitions of the system. However, using an optimization for systems with prefix-closed languages we were able to reduce the number of required input sequences with about 20\%. The third contribution is a developed regular inference technique for systems with parameters. This technique aims to better handle entities of communications protocols where messages normally have many parameters of which few determine the subsequent behavior of the system. Experiments with our implementation of the technique confirm a reduction of the required number of input sequences, in comparison with Angluin's algorithm.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-002, author = {Anders Hessel}, title = {Model-Based Test Case Selection and Generation for Real-Time Systems}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2006, number = {2006-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, day = 7, copies-printed= 80, pages = 106, abstract = {Testing is the dominating verification technique used in industry today, and many man-hours and resources are invested in the testing of software products. To cut down the cost of testing, automated test execution becomes more and more popular. However, the selection of which tests to be executed is still mainly a manual process that is error prone, and often without sufficient guarantees that the system will be systematically tested. A way to achieve systematic testing is to ensure that the tests satisfy a required coverage criterion. In this thesis two main problems are addressed: the problem of how to formally specify coverage criteria, and the problem of how to generate a test suite from a formal system model, such that the test suite satisfies a given coverage criterion. We also address the problem of how to generate an optimal test suite, e.g., with respect to the total time required to execute the test suite. Our approach is to convert the test case generation problem into a reachability problem. We observe that a coverage criterion consists of a set of items, which we call coverage items. The problem of generating a test case for each coverage item can be treated as separate reachability problems. We use an on-the-fly method, where coverage information is added to the states of the analyzed system model, to solve the reachability problem of a coverage item. The coverage information is used to select a set of test cases that together satisfy all the coverage items, and thus the full coverage criterion. Based on the view of coverage items we define a language, in the form of parameterized observer automata, to formally describe coverage criteria. We show that the language is expressive enough to describe a variety of common coverage criteria in the literature. Two different ways to generate test suites form a system model and a given coverage criterion are presented. The first way is based on model annotations and uses the model checker Uppaal. The second way, where no annotations are needed, is a modified reachability analysis algorithm that is implemented in an extended version of the Uppaal tool. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2006-001, author = {Linda Brus}, title = {Recursive Black-box Identification of Nonlinear State-space {ODE} Models}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2006, number = {2006-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jan, abstract = {Nonlinear system identification methods is a topic that has been gaining interest over the last years. One reason is the many application areas in controller design and system development. However, the problem of modeling nonlinear systems is complex and finding a general method that can be used for many different applications is difficult. This thesis treats recursive identification methods for identification of systems that can be described by nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The general model structure enables application to a wide range of processes. It is also suitable for usage in combination with many nonlinear controller design methods. The first two papers of the thesis illustrates how a recursive prediction error method (RPEM) can be used for identification of an anaerobic digestion process and a solar heating system. In the former case the model complexity is significantly reduced compared to a semi-physical model of the system, without loosing much in model performance. In the latter case it is shown that it is possible to reach convergence even for a small data set, and that the resulting model is of comparable quality as a previously published grey-box model of the same system. The third paper consists of a convergence analysis of the studied RPEM. The analysis exploits averaging analysis using an associated ordinary differential equation, and formulates conditions for convergence to a minimum of the criterion function. Convergence to a true parameter set is also illustrated by an example. The fourth, and last, paper of this thesis addresses the problem of finding suitable initial parameters \textit{e.g.} for the RPEM. With a potentially non-convex criterion function the choice of initial parameters becomes decisive for whether the algorithm converges to the global optimum, or a local one. The suggested initialization algorithm is a Kalman filter based method. Experiments using a simulated example show that the Kalman based method can, under beneficial circumstances, be used for initialization of the RPEM. The result is further supported by successful identification experiments of a laboratory scale cascaded tanks process, where the Kalman based method was used for initialization. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2005-011, author = {Bj{\"o}rn Holmberg}, title = {Towards Markerless Analysis of Human Motion}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2005, number = {2005-011}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 16, abstract = {The topic for this thesis is the analysis of human movement, or more specifically, markerless analysis of human movement from video material. By markerless analysis is meant that the full image material is used as input in contrast with the traditional marker systems that only use the position of marker centers. The basic idea is to use more of the information in the images to improve the analysis. Starting off with the aim of markerless analysis an application is designed that use to the subject added texture to estimate the position of the knee joint center in real images. The approach show the plausibility of using subject texture for estimation purposes. Another issue that is addressed is how one can generate synthetic image data. Using basic tools of graphics programming a virtual environment used to synthesize data is created. This environment is also used to evaluate some different camera solutions. One method to make three dimensional reconstruction from multiple images of an object is tested using the synthetic data. The method is based on a \emph{"brute force"} approach and does not show good performance in terms of computing speed. With appropriate representations of the three dimensional objects, mathematica methods might speed up the analysis. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2005-010, author = {Paul Sj{\"o}berg}, title = {Numerical Solution of the {F}okker-{P}lanck Approximation of the Chemical Master Equation}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2005, number = {2005-010}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 15, copies-printed= {84}, pages = {100}, abstract = {The chemical master equation (CME) describes the probability for the discrete molecular copy numbers that define the state of a chemical system. Each molecular species in the chemical model adds a dimension to the state space. The CME is a difference-differential equation which can be solved numerically if the state space is truncated at an upper limit of the copy number in each dimension. The size of the truncated CME suffers from an exponential growth for an increasing number of chemical species. In this thesis the chemical master equation is approximated by a continuous Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) which makes it possible to use sparser computational grids than for CME. FPE on conservative form is used to compute steady state solutions by computation of an extremal eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector as well as time-dependent solutions by an implicit time-stepping scheme. The performance of the numerical solution is compared to a standard Monte Carlo algorithm. The computational work for a solutions with the same estimated error is compared for the two methods. Depending on the problem, FPE or the Monte Carlo algorithm will be more efficient. FPE is well suited for problems in low dimensions, especially if high accuracy desirable.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2005-009, author = {Magnus Evestedt}, title = {Parameter and State Estimation using Audio and Video Signals}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2005, number = {2005-009}, pages = {110}, copies-printed= {80}, month = nov, day = {29}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, abstract = {The complexity of industrial systems and the mathematical models to describe them increases. In many cases point sensors are no longer sufficient to provide controllers and monitoring instruments with the information necessary for operation. The need for other types of information, such as audio and video, has grown. Suitable applications range in a broad spectrum from microelectromechanical systems and bio-medical engineering to papermaking and steel production. This thesis is divided into five parts. First a general introduction to the field of vision-based and sound-based monitoring and control is given. A description of the target application in the steel industry is included. In the second part, a recursive parameter estimation algorithm that does not diverge under lack of excitation is studied. The focus is on the stationary properties of the algorithm and the corresponding Riccati equation. The third part compares the parameter estimation algorithm to a number of well-known estimation techniques, such as the Normalized Least Mean Squares and the Kalman filter. The benchmark for the comparison is an acoustic echo cancellation application. When the input is insufficiently exciting, the studied method performs best of all considered schemes. The fourth part of the thesis concerns an experimental application of vision-based estimation. A water model is used to simulate the behaviour of the steel bath in a Linz-Donawitz steel converter. The water model is captured from the side by a video camera. The images together with a nonlinear model is used to estimate important process parameters, describing the heat and mass transport in the process. The estimation results are compared to those obtained by previous researchers and the suggested approach is shown to decrease the estimation error variance by $50\%$. The complexity of the parameter estimation procedure by means of optimization makes the computation time large. In the final part, the time consumption of the estimation is decreased by using a smaller number of data points. Three ways of choosing the sampling points are considered. An observer- based approach decreases the computation time significantly, with an acceptable loss of accuracy of the estimates. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2005-008, author = {Niklas Johansson}, title = {Usable IT Systems for Mobile Work}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2005, number = {2005-008}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, day = 9, pages = 188, copies-printed= 80, abstract = {Today, mobile technology is making its entry into working life within all sorts of occupations. When the purpose of the technology is to support mo-bile work, new requirements appear - for both the technology itself and for the emerging new work processes - as a result of these new conditions. Con-sequently, the introduction of a new IT system will affect the organisation and the way work is performed. This thesis addresses these changes in work processes and ways to provide a supporting IT system. An underlying com-ponent of my research work is the belief that the personnel from the organi-sation itself must participate in a large extent when developing new work processes and when designing supporting IT systems, since they will be us-ing the IT system as a tool in their future work practice. To understand the nature of mobility in a work context and how it affects usability in IT systems, I have initiated studies of the area where mobile work is supported by technology. Important characteristics have been found that affect mobile work. My research work has concerned traditional profes-sions, primarily professions within mobile healthcare. An exhaustive study of how to design new work processes within the area of home care of the elderly has been carried out, accompanied by field studies of mobile work within the mobile healthcare sector. The results have been described in terms of aspects of future work processes that are effective and sustainable. Moreover, important characteristics of mobile technology that support this kind of mobile work have been identified. The two perspectives are then merged, in order to design usable IT systems for mobile work.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2005-007, author = {Mei Hong}, title = {On Two Methods for Identifying Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Systems}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2005, number = {2005-007}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = nov, day = 16, pages = {108}, copies-printed= {80}, abstract = {Identification of dynamic errors-in-variables systems, where both inputs and outputs are affected by errors (measurement noises), is a fundamental problem of great interest in many areas, such as process control, econometrics, astronomical data reduction, image processing, \textit{etc.}. This field has received increased attention within several decades. Many solutions have been proposed with different approaches. In this thesis, the focus is on some specific problems concerning two time domain methods for identifying linear dynamic errors-in-variables systems. The thesis is divided into four parts. In the first part, a general introduction to the problem of identifying errors-in-variables systems and different approaches to solve the problem are given. Also, a summary of the contributions and some topics for future works are presented. The second part of the thesis considers the instrumental variables based approaches. They are studied under the periodic excitation condition. The main motivation is to analyze what type of instrumental variables should be chosen to maximally utilize the information of the periodic measurements. A particular overdetermined instrumental variable estimator is proposed, which can achieve optimal performance without weighting. The asymptotic convergence properties of the Bias-eliminating least squares (BELS) methods are investigated in the third part. By deriving an error dynamics equation for the parameter estimates, it is shown that the convergence of the bias-eliminating algorithms is determined by the largest magnitude of the eigenvalues of the system matrix. To overcome the possible divergence of the iteration-type bias-eliminating algorithms under very low signal-to-noise ratio, we re-formulate the bias-elimination problem as a minimization problem and develop a variable projection algorithm to perform consistent parameter estimation. Part four contains an analysis of the accuracy properties of the BELS estimates. It is shown that the estimated system parameters and the estimated noise variances are asymptotically Gaussian distributed. An explicit expression for the normalized asymptotic covariance matrix of the estimated system parameters and the estimated noise variances is derived. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2005-006, author = {Erik B{\"a}ngtsson}, title = {Robust Preconditioned Iterative Solution Methods for Large-Scale Nonsymmetric Problems}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2005, number = {2005-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = nov, day = 3, note = {Typos corrected 2005-11-21}, abstract = {We study robust, preconditioned, iterative solution methods for large-scale linear systems of equations, arising from different applications in geophysics and geotechnics. The first type of linear systems studied here, which are dense, arise from a boundary element type of discretization of crack propagation in brittle material. Numerical experiment show that simple algebraic preconditioning strategies results in iterative schemes that are highly competitive with a direct solution method. The second type of algebraic systems are nonsymmetric and indefinite and arise from finite element discretization of the partial differential equations describing the elastic part of glacial rebound processes. An equal order finite element discretization is analyzed and an optimal stabilization parameter is derived. The indefinite algebraic systems are of 2-by-2-block form, and therefore block preconditioners of block-factorized or block-triangular form are used when solving the indefinite algebraic system. There, the required Schur complement is approximated in various ways and the quality of these approximations is compared numerically. When the block preconditioners are constructed from incomplete fac\-toriza\-tions of the diagonal blocks, the iterative scheme show a growth in iteration count with increasing problem size. This growth is stabilized by replacing the incomplete factors with an inner iterative scheme with a (nearly) optimal order multilevel preconditioner.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2005-005, author = {Peter Naucl{\'e}r}, title = {Modeling and Control of Vibration in Mechanical Structures}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2005, number = {2005-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, day = {26}, abstract = {All mechanical systems exhibit vibrational response when exposed to external disturbances. In many engineering applications vibrations are undesirable and may even have harmful effects. Therefore, control of mechanical vibration is an important topic and extensive research has been going on in the field over the years. In active control of vibration, the ability to actuate the system in a controlled manner is incorporated into the structure. Sensors are used to measure the vibrations and secondary inputs to the system are used to actuate the flexible body in order to obtain some desired structural response. In this thesis, feedback and feedforward control of active structures are addressed. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part contains a general introduction to the subject of active vibration control and also provides an outline of the thesis. The second part of the thesis treats modeling and feedback control of a beam system with strain sensors and piezoelectric actuators. Physical modeling and system identification techniques are utilized in order to obtain a low order parametric model that is suitable for controller design. The third part introduces the concept of a mechanical wave diode, which is based on feedforward control. A controller is derived on the basis of equations that describe elastic waves in bars. The obtained controller is shown to have poor noise properties and is therefore modified and further analyzed. The final part of the thesis treats the same type of wave diode system as part three, but with more general feedforward filters. Especially, a controller based on Wiener filter theory is derived and shown to drastically improve the performance of the mechanical wave diode.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2005-004, author = {Oskar Wibling}, title = {Ad Hoc Routing Protocol Validation}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2005, number = {2005-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, day = 23, abstract = {We explore and evaluate methods for validation of ad hoc routing protocols which are used to set up forwarding paths in spontaneous networks of mobile devices. The focus is automatic formal verification but we also make an initial account of a protocol performance comparison using structured live testing. State explosion is a major problem in algorithmic verification of systems with concurrently executing components. We comment on some of the best reduction methods and their applicability to our work. For reactively operating ad hoc routing protocols we provide a broadcast abstraction which enables us to prove correct operation of the Lightweight Underlay Network Ad hoc Routing protocol (LUNAR) in scenarios of realistic size. Our live testing effort has thus far uncovered significant problems in the inter-operation between TCP and ad hoc routing protocols. Severe performance degradation results in networks of just a few nodes when very little mobility is introduced. This indicates that verification for smaller network sizes is also interesting since those configurations may be the only useful ones for certain types of applications.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2005-003, author = {Magnus {\AA}gren}, title = {High-Level Modelling and Local Search}, school = it, year = 2005, number = {2005-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, abstract = {Combinatorial optimisation problems are ubiquitous in our society and appear in such varied guises as DNA sequencing, scheduling, configuration, airline-crew and nurse rostering, combinatorial auctions, vehicle routing, and financial portfolio design. Their efficient solution is crucial to many people and has been the target for much research during the last decades. One successful area of research for solving such problems is constraint programming. Yet, current-generation constraint programming languages are considered by many, especially in industry, to be too low-level, difficult, and large. In this thesis, we argue that solver-independent, high-level relational constraint modelling leads to a simpler and smaller language, to more concise, intuitive, and analysable models, as well as to more efficient and effective model formulation, maintenance, reformulation, and verification. All this can be achieved without sacrificing the possibility of efficient solving, so that even time-pressed modellers can be well assisted. Towards this, we propose the ESRA relational constraint modelling language, showcase its elegance on some real-life problems, and outline a compilation philosophy for such languages. In order to compile high-level languages such as ESRA to current generation constraint programming languages, it is essential that as much support as possible is available in these languages. This is already the case in the constructive search area of constraint programming where, e.g., different kinds of domain variables, such as integer variables and set variables, and expressive global constraints are readily available. However, in the local search area of constraint programming, this is not yet the case and, until now, set variables were for example not available. This thesis introduces set variables and set constraints in the local search area of constraint programming and, by doing this, considerably improves the possibilities for using local search. This is true both for modelling and solving problems using constraint-based local search, as well as for using it as a possible target for the compilation of ESRA models. Indeed, many combinatorial optimisation problems have natural models based on set variables and set constraints, three of which are successfully solved in this thesis. When a new set constraint is introduced in local search, much effort must be spent on the design and implementation of an appropriate incremental penalty function for the constraint. This thesis introduces a scheme that, from a high-level description of a set constraint in existential second-order logic with counting, automatically synthesises an incremental penalty function for that constraint. The performance of this scheme is demonstrated by solving real-life instances of a financial portfolio design problem that seem unsolvable in reasonable time by constructive search.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2005-002, author = {H{\aa}kan Zeffer}, title = {Hardware-Software Tradeoffs in Shared-Memory Implementations}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2005, number = {2005-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, abstract = {Shared-memory architectures represent a class of parallel computer systems commonly used in the commercial and technical market. While shared-memory servers typically come in a large variety of configurations and sizes, the advance in semiconductor technology have set the trend towards multiple cores per die and multiple threads per core. Software-based distributed shared-memory proposals were given much attention in the 90s. But their promise of short time to market and low cost could not make up for their unstable performance. Hence, these systems seldom made it to the market. However, with the trend towards chip multiprocessors, multiple hardware threads per core and increased cost of connecting multiple chips together to form large-scale machines, software coherence in one form or another might be a good intra-chip coherence solution. This thesis shows that data locality, software flexibility and minimal processor support for read and write coherence traps can offer good performance, while removing the hard limit of scalability. Our aggressive fine-grained software-only distributed shared-memory system exploits key application properties, such as locality and sharing patterns, to outperform a hardware-only machine on some benchmarks. On average, the software system is 11 percent slower than the hardware system when run on identical node and interconnect hardware. A detailed full-system simulation study of dual core CMPs, with multiple hardware threads per core and minimal processor support for coherence traps is on average one percent slower than its hardware-only counter part when some flexibility is taken into account. Finally, a functional full-system simulation study of an adaptive coherence-batching scheme shows that the number of coherence misses can be reduced with up to 60 percent and bandwidth consumption reduced with up to 22 percent for both commercial and scientific applications.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2005-001, author = {Jesper Wilhelmsson}, title = {Efficient Memory Management for Message-Passing Concurrency --- part {I}: Single-threaded execution}, school = it, department = csd, year = 2005, number = {2005-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, abstract = {Manual memory management is error prone. Some of the errors it causes, in particular memory leaks and dangling pointers, are hard to find. Manual memory management becomes even harder when concurrency enters the picture. It therefore gets more and more important to overcome the problems of manual memory management in concurrent software as the interest in these applications increases with the development of new, multi-threaded, hardware. To ease the implementation of concurrent software many programming languages these days come with automatic memory management and support for concurrency. This support, called the concurrency model of the language, comes in many flavors (shared data structures, message passing, etc.). The performance and scalability of applications implemented using such programming languages depends on the concurrency model, the memory architecture, and the memory manager used by the language. It is therefore important to investigate how different memory architectures and memory management schemes affect the implementation of concurrent software and what performance tradeoffs are involved. This thesis investigates ways of efficiently implementing the memory architecture and memory manager in a concurrent programming language. The concurrency model which we explore is based on message passing with copying semantics. We start by presenting the implementation of three different memory architectures for concurrent software and give a detailed characterization of their pros and cons regarding message passing and efficiency in terms of memory management. The issue examined is whether to use private memory for all processes in a program or if there may be benefits in sharing all or parts of the memory. In one of the architectures looked at, called hybrid, a static analysis called message analysis is used to guide the allocation of message data. Because the hybrid architecture is the enabling technology for a scalable multi-threaded implementation, we then focus on the hybrid architecture and investigate how to manage the memory using different garbage collection techniques. We present pros and cons of these techniques and discuss their characteristics and their performance in concurrent applications. Finally our experiences from turning the garbage collector incremental are presented. The effectiveness of the incremental collector is compared to the non-incremental version. On a wide range of benchmarks, the incremental collector we present is able to sustain high mutator utilization (about 80\% during collection cycles) at a low cost. This work is implemented in an industrial-strength implementation of the concurrent functional programming language Erlang. Our eventual goal is to use the hybrid architecture and the incremental garbage collector as the basis for an efficient multi-threaded implementation of Erlang. The work described in this thesis is a big step in that direction.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2004-006, author = {Stefan Johansson}, title = {High Order Difference Approximations for the Linearized Euler Equations}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2004, number = {2004-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, abstract = {The computers of today make it possible to do direct simulation of aeroacoustics, which is very computational demanding since a very high resolution is needed. In the present thesis we study issues of relevance for aeroacoustic simulations. Paper A considers standard high order difference methods. We study two different ways to apply boundary conditions in a stable way. Numerical experiments are done for the 1D linearized Euler equations. In paper B we develop difference methods which give smaller dispersion errors than standard central difference methods. The new methods are applied to the 1D wave equation. Finally in Paper C we apply the new difference methods to aeroacoustic simulations based on the 2D linearized Euler equations. Taken together, the methods presented here lead to better approximation of the wave number, which in turn results in a smaller L2-error than obtained by previous methods found in the literature. The results are valid when the problem is not fully resolved, which usually is the case for large scale applications.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2004-005, author = {Henrik L{\"o}f}, title = {Parallelizing the Method of Conjugate Gradients for Shared Memory Architectures}, school = it, year = 2004, number = {2004-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = nov, abstract = {Solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) is an important problem in many fields of science and engineering. For most real-world problems modeled by PDEs, we can only approximate the solution using numerical methods. Many of these numerical methods result in very large systems of linear equations. A common way of solving these systems is to use an iterative solver such as the method of conjugate gradients. Furthermore, due to the size of these systems we often need parallel computers to be able to solve them in a reasonable amount of time. Shared memory architectures represent a class of parallel computer systems commonly used both in commercial applications and in scientific computing. To be able to provide cost-efficient computing solutions, shared memory architectures come in a large variety of configurations and sizes. From a programming point of view, we do not want to spend a lot of effort optimizing an application for a specific computer architecture. We want to find methods and principles of optimizing our programs that are generally applicable to a large class of architectures. In this thesis, we investigate how to implement the method of conjugate gradients efficiently on shared memory architectures. We seek algorithmic optimizations that result in efficient programs for a variety of architectures. To study this problem, we have implemented the method of conjugate gradients using OpenMP and we have measured the runtime performance of this solver on a variety of both uniform and non-uniform shared memory architectures. The input data used in the experiments come from a Finite-Element discretization of the Maxwell equations in three dimensions of a fighter-jet geometry. Our results show that, for all architectures studied, optimizations targeting the memory hierarchy exhibited the largest performance increase. Improving the load balance, by balancing the arithmetical work and minimizing the number of global barriers showed to be of lesser importance. Overall, \emph{bandwidth minimization} of the iteration matrix showed to be the most efficient optimization. On non-uniform architectures, proper data distribution showed to be very important. In our experiments we used page migration to improve the data distribution during runtime. Our results indicate that page migration can be very efficient if we can keep the migration cost low. Furthermore, we believe that page migration can be introduced in a portable way into OpenMP in the form of a directive with a \emph{affinity-on-next-touch} semantic.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2004-004, author = {El Shobaki, Mohammed}, title = {On-Chip Monitoring for Non-Intrusive Hardware/Software Observability}, school = it, year = 2004, number = {2004-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, abstract = {The increased complexity in today s state-of-the-art computer systems make them hard to analyse, test, and debug. Moreover, the advances in hardware technology give system designers enormous possibilities to explore hardware as a means to implement performance demanding functionality. We see examples of this trend in novel microprocessors, and Systems-on-Chip, that comprise reconfigurable logic allowing for hardware/software co-design. To succeed in developing computer systems based on these premises, it is paramount to have efficient design tools and methods. An important aspect in the development process is observability, i.e., the ability to observe the system s behaviour at various levels of detail. These observations are required for many applications: when looking for design errors, during debugging, during performance assessments and fine-tuning of algorithms, for extraction of design data, and a lot more. In real-time systems, and computers that allow for concurrent process execution, the observability must be obtained without compromising the system s functional and timing behaviour. In this thesis we propose a monitoring system that can be used for nonintrusive run-time observations of real-time and concurrent computer systems. The monitoring system, designated Multipurpose/Multiprocessor Application Monitor (MAMon), is based on a hardware probe unit (IPU) which is integrated with the observed system s hardware. The IPU collects process-level events from a hardware Real-Time Kernel (RTK), without perturbing the system, and transfers the events to an external computer for analysis, debugging, and visualisation. Moreover, the MAMon concept also features hybrid monitoring for collection of more fine-grained information, such as program instructions and data flows. We describe MAMon s architecture, the implementation of two hardware prototypes, and validation of the prototypes in different case-studies. The main conclusion is that process level events can be traced non-intrusively by integrating the IPU with a hardware RTK. Furthermore, the IPU s small footprint makes it attractive for SoC designs, as it provides increased system observability at a low hardware cost. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2004-003, author = {Yngve Sel{\'e}n}, title = {Model Selection}, school = it, year = {2004}, number = {2004-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, abstract = {Before using a parametric model one has to be sure that it offers a reasonable description of the system to be modeled. If a bad model structure is employed, the obtained model will also be bad, no matter how good is the parameter estimation method. There exist many possible ways of validating candidate models. This thesis focuses on one of the most common ways, i.e., the use of information criteria. First, some common information criteria are presented, and in the later chapters, various extentions and implementations are shown. An important extention, which is advocated in the thesis, is the multi-model (or model averaging) approach to model selection. This multi-model approach consists of forming a weighted sum of several candidate models, which then can be used for inference.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2004-002, author = {Markus Nord{\'e}n}, title = {Parallel {PDE} Solvers on cc-{NUMA} Systems}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2004, number = {2004-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, note = {Included papers are available at: Paper A: \url{http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V06-49W6S4M-1/2/23cb25585b2742595f319f4cedd0b65f}, Paper C: \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2004-002/2004-002-C.pdf}, Paper D: \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/reports/2004-006}} , abstract = {The current trend in parallel computers is that systems with a large shared memory are becoming more and more popular. A shared memory system can be either a uniform memory architecture (UMA) or a cache coherent non-uniform memory architecture (cc-NUMA). In the present thesis, the performance of parallel PDE solvers on cc-NUMA computers is studied. In particular, we consider the shared namespace programming model, represented by OpenMP. Since the main memory is physically, or \emph{geographically} distributed over several multi-processor nodes, the latency for local memory accesses is smaller than for remote accesses. Therefore, the \emph{geographical locality} of the data becomes important. The questions posed in this thesis are: (1)~How large is the influence on performance of the non-uniformity of the memory system? (2)~How should a program be written in order to reduce this influence? (3)~Is it possible to introduce optimizations in the computer system for this purpose? Most of the application codes studied address the Euler equations using a finite difference method and a finite volume method respectively and are parallelized with OpenMP. Comparisons are made with an alternative implementation using MPI and with PDE solvers implemented with OpenMP that solve other equations using different numerical methods. The main conclusion is that geographical locality is important for performance on cc-NUMA systems. This can be achieved through self optimization provided in the system or through migrate-on-next-touch directives that could be inserted automatically by the compiler. We also conclude that OpenMP is competitive with MPI on cc-NUMA systems if care is taken to get a favourable data distribution. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2004-001, author = {Niclas Sandgren}, title = {Parametric Methods for Frequency-Selective {MR} Spectroscopy}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2004, number = {2004-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, abstract = {Accurate and efficient quantitation of the data components in magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) signals can be an important step in the analysis of biochemical substances. In several practical applications of MR spectroscopy the user is interested only in the data components lying in a small frequency band of the spectrum. A frequency-selective, or sub-band, analysis deals precisely with this kind of spectroscopy: estimation of only those spectroscopic components that lie in a selected frequency band of the (MR) data spectrum, with as little interference as possible from the out-of-band components and in a computationally efficient way. One obvious application for such a sub-band technique is to lower the computational burden in situations when the measured data sequence contains too many samples to be processed using a standard full-spectrum method. This thesis deals with several parametric methods to perform a frequency-selective data analysis. In addition, the possibility to incorporate prior knowledge about some of the components in the data is considered, a procedure that generally increases the parameter estimation performance significantly. A data model of exponentially damped sinusoids is assumed for the presented methods, which are applied to both simulated and experimental (in-vitro) MR data. Keywords: frequency-selective spectroscopy; frequency-domain data processing; sub-band analysis; SVD-based parameter estimation; damped sinusoidal model.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-015, author = {Erik Berg}, title = {Methods for Run Time Analysis of Data Locality}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2003, number = {2003-015}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, abstract = {The growing gap between processor clock speed and DRAM access time puts new demands on software and development tools. Deep memory hierarchies and high cache miss penalties in present and emerging computer systems make execution time sensitive to data locality. Therefore, developers of performance-critical applications and optimizing compilers must be aware of data locality and maximize cache utilization to produce fast code. To aid the optimization process and help understanding data locality, we need methods to analyze programs and pinpoint poor cache utilization and possible optimization opportunities. Current methods for run-time analysis of data locality and cache behavior include functional cache simulation, often combined with set sampling or time sampling, other regularity metrics based on strides and data streams, and hardware monitoring. However, they all share the trade-off between run-time overhead, accuracy and explanatory power. This thesis presents methods to efficiently analyze data locality at run time based on cache modeling. It suggests source- interdependence profiling as a technique for examining the cache behavior of applications and locating source code statements and/or data structures that cause poor cache utilization. The thesis also introduces a novel statistical cache-modeling technique, StatCache. Rather than implementing a functional cache simulator, StatCache estimates the miss ratios of fully-associative caches using probability theory. A major advantage of the method is that the miss ratio estimates can be based on very sparse sampling. Further, a single run of an application is enough to estimate the miss ratio of caches of arbitrary sizes and line sizes and to study both spatial and temporal data locality.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-014, author = {Kajsa Ljungberg}, title = {Numerical Methods for Mapping of Multiple {QTL}}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2003, number = {2003-014}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = nov, abstract = {This thesis concerns numerical methods for mapping of multiple quantitative trait loci, QTL. Interactions between multiple genetic loci influencing important traits, such as growth rate in farm animals and predisposition to cancer in humans, make it necessary to search for several QTL simultaneously. Simultaneous search for $n$ QTL involves solving an $n$-dimensional global optimization problem, where each evaluation of the objective function consists of solving a generalized least squares problem. In Paper A we present efficient algorithms, mainly based on updated QR factorizations, for evaluating the objective functions of different parametric QTL mapping methods. One of these algorithms reduces the computational work required for an important function class by one order of magnitude compared with the best of the methods used by other authors. In Paper B previously utilized techniques for finding the global optimum of the objective function are compared with a new approach based on the DIRECT algorithm of Jones et al. The new method gives accurate results in one order of magnitude less time than the best of the formerly employed algorithms. Using the algorithms presented in Papers A and B, simultaneous search for at least three QTL, including computation of the relevant empirical significance thresholds, can be performed routinely.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-013, author = {Stina Nylander}, title = {The Ubiquitous Interactor - Mobile Services with Multiple User Interfaces}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2003, number = {2003-013}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, abstract = {This licentiate thesis addresses design and development problems that arise when service providers, and service end-users face the variety of computing devices available on the market. The devices are designed for many types of use in various situations and settings, which means that they have different capabilities in terms of presentation, interaction, memory, etc. Service providers often handle these differences by creating a new version for each device. This creates a lot of development and maintenance work, and often leads to restrictions on the set of devices that services are developed for. For service end-users, this means that it can be difficult to combine devices that fit the intended usage context and services that provide the needed content. New development methods that target multiple devices from the start are needed. The differences between devices call for services that can adapt to various devices, and present themselves with device specific user interfaces. We propose a way of developing device independent services by using interaction acts to describe user-service interaction. Devices would interpret the interaction acts and generate user interfaces according to their own specific capabilities. Additional presentation information can be encoded in customization forms, to further control how the user interface would be generated. Different devices would generate different user interfaces from the same interaction acts, and a device could generate different user interfaces from the same interaction acts combined with different customization forms. In this thesis, the interaction act and customization form concepts are described in detail. A system prototype handling them and two sample services have been implemented. Preliminary evaluations indicate that interaction acts and customization forms constitute a feasible approach for developing services with multiple user interfaces. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the problems arising when evaluating this kind of systems, and some conclusions on how to continue the evaluation process.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-012, author = {Olivier Amoignon}, title = {Adjoint-Based Aerodynamic Shape Optimization}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2003, number = {2003-012}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, note = {In the first printed version, many references to the bibliography are off by one. The online version does not have this error}, abstract = {An adjoint system of the Euler equations of gas dynamics is derived in order to solve aerodynamic shape optimization problems with gradient-based methods. The derivation is based on the fully discrete flow model and involves differentiation and transposition of the system of equations obtained by an unstructured and node-centered finite-volume discretization. Solving the adjoint equations allows an efficient calculation of gradients, also when the subject of optimization is described by hundreds or thousands of design parameters. Such a fine geometry description may cause wavy or otherwise irregular designs during the optimization process. Using the one-to-one mapping defined by a Poisson problem is a known technique that produces smooth design updates while keeping a fine resolution of the geometry. This technique is extended here to combine the smoothing effect with constraints on the geometry, by defining the design updates as solutions of a quadratic programming problem associated with the Poisson problem. These methods are applied to airfoil shape optimization for reduction of the wave drag, that is, the drag caused by gas dynamic effects that occur close to the speed of sound. A second application concerns airfoil design optimization to delay the laminar-to-turbulent transition point in the boundary layer in order to reduce the drag. The latter application has been performed by the author with collaborators, also using gradient-based optimization. Here, the growth of convectively unstable disturbances are modeled by successively solving the Euler equations, the boundary layer equations, and the parabolized stability equations.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-011, author = {Tobias Amnell}, title = {Code Synthesis for Timed Automata}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2003, number = {2003-011}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, abstract = {In this thesis, we study executable behaviours of timed models. The focus is on synthesis of executable code with predictable behaviours from high level abstract models. We assume that a timed system consists of two parts: the control software and the plant (i.e. the environment to be controlled). Both are modelled as timed automata extended with real time tasks. We consider the extended timed automata as design models. We present a compilation procedure to transform design models to executable code including a run-time scheduler (run time system) preserving the correctness and schedulability of the models. The compilation procedure has been implemented in a prototype C-code generator for the brickOS operating system included in the Times tool. We also present an animator, based on hybrid automata, to be used to describe a simulated environment (i.e. the plant) for timed systems. The tasks of the hybrid automata define differential equations and the animator uses a differential equations solver to calculate step-wise approximations of real valued variables. The animated objects, described as hybrid automata, are compiled by the Times tool into executable code using a similar procedure as for controller software. To demonstrate the applicability of timed automata with tasks as a design language we have developed the control software for a production cell. The production cell is built in LEGO and is controlled by a Hitachi H8 based LEGO-Mindstorms control brick. The control software has been analysed (using the Times tool) for schedulability and other safety properties. Using results from the analysis we were able to avoid generating code for parts of the design that could never be reached, and could also limit the amount of memory allocated for the task queue.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-010, author = {Dan Wallin}, title = {Exploiting Data Locality in Adaptive Architectures}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2003, number = {2003-010}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, abstract = {The speed of processors increases much faster than the memory access time. This makes memory accesses expensive. To meet this problem, cache hierarchies are introduced to serve the processor with data. However, the effectiveness of caches depends on the amount of locality in the application's memory access pattern. The behavior of various programs differs greatly in terms of cache miss characteristics, access patterns and communication intensity. Therefore a computer built for many different computational tasks potentially benefits from dynamically adapting to the varying needs of the applications. This thesis shows that a cc-NUMA multiprocessor with data migration and replication optimizations efficiently exploits the temporal locality of algorithms. The performance of the self-optimizing system is similar to a system with a perfect initial thread and data placement. Data locality optimizations are not for free. Large cache line coherence protocols improve spatial locality but yield increases in false sharing misses for many applications. Prefetching techniques that reduce the cache misses often lead to increased address and data traffic. Several techniques introduced in this thesis efficiently avoid these drawbacks. The bundling technique reduces the coherence traffic in multiprocessor prefetchers. This is especially important in snoop-based systems where the coherence bandwidth is a scarce resource. Bundled prefetchers manage to reduce both the cache miss rate and the coherence traffic compared with non-prefetching protocols. The most efficient bundled prefetching protocol studied, lowers the cache misses by 27 percent and the address snoops by 24 percent relative to a non-prefetching protocol on average for all examined applications. Another proposed technique, capacity prefetching, avoids false sharing misses by distinguishing between cache lines involved in communication from non-communicating cache lines at run-time.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-009, author = {Martin Karlsson}, title = {Cache Memory Design Trade-offs for Current and Emerging Workloads}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2003, number = {2003-009}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, abstract = {The memory system is the key to performance in contemporary computer systems. When designing a new memory system, architectural decisions are often arbitrated based on their expected performance effect. It is therefore very important to make performance estimates based on workloads that accurately reflect the future use of the system. This thesis presents the first memory system characterization study of Java-based middleware, which is an emerging workload likely to be an important design consideration for next generation processors and servers. Manufacturing technology has reached a point where it is now possible to fit multiple full-scale processors and integrate board-level features on a chip. The raised competition for chip resources has increased the need to design more effective caches without trading off area or power. Two common ways to improve cache performance is to increase the size or associativity of the cache. Both of these approaches come at a high cost in chip area as well as power. This thesis presents two new cache organizations, each aimed at more efficient use of either power or area. First, the Elbow cache is presented, which is shown to be a power-efficient alternative to highly set-associative caches. Secondly, a selective cache allocation algorithm is presented, RASCAL, that significantly reduces the miss ratio at a limited cost in area.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-008, author = {Zoran Radovic}, title = {Efficient Synchronization and Coherence for Nonuniform Communication Architectures}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2003, number = {2003-008}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, abstract = {Nonuniformity is a common characteristic of contemporary computer systems, mainly because of physical distances in computer designs. In large multiprocessors, the access to shared memory is often nonuniform, and may vary as much as ten times for some nonuniform memory access (NUMA) architectures, depending on if the memory is close to the requesting processor or not. Much research has been devoted to optimizing such systems. This thesis identifies another important property of computer designs, nonuniform communication architecture (NUCA). High-end hardware-coherent machines built from a few large nodes or from chip multiprocessors, are typical NUCA systems that have a lower penalty for reading recently written data from a neighbor's cache than from a remote cache. The first part of the thesis identifies node affinity as an important property for scalable general-purpose locks. Several software-based hierarchical lock implementations that exploit NUCAs are presented and investigated. This type of lock is shown to be almost twice as fast for contended locks compared with other software-based lock implementations, without introducing significant overhead for uncontested locks. Physical distance in very large systems also limits hardware coherence to a subsection of the system. Software implementations of distributed shared memory (DSM) are cost-effective solutions that extend the upper scalability limit of such machines by providing the ``illusion'' of shared memory across the entire system. This also creates NUCAs with even larger local-remote penalties, since the coherence is maintained entirely in software. The major source of inefficiency for traditional software DSM implementations comes from the cost of interrupt-based asynchronous protocol processing, not from the actual network latency. As the raw hardware latency of internode communication decreases, the asynchronous overhead in the communication becomes more dominant. This thesis introduces the DSZOOM system that removes this type of overhead by running the entire coherence protocol in the requesting processor.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-007, author = {Maria Karlsson}, title = {Market Based Programming and Resource Allocation}, school = it, department = csd, year = 2003, number = {2003-007}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, abstract = {The subject of this thesis is the concept of market-oriented programming and market protocols. We want to solve an allocation problem where some resources are to be divided among a number of agents. Each agent has a utility function telling how much the current allocation is worth for it. The goal is to allocate the resources among the agents in a way that maximizes the sum of the utilities of all agents. To solve this problem we use the concept of markets to create mechanisms for computational implementation. To achieve the advantages of market oriented programming, we have to consider the conceptual view of the problem a main design issue. We want to investigate the possibilities to build computationally effective mechanisms which maintain the intuitive, easy-to-understand structure of market-based approaches. In the first paper we look at two examples from the literature and show that conceptual improvements of the approaches will make agent behavior more realistic. This will also make the examples fit into a more general theory. In the second paper we create a market mechanism for handling combinatorial markets. The mechanism includes an auction, where each iteration runs in polynomial time. The mechanism shows good performance when the number of resources is relatively small compared to the number of agents. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-006, author = {Tomas Olsson}, title = {Bootstrapping and Decentralizing Recommender Systems}, school = it, department = csd, year = 2003, number = {2003-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, abstract = {This thesis consists of three papers on recommender systems. The first paper addresses the problem of making decentralized recommendations using a peer-to-peer architecture. Collaborating recommender agents are connected into a network of neighbors that exchange user recommendations to find new items to recommend. We achieved a performance comparable to a centralized system. The second paper deals with the bootstrapping problem for centralized recommender systems. Most recommender systems learn from experience but initially there are no users and no rated items to learn from. To deal with this problem we have developed the Genesis method. The method bootstraps a recommender system with artificial user profiles sampled from a probabilistic model built from prior knowledge. The paper describes how this was done for a k- nearest neighbor recommender algorithm in the movie domain. We were able to improve the performance of a k-nearest neighbor algorithm for single predictions but not for rank ordered lists of recommendations. The third paper identifies a new domain for recommendations -- product configuration -- where new recommender algorithms are needed. A system that helps users configuring their own PCs is described. Recommendations and a cluster-based help system together with a rule-based configurator assist the users in selecting appropriate features or complete PC configurations. The configurator ensures that users cannot choose incompatible components while the recommender system adds social information based on what other users have chosen. This introduces new complexity in the recommendation process on how to combine the recommendations from the configurator and the recommender system. The paper proposes (1) three new recommender algorithms on how to make recommendations in the domain of product configuration, (2) a method for adding social recommendations to a rule-based configurator and (3) a method for applying the Genesis method in this domain. In this case the Genesis method is implemented by a Bayesian belief net that captures the designers' prior knowledge on how to configure PCs. Then instances of complete configurations are sampled from the model and added to the recommender algorithm. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-005, author = {Mats Ekman}, title = {Urban Water Management - Modelling, Simulation and Control of the Activated Sludge Process}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2003, number = {2003-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, note = {Errata (updated Jan 2004) available at \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2003-005/Errata.pdf} and \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2003-005/Errata.ps.gz}} , abstract = {During the last few decades, wastewater treatment processes in urban water management have become more and more efficient and complex. Several factors such as urbanization, stricter legislations on effluent quality, economics, increased knowledge of the involved biological, chemical and physical processes as well as technical achievements have been important incentives for the development of more efficient procedures for wastewater treatment plants. Future requirements on more sustainable urban water systems, in combination with increasing wastewater loads, will most probably further increase the need for optimization and control of both existing and emerging wastewater treatment processes. In this thesis estimation, modelling and control strategies are developed in order to improve the efficiency of the activated sludge process. The first part of the thesis presents a JAVA based simulator of the activated sludge process. An overview of its features, with some emphasis on implemented control strategies, is given. In particular, a new control strategy for the internal recycling flow rate is described. A summary of experiences from using the simulator as a teaching and training tool is also given. The second part of the thesis includes a derivation of reduced order models for the activated sludge process. The resulting models, a time-varying linear state-space model for the anoxic part and a time-varying bilinear state-space model for the aerobic part, are intended to be used for control applications. In the third part, an adaptive control strategy for control of the nitrate level using an external carbon source is presented. The controller adapts and compensates for changes in the system dynamics since important system parameters are estimated adaptively and incorporated on-line in the control design. The estimated system parameters and model states also give guidance about the state of the process and the characteristics of the wastewater. Several simulation examples are used to illustrate the control law. Finally, a new suboptimal control law for the bilinear quadratic regulator problem with infinite final time is presented. The control strategy is evaluated in a simulation study, where special concern is devoted to controlling the activated sludge process, using the bilinear model developed in the second part of this thesis. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-004, author = {Malin Ljungberg}, title = {Handling of Curvilinear Coordinates in a {PDE} Solver Framework}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2003, number = {2003-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, abstract = {By the use of object-oriented analysis and design combined with variability modeling a highly flexible software model for the metrics handling functionality of a PDE solver framework was obtained. This new model was evaluated in terms of usability, particularly with respect to efficiency and flexibility. The efficiency of a pilot implementation is similar to, or even higher than that of a pre-existing application-specific reference code. With regards to flexibility it is shown that the new software model performs well for a set of four change scenarios selected by an expert user group.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-003, author = {Inger Boivie}, title = {Usability and Users' Health Issues in Systems Development}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2003, number = {2003-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, abstract = {The figures of reported health problems in computer-supported, administrative, work are alarmingly high and increasing. The main health problems are visual discomfort, repetitive strain injuries (RSI) and stress-related disorders. Some important risk factors are poor workstation design, constrained work postures, repetitive work and long hours of computer use every day. Others are high demands, poor control over workload and work pace and poor relations to management and colleagues. There is also evidence that poor design and usability of the computer systems as well as technical problems with the computer add to the pressure perceived by the user, which may in its turn cause stress-related disorders. Systems (software) development is often technology-driven and the design and contents of the resulting system shapes the work situation, including factors affecting the users' health and well-being. There are numerous examples in the literature describing how poorly designed systems fail to support the real work practices, introducing new ones that are inadequate and more time-consuming. Thus these, supposedly supporting, computer systems get in the way of efficient and effective work, adding a burden on the workers rather than helping them out. This thesis tries to describe some of the relations between the systems development process and users' health complaints, in a work context. I also discuss whether or not the concepts of usability and user experience can be used to address users' health issues in the systems development process. The main results indicate that although usability must be addressed, it is not sufficient. Occupational health issues must be explicitly integrated in systems development, and be given priority. This thesis also describes some potential methods and techniques for doing that. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-002, author = {Jenny Persson}, title = {Basic Values in Software Development and Organizational Change}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2003, number = {2003-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, abstract = {This thesis is to be seen as a preliminary version of my doctoral thesis. It deals with problems concerning how our basic values influence development processes, mainly within the areas of software development and organizational change. Two main foci are presented, one theoretical and one empirical. The theoretical focus deals with the question: Is there objectivity in the theoretical framework, the knowledge and the experience on which the choices of strategies are based? The empirical focus deals with the question: How can knowledge about healthy work, usability and organizational matters be put into practice in the organizational and software development process? The preliminary conclusion shows that, when put under pressure, basic values are often clearly evident, though not necessarily evident to the individual herself. The will to grasp at models or methods that follow contemporary trends increases as well. In the end, time and money control the process, and all the magnificent ideas of a system built for a better work environment have soon faded away. This loss reflects the basic values in the organization, as well as it reflects a lack of awareness of the consequences of different strategic decisions. Key Words: Basic Values, Management, Organizational Change, Metaphors, Organizational Learning, Systems Development, Computer Ethics, Occupational Health, Work Environment, Usability} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2003-001, author = {Per Sundqvist}, title = {Preconditioners and Fundamental Solutions}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2003, number = {2003-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, abstract = {New preconditioning techniques for the iterative solution of systems of equations arising from discretizations of partial differential equations are considered. Fundamental solutions, both of differential and difference operators, are used as kernels in discrete, truncated convolution operators. The intention is to approximate inverses of difference operators that arise when discretizing the differential equations. The approximate inverses are used as preconditioners. The technique using fundamental solutions of differential operators is applied to scalar problems in two dimensions, and grid independent convergence is obtained for a first order differential equation. The problem of computing fundamental solutions of difference operators is considered, and we propose a new algorithm. It can be used also when the symbol of the difference operator is not invertible everywhere, and it is applicable in two or more dimensions. Fundamental solutions of difference operators are used to construct preconditioners for non-linear systems of difference equations in two dimensions. Grid independent convergence is observed for two standard finite difference discretizations of the Euler equations in a non-axisymmetric duct.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2002-008, author = {Henrik Lundgren}, title = {Implementation and Real-world Evaluation of Routing Protocols for Wireless Ad hoc Networks}, school = it, year = 2002, number = {2002-008}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = nov, abstract = {A wireless ad hoc network consists of a number of mobile nodes that temporarily form a dynamic infrastructure-less network. To enable communication between nodes that do not have direct radio contact, each node must function as a wireless router and potentially forward data traffic on behalf of the others. New routing protocols are needed as the existing protocols used in wired networks adapt too slowly to the frequent topology changes induced by mobility and are inefficient in terms of resource consumption. During the last five to ten years more than 60 different ad hoc routing protocols have been proposed, optimized and partially compared based on simulation studies. However, we believe that these simulation studies need to be complemented with real-world experiments in order to gain practical experience and reveal real-world effects that may not be visible in simulations. This thesis surveys the field of ad hoc routing and related real-world testbeds. We also describe our research results from three included papers: In our active networking approach to ad hoc routing, protocol logic is carried inside data packets, which enables new protocols to be independently deployed at run-time. As a proof of concept, we have implemented two ad hoc routing protocols and successfully used them for routing a real-time sensitive audio stream. This prototype gave us a good understanding of the practical aspects of wireless networking and prepared good ground for protocol comparisons. We have implemented a testbed called APE which enables easy management and analysis of real-world experiments. In real-world experiments, with up to 37 mobile nodes, we used the APE testbed to assess the reproducibility between repeated testruns and compared three different routing protocols. This testbed has become a crucial tool for discovering flaws in proposed protocols, as well as for benchmarking different routing styles. During our implementation of the AODV protocol we discovered a performance problem that we could relate to some invalid assumptions about the wireless link characteristics. We explored this `communication gray zone' problem and implemented three countermeasures which we compared by using the APE testbed. As a result we could eliminate the performance discrepancy between simulated AODV and its implementation in the real-world.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2002-007, author = {Samuel Sundberg}, title = {Semi-Toeplitz Preconditioning for Linearized Boundary Layer Problems}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2002, number = {2002-007}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = nov, note = {Included papers available at \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2002-007/2002-007-paperA.pdf}, \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2002-007/2002-007-paperA.ps.gz}, \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2002-007/2002-007-paperB.ps.gz}, and \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2002-007/2002-007-paperB.pdf}} , abstract = {We have defined and analyzed a semi-Toeplitz preconditioner for time-dependent and steady-state convection-diffusion problems. Analytic expressions for the eigenvalues of the preconditioned systems are obtained. An asymptotic analysis shows that the eigenvalue spectrum of the time-dependent problem is reduced to two eigenvalues when the number of grid points go to infinity. The numerical experiments sustain the results of the theoretical analysis, and the preconditioner exhibits a robust behavior for stretched grids. A semi-Toeplitz preconditioner for the linearized Navier--Stokes equations for compressible flow is proposed and tested. The preconditioner is applied to the linear system of equations to be solved in each time step of an implicit method. The equations are solved with flat plate boundary conditions and are linearized around the Blasius solution. The grids are stretched in the normal direction to the plate and the quotient between the time step and the space step is varied. The preconditioner works well in all tested cases and outperforms the method without preconditioning both in number of iterations and execution time.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2002-006, author = {Kalyani Munasinghe}, title = {On Using Mobile Agents for Load Balancing in High Performance Computing}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2002, number = {2002-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, abstract = {One recent advance in software technology is the development of software agents that can adapt to changes in their environment and can cooperate and coordinate their activities to complete a given task. Such agents can be distributed over a network. Advances in hardware technology have meant that clusters of workstations can be used to create parallel virtual machines that bring the power of parallel computing to a much wider research and development community. Many software packages are now being developed to utilise such cluster environments. In a cluster, each processor will be multitasking and running other jobs simultaneously with a distributed application that uses a message passing environment such as MPI. A typical application might be a large scale mesh-based computation, such as a finite element code, in which load balancing is equivalent to mesh partitioning. When the load is varying between processors within the cluster, distributing the computation in equal amounts may not deliver the optimum performance. Some machines may be very heavily loaded by other users while other processors may have no such additional load. It may be beneficial to measure current system information and use this information when balancing the load within a single distributed application program. This thesis presents one approach to distributing workload more efficiently in a multi-user distributed environment by using mobile agents to collect system information which is then transmitted to all the MPI tasks. The thesis contains a review of software agents and mesh partitioning together with some numerical experiments and a paper. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2002-005, author = {Kaushik Mahata}, title = {Identification of Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Models}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2002, number = {2002-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, abstract = {The problem of identifying dynamic errors-in-variables models is of fundamental interest in many areas like process control, array signal processing, astronomical data reduction. In recent years, this field has received increased attention of the research community. In this thesis, some time domain and frequency domain approaches for identifying the errors-in-variables model is studied. The first chapter gives an overview of various methods for identifying dynamic errors-in-variables systems. Several approaches are classified and a qualitative comparison of different existing methods is also presented. The second chapter deals with instrumental variables based approaches. The least squares and the total least squares methods of solving the Yule-Walker equation is of central interest here. The methods are compared from the view point of asymptotic performance, numerical robustness and computation. The method presented in the third chapter uses prefiltered data. The input-output data is passed through a pair of user defined prefilters and the output data from the prefilters is subjected to a least-squares like algorithm. Compared to the IV approach, the proposed method shows a significant improvement in the small-sample properties of the MA parameter estimates, without any increase in the computational load. In the fourth chapter, we show that the two-dimensional process composed of the input-output data admits a finite order ARMA representation. Then we propose a parametric identification algorithm and another non-parametric identification method based on the ARMA representation. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2002-004, author = {Martin Nilsson}, title = {Iterative Solution of Maxwell's Equations in Frequency Domain}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2002, number = {2002-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, abstract = {We have developed an iterative solver for the Moment Method. It computes a matrix vector product with the multilevel Fast Multipole Method, which makes the method scale with the number of unknowns. The iterative solver is of Block Quasi-Minimum Residual type and can handle several right hand sides at once. The linear system is preconditioned with a Sparse Approximate Inverse, which is modified to handle dense matrices. The solver is parallelized on shared memory machines using OpenMP. To verify the method some tests are conducted on varying geometries. We use simple geometries to show that the method works. We show that the method scales on several processors of a shared memory machine. To prove that the method works for real life problems, we do some tests on large scale aircrafts. The largest test is a one million unknown simulation on a full scale model of a fighter aircraft. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2002-003, author = {Emad Abd-Elrady}, title = {Harmonic Signal Modeling Based on the Wiener Model Structure}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2002, number = {2002-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, url = {http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2002-003/files/} , abstract = {The estimation of frequencies and corresponding harmonic overtones is a problem of great importance in many situations. Applications can, for example, be found in supervision of electrical power transmission lines, in seismology and in acoustics. Generally, a periodic function with an unknown fundamental frequency in cascade with a parameterized and unknown nonlinear function can be used as a signal model for an arbitrary periodic signal. The main objective of the proposed modeling technique is to estimate the fundamental frequency of the periodic function in addition to the parameters of the nonlinear function. The thesis is divided into four parts. In the first part, a general introduction to the harmonic signal modeling problem and different approaches to solve the problem are given. Also, an outline of the thesis and future research topics are introduced. In the second part, a previously suggested recursive prediction error method (RPEM) for harmonic signal modeling is studied by numerical examples to explore the ability of the algorithm to converge to the true parameter vector. Also, the algorithm is modified to increase its ability to track the fundamental frequency variations. A modified algorithm is introduced in the third part to give the algorithm of the second part a more stable performance. The modifications in the RPEM are obtained by introducing an interval in the nonlinear block with fixed static gain. The modifications that result in the convergence analysis are, however, substantial and allows a complete treatment of the local convergence properties of the algorithm. Moreover, the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) is derived for the modified algorithm and numerical simulations indicate that the method gives good results especially for moderate signal to noise ratios (SNR). In the fourth part, the idea is to give the algorithm of the third part the ability to estimate the driving frequency and the parameters of the nonlinear output function parameterized also in a number of adaptively estimated grid points. Allowing the algorithm to automatically adapt the grid points as well as the parameters of the nonlinear block, reduces the modeling errors and gives the algorithm more freedom to choose the suitable grid points. Numerical simulations indicate that the algorithm converges to the true parameter vector and gives better performance than the fixed grid point technique. Also, the CRB is derived for the adaptive grid point technique.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2002-002, author = {Anders Berglund}, title = {On the Understanding of Computer Network Protocols}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2002, number = {2002-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, url = {http://www.docs.uu.se/~andersb/lic/}, oldnote = {Included papers available at \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2002-002/paperA-2002-002.pdf} and \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/publications/lic/2002-002/paperB-2002-002.pdf}} , abstract = {How students learn about network protocols is studied in a project-centred, internationally distributed, university course in computer systems taught jointly by two universities. Insights into students' understanding of basic concepts within computer networks are gained through an empirical phenomenographic research approach. The use of phenomenography as a research approach makes it possible to learn about computer science, as it is experienced by the students. The context in which the research is carried out and issues concerning by whom the context is experienced, are investigated and form a part of the methodological basis. Students' understanding of some protocols that are used within the project, as well as their experience of the general concept of network protocols are investigated, and different ways of experiencing the protocols are discerned. Some aspects that indicate good learning outcomes are identified, such as being capable of understanding a protocol in different ways and of making relevant choices between the ways it could be experienced according to the context in which it appears. Based on these results a discussion on learning and teaching is developed. It is argued that a variation in the context in which the protocol is experienced promotes good learning, since different ways of experiencing a protocol are useful with different tasks to hand. A student with a good understanding of network protocols can choose in a situationally relevant way between different ways of experiencing a protocol. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2002-001, author = {Eva Mossberg}, title = {Higher Order Finite Difference Methods for Wave Propagation Problems}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2002, month = feb, number = {2002-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, abstract = {Wave propagation is described by the wave equation, or in the time-periodic case, by the Helmholtz equation. For problems with small wavelengths, high order discretizations must be used to resolve the solution. Two different techniques for finding compact finite difference schemes of high order are studied and compared. The first approach is Numerov's idea of using the equation to transfer higher derivatives to lower order ones for the Helmholtz equation, or, for the wave equation, from time to space. The second principle is the method of deferred correction, where a lower order approximation is used for error correction. For the time-independent Helmholtz problem, sharp estimates for the error is derived, in order to compare the arithmetic complexity for both approaches with a non-compact scheme. The characteristics of the errors for fourth order as well as sixth order accuracy are demonstrated and the advantages and disadvantages of the methods are discussed. A time compact, Numerov-type, fourth order method and a fourth order method using deferred correction in time are studied for the wave equation. Schemes are derived for both the second order formulation of the equation, and for the system in first order form. Stability properties are analyzed and numerical experiments have been performed, for both constant and variable coefficients in the equations. For the first order formulation, a staggered grid is used. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-016, author = {Furun{\"a}s {\AA}kesson, Johan}, title = {Interprocess Communication Utilising Special Purpose Hardware}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2001, number = {2001-016}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, abstract = {Real-Time Systems are computer systems with constraints on the timing of actions. To ease the development and maintenance of application software, Real-time Systems often make use of a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS). Its main task is scheduling of application processes (tasks). Other functions can be inter process communication, interrupt handling, memory management etc. Sometimes it is hard (or even impossible) to meet the time constraints specified for a real-time system, resulting in an incorrectly functioning application. A possible remedy is to redesign the system by upgrading the processor and/or remove functionality, etc. An alternative solution could be the use of a special purpose hardware accelerated RTOS. The aim of such an accelerator is to speedup RTOS functions that impose big overhead i.e. to reduce the kernel overhead by offloading the application processor. Accordingly, the processor gets more time for executing application software, and hopefully the time constraints can be met. The main drawback is the cost of extra hardware. This thesis presents results from implementing RTOS functions in hardware, especially inter process communication (IPC) functions. The types of systems considered are uniprocessor and shared memory multiprocessor real-time systems. IPC is used in systems with co-operating processes. The operating systems on the market support a large variation of IPC mechanisms. We will here present and evaluate three different IPC implementations. The first is an extended message queue mechanism that is used in commercial robot control applications. The second is the signal mechanism in OSE, a commercial RTOS predominantly used in telecommunication control applications, and the third is the semaphore and message queue mechanisms supported by the leading commercial RTOS VxWorks. All the implementations are based on a pre-emptive priority-based hardware real-time kernel accelerator. We show that it is not optimal, practical or desirable to implement every kernel function into hardware, regarding systems in the scope of this thesis. However, an accelerator allows new functionality to be implemented. We illustrate this by implementing a message queue mechanism that supports priority inheritance for message arrival in hardware, which is too expensive to implement in software. Also, we show that substantial speedups are possible, and that a crucial mechanism in achieving speedup is the accelerator-processor interconnect. We further note that application speedups are possible, even in cases with an IPC-mechanism slow-down. The main reasons for this is that the accelerator can off-load the processor by handling the RTOS timing mechanism (clock-ticks), reducing the RTOS code to be executed on the processor, and handling interrupts. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-015, author = {Stefan S{\"o}derberg}, title = {A Parallel Block-Based {PDE} Solver with Space-Time Adaptivity}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2001, month = dec, number = {2001-015}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, abstract = {A second order space and time adaptive method for parallel solution of hyperbolic PDEs on structured grids is presented. The grid is adapted to the underlying solution by successive refinement in blocks. Therefore, there may be jumps in the cell size at the block faces. Special attention is needed at the block boundaries to maintain second order accuracy and stability. The stability of the method is proven for a model problem. The step sizes in space and time are selected based on estimates of the local truncation errors and an error tolerance provided by the user. The global error in the solution is also computed by solving an error equation similar to the original problem on a coarser grid. The performance of the method depends on the number of blocks used in the domain. A method of predicting the optimal number of blocks is presented. The cells are distributed in blocks over the processor set using a number of different partitioning schemes. The method is used to successfully solve a number of test problems where the method selects the appropriate space and time steps according to the error tolerance. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-014, author = {Abraham Zemui}, title = {Fourth Order Symmetric Finite Difference Schemes for the Wave Equation}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2001, number = {2001-014}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, abstract = {The solution of the acoustic wave equation in one space dimension is studied. The PDE is discretized using finite element approximation. A cubic piecewise Lagrange polynomial is used as basis. Consistent finite element and lumped mass schemes are obtained. These schemes are interpreted as finite difference schemes. Error analysis is given for these finite differences (only for constant coefficients).} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-013, author = {Alexandre David}, title = {Practical Verification of Real-time Systems}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2001, number = {2001-013}, month = oct, abstract = {Formal methods are becoming mature enough to be used on non trivial examples. They are particularly well fitted for real-time systems whose correctness is defined in terms of correct responses at correct times. Most common real-time systems are of reasonable size and can therefore be handled by an automatic verification tool such as \textsc{Uppaal}. Unfortunately the application of such techniques is not widely spread. This thesis presents advances in making formal techniques more accessable technology for system development and analysis. As the first contribution, we report on an industrial case study to show that model checkers can be used for debugging and error localization. We shall present a number of abstraction techniques applied in the case study to avoid the state explosion problem. As the second contribution, we have developed a hierarchical extension of timed automata to enable more structured, compact, and more complex descriptions of systems by the users. Such a hierarchical representation is better suited for abstraction and expected to give better searching algorithms. Finally we present a hybrid animation system serving as a plug-in module for model-checkers to improve features for modelling and simulation. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-012, author = {Per {\AA}hgren}, title = {Teleconferencing, System Identification and Array Processing}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2001, number = {2001-012}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, abstract = {The area of teleconferencing has long yielded great interest in the signal processing community. The main reasons for this are probably the huge interest from the industry and the challenging problems of the topic. The problems of teleconferencing are relevant for several different disciplines in signal processing. Three of these are Acoustic Echo Cancellation, System Identification and Sensor Array Signal Processing. In this thesis some problems related to these disciplines are studied. The thesis is divided into 6 parts, one for each paper included. In the first part a new adaptive algorithm is applied to the acoustic echo cancellation problem. It is shown to perform much better than the Normalized Least Mean Squares (NLMS) algorithm and while it performs worse than the standard Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm it is shown to be computationally simpler than this. In the second part the hierarchical RLS algorithm is analyzed. The extraordinary results presented for this algorithm in previous papers are discussed and explained. In the third part a new initialization method for RLS is presented that yields the exact Least Squares estimates while not being computationally more demanding than RLS. This is an important contribution since the standard initialization of the RLS algorithm is somewhat arbitrary. In the fourth part a method is presented that deals with the problem of estimating the common factors out of an arbitrary number of polynomials. Two problems of array processing and system identification are stated as problems for common factor estimation and the presented method is applied to these. For these two problems the method is shown to perform better than existing methods. In the fifth part a method for beamforming using few sensors is presented. Data-dependent beamformers usually perform badly when there are few sensors in the array, particularly when the beamformer constraints are numerous. The method presented deals with this problem by approximately fulfilling the beamformer constraints and hence getting extra degrees of freedom for suppressing interferences. In the sixth part the previously unsolved problem of array processing of non-zero mean signals is solved for the colored noise case. Methods are presented both for the estimation problem and the detection problem and are shown to perform well in numerical examples. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-011, author = {P{\"a}r Samuelsson}, title = {Modelling and control of activated sludge processes with nitrogen removal}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2001, number = {2001-011}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = aug, abstract = {Stricter legislations on nitrogen removal together with increasing wastewater loads have successively increased the need for optimization and control of activated sludge processes. The aim of this thesis is primarily to propose and illustrate methods for modelling and control of activated sludge processes, and thus possibly improve process efficiency. The first part of this thesis describes a JAVA based simulator of the activated sludge process. Its features are discussed, and some control strategies are illustrated. The second part of the thesis presents a simple model based feedforward controller for controlling the nitrate level by using an external carbon source. Several simulation examples are used to illustrate the control law. In the third part, a model based strategy for control of the ammonium level by manipulating the aeration volume in the activated sludge process is presented. The strategy is based on exact linearization combined with some logical programming rules in order to deal with discrete volume changes. The control law is also evaluated in simulations.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-010, author = {Johan Edlund}, title = {A Parallel, Iterative Method of Moments and Physical Optics Hybrid Solver for Arbitrary Surfaces}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2001, number = {2001-010}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = aug, abstract = {We have developed an MM-PO hybrid solver designed to deliver reasonable accuracy inexpensively in terms of both CPU-time and memory demands. The solver is based on an iterative block Gauss-Seidel process to avoid unnecessary storage and matrix computations, and can be used to solve the radiation and scattering problems for both disjunct and connected regions. It supports thin wires and dielectrica in the MM domain and has been implemented both as a serial and parallel solver. Numerical experiments have been performed on simple objects to demonstrate certain keyfeatures of the solver, and validate the positive and negative aspects of the MM/PO hybrid. Experiments have also been conducted on more complex objects such as an model aircraft, to demonstrate that the good results from the simpler objects are transferrable to the real life situation. The complex geometries have been used to conduct tests to investigate how well parallelised the code is, and the results are satisfactory. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-009, author = {Johan Bengtsson}, title = {Efficient Symbolic State Exploration of Timed Systems: Theory and Implementation}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2001, number = {2001-009}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, abstract = {Timing aspects are important for the correctness of safety-critical systems. It is crucial that these aspects are carefully analysed in designing such systems. UPPAAL is a tool designed to automate the analysis process. In UPPAAL, a system under construction is described as a network of timed automata and the desired properties of the system can be specified using a query language. Then UPPAAL can be used to explore the state space of the system description to search for states violating (or satisfying) the properties. If such states are found, the tool provides diagnostic information, in form of executions leading to the states, to help the desginers, for example, to locate bugs in the design. The major problem for UPPAAL and other tools for timed systems to deal with industrial-size applications is the state space explosion. This thesis studies the sources of the problem and develops techniques for real-time model checkers, such as UPPAAL, to attack the problem. As contributions, we have developed the notion of committed locations to model atomicity and local-time semantics for timed systems to allow partial order reductions, and a number of implementation techniques to reduce time and space consumption in state space exploration. The techniques are studied and compared by case studies. Our experiments demonstrate significant improvements on the performance of UPPAAL. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-008, author = {Markus Bylund}, title = {Personal Service Environments --- Openness and User Control in User-Service Interaction}, school = it, department = csd, year = 2001, number = {2001-008}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = jun, abstract = {This thesis describes my work with making the whole experience of using electronic services more pleasant and practical. More and more people use electronic services in their daily life - be it services for communicating with colleagues or family members, web-based bookstores, or network-based games for entertainment. However, electronic services in general are more difficult to use than they would have to be. They are limited in how and when users can access them. Services do not collaborate despite obvious advantages to their users, and they put the integrity and privacy of their users at risk. In this thesis, I argue that there are structural reasons for these problems rather than problems with content or the technology per se. The focus when designing electronic services tends to be on the service providers or on the artifacts that are used for accessing the services. I present an approach that focus on the user instead, which is based on the concept of personal service environments. These provide a mobile locale for storing and running electronic services of individual users. This gives the user increased control over which services to use, from where they can be accessed, and what personal information that services gather. The concept allows, and encourages, service collaboration, but not without letting the user maintain the control over the process. Finally, personal service environments allow continuous usage of services while switching between interaction devices and moving between places. The sView system, which is also described, implements personal service environments and serves as an example of how the concept can be realized. The system consists of two parts. The first part is a specification of how both services for sView and infrastructure for handling services should be developed. The second part is a reference implementation of the specification, which includes sample services that adds to and demonstrates the functionality of sView.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-007, author = {Hans Norlander}, title = {Parameterization of State Feedback Gains for Pole Assignment}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2001, number = {2001-007}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, abstract = {The pole assignment problem has been subject for research for a long time. For single-input single-output systems this problem is well understood but for multi-input multi-output systems the pole assignment problem is more complex. In this thesis a parameterization of state feedback gains for pole assignment is characterized with respect to completeness, redundancy and existence. In order to make a systematic examination of this parameterization a number of classes are introduced. This parameterization depends on two matrices that can be regarded as design parameters. In the thesis it is shown how the degree of freedom in the pole assignment problem for multi-input systems is characterized by these two matrices. It turns out that the properties of the parameterization depends on whether the characteristic polynomials of the open and the closed loop systems are coprime or not. It is shown in the thesis that if the characteristic polynomials are coprime, every possible feedback gain can be parameterized in this way, and in this sense the parameterization is complete. If the characteristic polynomials have factors in common the parameterization is not complete. In the thesis the shortcomings of the parameterization for this case are characterized. The design parameters seem to offer a greater degree of freedom than what can be offered in the pole assignment problem. This indicates a certain degree of overparameterization. This redundancy in the design parameters is characterized in the thesis. The parameterization implies that a certain matrix is invertible. Necessary conditions for when this matrix is invertible are given in terms of the two design parameters. It is shown that this matrix is invertible for almost every value of the design parameters when the characteristic polynomials are coprime, and hence that the parameterized gains are generally applicable. The parameterization and its properties are illustrated on a linear model of the military aircraft JAS Gripen. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-006, author = {Bengt G{\"o}ransson}, title = {Usability Design: A Framework for Designing Usable Interactive Systems in Practice}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2001, number = {2001-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = apr, abstract = {Today many companies have started to become aware of the advantages of doing user-centred design. However, it is extremely rare that companies adopt a fully integrated user-centred design approach in one strategic shift. Rather, companies tend to adopt practices and methods in stages or adopt a particular method or practice only when a complex set of factors align to create readiness. There is a big market for companies vending usability methods, but poor usability of systems and products is still very common, the vendors often blaming it on factors outside their immediate influence. This among other things is a call for us to work for a user-centred design attitude as a major strategy for the system development process. The content of this thesis is dedicated to the question of how to develop usable interactive systems in practice. Main focus is on how we can raise the awareness of usability; articulate the need for user-centred design within the industry and development organisations; and practice user-centred design. A framework for usability design as an unpretentious way of applying user-centred design is described and discussed.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-005, author = {Per Carlsson}, title = {Market and Resource Allocation Algorithms with Application to Energy Control}, school = it, department = csd, year = 2001, number = {2001-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = apr, abstract = {The energy markets of today are markets with rather few active participants. The participants are, with few exceptions, large producers and distributors. The market mechanisms that are used are constructed with this kind of a market situation in mind. With an automatic or semiautomatic approach, the market mechanism would be able to incorporate a larger number of participants. Smaller producers, and even consumers, could take an active part in the market. The gain is in more efficient markets, and --- due to smaller fluctuations in demand --- better resource usage from an environmental perspective. The energy markets of the Nordic countries (as well as many others) were deregulated during the last few years. The change has been radical and the situation is still rather new. We believe that the market can be made more efficient with the help of the dynamics of the small actors. The idealised world of theory (of economics) often relies on assumptions such as continuous demand and supply curves. These assumptions are useful, and they do not introduce problems in the power market situation of today, with relatively few, large, participants. When consumers and small producers are introduced on the market, the situation is different. Then it is a drawback if the market mechanims cannot handle discontinuous supply and demand. The growth in accessibility to computational power and data communications that we have experienced in the last years (and are experiencing) could be utilised when constructing mechanisms for the energy markets of tomorrow. In this thesis we suggest a new market mechanism, \textsc{ConFAst}, that utilises the technological progress to make it possible to incorporate a large number of active participants on the market. The mechanism does not rely on the assumptions above. The gain is a more efficient market with less fluctuations in demand over the day. To make this possible there is a need for efficient algorithms, in particular this mechanism relies on an efficient aggregation algorithm. An algorithm for aggregation of objective functions is part of this thesis. The algorithm handles maximisation with non concave, even noisy, objective functions. Experimental results show that the approach, in practically relevant cases, is significantly faster than the standard algorithm. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-004, author = {Bengt Eliasson}, title = {Numerical Simulation of Kinetic Effects in Ionospheric Plasma}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2001, number = {2001-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = apr, abstract = {In this thesis, we study numerically the one-dimensional Vlasov equation for a plasma consisting of electrons and infinitely heavy ions. This partial differential equation describes the evolution of the distribution function of particles in the two-dimensional phase space $(x,v)$. The Vlasov equation describes, in statistical mechanics terms, the collective dynamics of particles interacting with long-range forces, but neglects the short-range ``collisional'' forces. A space plasma consists of electrically charged particles, and therefore the most important long-range forces acting on a plasma are the Lorentz forces created by electromagnetic fields. What makes the numerical solution of the Vlasov equation to a challenging task is firstly that the fully three-dimensional problem leads to a partial differential equation in the six-dimensional phase space, plus time, making it even hard to store a discretized solution in the computer's memory. Secondly, the Vlasov equation has a tendency of structuring in velocity space (due to free streaming terms), in which steep gradients are created and problems of calculating the $v$ (velocity) derivative of the function accurately increase with time. The method used in this thesis is based on the technique of Fourier transforming the Vlasov equation in velocity space and then solving the resulting equation. We have developed a method where the small-scale information in velocity space is removed through an outgoing wave boundary condition in the Fourier transformed velocity space. The position of the boundary in the Fourier transformed variable determines the amount of small-scale information saved in velocity space. The numerical method is used to investigate a phenomenon of tunnelling of information through an ionospheric layer, discovered in experiments, and to assess the accuracy of approximate analytic formulae describing plasma wave dispersion. The numerical results are compared with theoretical predictions, and further physical experiments are proposed. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-003, author = {Erik K. Larsson}, title = {On Identification of Continuous-Time Systems and Irregular Sampling}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2001, number = {2001-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, abstract = {The problem of identifying continuous-time systems is of fundamental interest in various areas, such as, astrophysics, economics, control and signal processing. Over the years there has been an extensive research going on in this field, which has resulted in numerous publications. The most obvious reason for working with continuous-time systems is that most physical systems are inherently continuous in time. Therefore, the parameters in the models often have a physical interpretation. In this thesis some specific problems concerning identification of continuous-time autoregressive (CAR) processes are studied. The main approach is based on replacing the differentiation operator with some approximations and forming a discrete-time linear regression model. The continuous-time system parameters are then obtained by using the least squares method. It is, however, well known that this approach will result in biased estimates unless some modifications are introduced. The first part of the thesis explores the possibility to extend some of the existing methods for identifying CAR-processes, using the approach described above, to the case of unevenly sampled data. Some computationally very efficient methods are presented. In the second part of the thesis a simple method for computing the CRB for CAR-processes, given arbitrary sampling patterns, is introduced. Several simulation studies are considered with some interesting results. In the third part of the thesis the problem of identifying CAR-processes, using limiting properties of sampled stochastic systems, is addressed. The presented method is intuitively clear and numerically sound, it is based on some new results regarding sampling of CAR-processes that are presented as well. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-002, author = {Johan Steensland}, title = {Domain-based partitioning for parallel {SAMR} applications}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2001, number = {2001-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = mar, abstract = {This thesis presents a study of domain-based partitioning techniques for dynamic structured grid hierarchies, occuring in structured adaptive mesh refinement (SAMR) methods. Such methods for obtaining the numerical solution to partial differential equations yield highly advantageous ratios for cost/accuracy as compared to methods based upon static uniform approximations. Distributed implementations of these techniques have the potential for enabling realistic simulations of complex systems. These implementations however, present significant challenges in dynamic data-distribution and load balancing. That is, when SAMR is executed on a parallel computer, the work load will change dynamically. Thus, there is need for \textit{dynamic} load balancing in order to efficiently utilize the resourses of the parallel computer. Inverse space-filling curve partitioning (ISP) is appealing for load balancing in parallel SAMR, because of its speed. In this work, ISP is considered as \textit{part} of a partitioning approach, which combines structured and unstructured techniques. Various design decisions for the structured partitioning are considered. Different design choices lead to graphs with different properties. One objective is to investigate how these differences affect the behavior of ISP. This thesis contributes by identifying certain design choices as being advantageous, and by presenting four new partitioning algorithms that correspond to these design decisions. An experimental comparison of dynamic partitioning techniques for \textit{blockwise} parallel structured adaptive mesh refinement applications is presented. It is shown that an ISP-based technique can compete with other approaches for certain classes of applications. Moreover, an extended experimental characterization of dynamic partitioning\-/load-balancing techniques for \textit{general} adaptive grid hierarchies is presented. Techniques studied include newly proposed as well as existing approaches. It was found that two of the proposed algorithms were particularly useful: pBD-ISP for the more communication dominated applications, and G-MISP+SP for the computation dominated applications. Policies for the automatic selection of partitioner based on application and system state are outlined. Recommendations for appropriate partitioning techniques, given application and system state, are given. The overall motivation is the formulation of policies required to drive a \textit{dynamically adaptive} meta-partitioner for SAMR grid hierarchies capable of selecting the most appropriate partitioning strategy at runtime, based on current application and system state. Such a partitioner may significantly decrease application execution time.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2001-001, author = {Erik Bor{\"a}lv}, title = {Design and Usability in Telemedicine}, school = it, department = hci, year = 2001, number = {2001-001}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = feb, abstract = {A design of computer systems, that effectively supports the user, is a major goal within human-computer interaction. To achieve this, we must understand and master several tasks. These tasks concern firstly what to develop and secondly how to develop the system. The design and implementation of effective and efficient user interfaces is a prerequisite for the successful introduction of computer support in the medical domain. We base our work on a fundamental understanding of cognitive aspects of human-computer interaction, as well as on detailed analysis of the specific needs and requirements of the end users, i.e. the medical professionals. This thesis presents several approaches for development of systems for computer-supported work in health care. The solutions described concern vital problem areas: (1) the focus on the work tasks to be performed, (2) the cost of software and the way competition works in a networked world. Solutions to these problems can lead to more usable systems from a user's perspective but may also change the nature of computer applications. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2000-011, author = {Bharath Bhikkaji}, title = {Model Reduction for Diffusion Systems}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2000, number = {2000-011}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, abstract = {Diffusion phenomena has been studied with a lot of interest, for a long time, due to its historical and practical significance. In the recent days it has thrown a lot of interest among control engineers, as more and more practical systems, varying from stock markets to environmental pollution, have been observed to involve diffusion. Diffusion systems are normally modeled by linear partial differential equations (LPDE's) of the form \[ \frac{\partial T(x,t)}{\partial x} = \mathcal{L}T(x,t) \label{eq1.0} \] where $ \mathcal{L}$ is a second order linear spatial differential operator and $ T(x,t) $ is the physical quantity, whose variations in the spatial domain cause diffusion. To characterise diffusion phenomena, one has to obtain the solution of (\ref{eq1.0}) either analytically or numerically. Note that, since (\ref{eq1.0}) involves a second order spatial operator and a first order time derivative, one needs at least two boundary conditions in the spatial domain, $x$, and an initial condition at time $t=0$, for determining $ T(x,t) $. LPDE's of the type (\ref{eq1.0}) can be interpreted as infinite order linear time invariant systems (LTI systems) with inputs as boundary conditions. To compute the solution of (\ref{eq1.0}) numerically, one has to approximate, explicitly or implicitly, the underlying infinite order system by a finite order system. Any numerical scheme, which computes the solution of (\ref{eq1.0}), essentially approximates the underlying infinite order LTI system by a finite order LTI system. The efficiency of the approximation, for a given problem, varies for the different numerical schemes. In this thesis, we make an attempt to explore more about diffusion systems in general. As a starting point, we consider a simple case of one dimensional heat diffusion across a homogeneous region. The resulting LPDE is first shown explicitly to be an infinite order dynamical system. An approximate solution is computed from a finite order approximation of the true infinite order dynamical system. In this thesis, we first construct the finite order approximations using certain standard PDE solvers based on Chebyshev polynomials. From these finite order approximations we choose the best one, from a model reduction perspective, and use it as a benchmark model. We later construct two more approximate models, by exploiting the given structure of the problem and we show by simulations that these models perform better than the chosen benchmark. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2000-010, author = {Markus Lindgren}, title = {Measurement and Simulation Based Techniques for Real-Time Analysis}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2000, type = {Licentiate thesis}, number = {2000-010}, month = dec, note = {Also published as report MRTC 00/25 at M{\"a}lardalens h{\"o}gskola}, abstract = {Rigorous methods for design and implementation of safety critical real-time systems are vital to avoid loss of human lives and/or severe economic losses. Unfortunately, many of these systems are designed and evaluated using ad-hoc techniques. There are, on the other hand, relatively well developed scientific theories for modeling and analysis of timing and reliability. These theories are, however, only very slowly being introduced in industrial development. Important reasons for this are the simplifying model assumptions and lack of appropriate tools for timing analysis. This thesis presents two new methods aimed to narrow the gap between scientific results and industrial practice in evaluation and design of real-time systems. The first contribution is a method that from execution time measurements on the target system can derive worst-case execution time estimates of programs. Such estimates are essential when verifying if a system fulfills its timing requirements. The second contribution is a simulation based technique that can be used to evaluate timing aspects of distributed real-time systems, as well as calculating reliability estimates of these systems. Such estimates are essential in determining if a system meets its requirements sufficiently well. Compared to proposed analytical methods for execution time analysis and schedulability analysis, the starting point for both these methods are real target systems, rather than an abstract model with limited correspondance to reality. The presented initial case-studies give clear evidence that the proposed methods have potential of being both applicable and useful. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2000-009, author = {Jan Nystr{\"o}m}, title = {A formalisation of the {ITU-T} {I}ntelligent {N}etwork standard}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2000, type = {Licentiate thesis}, number = {2000-009}, month = dec, abstract = {Telecommunication systems are today among the largest and most heterogeneous computer systems that exist. The functionality offered by them is rapidly increasing, by numerous features: call waiting, credit-card billing and call-forwarding to name a few. The realisation of extra services poses a challenge to implementors, in particular since different services are developed at different times and places, by different people. Not only is the number and complexity of services increasing but some vendors want to enable users to tailor their own services and ultimately design them entirely. This of course calls for rigorous control of the services so that they do not come into conflict with the interest of the vendors, other users or surprise the users with their behaviours. One way of aiding the service designers is to provide a service creation environment containing a set of well defined building blocks that would be uniform for all features, irrespective of vendor or service. Such an environment also needs tool support for writing, checking, validating and analysing for possible conflicts. We have constructed a formalism for compactly specifying the interface behaviour of the switching and service logic system underlying a service creation environment, and for specifying the behaviour of components of an environment for service creation. For this formalism we supply tool support in the form of a simulator. We have further made a formalisation, in our framework, of the ITU-T Intelligent Network model, Capability Set-1. The formalisation concerns both the underlying service architecture, in which service logic is perform by a dedicated Service Control Function, and the component language, in which Service Independent Building Blocks are composed to yield new services. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2000-008, author = {Marcus Nilsson}, title = {Regular Model Checking}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2000, type = {Licentiate thesis}, number = {2000-008}, month = dec, abstract = {We present \emph{regular model checking}, a framework for algorithmic verification of infinite-state systems with, e.g., queues, stacks, integers, or a parameterized linear topology. States are represented by strings over a finite alphabet and the transition relation by a regular length-preserving relation on strings. Both sets of states and the transition relation are represented by regular sets. Major problems in the verification of parameterized and infinite-state systems are to compute the set of states that are reachable from some set of initial states, and to compute the transitive closure of the transition relation. We present an automata-theoretic construction for computing a non-finite composition of regular relations, e.g., the transitive closure of a relation. The method is incomplete in general, but we give sufficient conditions under which it works. We show how to reduce model checking of $\omega$-regular properties of parameterized systems into a non-finite composition of regular relations. We also report on an implementation of regular model checking, based on a new package for non-deterministic finite automata. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2000-007, author = {Magnus Larsson}, title = {Applying Configuration Management Techniques to Component-Based Systems}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2000, number = {2000-007}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = dec, note = {Also published as report MRTC 00/24 at M{\"a}lardalens h{\"o}gskola}, abstract = {Building software from components, rather than writing the code from scratch has several advantages, including reduced time to market and more efficient resource usage. However, component based development without consideration of all the risks and limitations involved may give unpredictable results, such as the failure of a system when a component is used in an environment for which it was not originally designed. One of the basic problems when developing component-based systems is that it is difficult to keep track of components and their interrelationships. This is particularly problematic when upgrading components. One way to maintain control over upgrades is to use component identification and dependency analysis. These are well known techniques for managing system configurations during development, but are rarely applied in managing run-time dependencies. The main contribution of this thesis is to show how Configuration Management (CM) principles and methods can be applied to component-based systems. This thesis presents a method for analysing dependencies between components. The method predicts the influence of a component update by identifying the components in a system and constructing a graph describing their dependencies. Knowledge of the possible influences of an update is important, since it can be used to limit the scope of testing and be a basis for evaluating the potential damage of the update. The dependency graphs can also be used to facilitate maintenance by identifying differences between configurations, e.g., making it possible to recognise any deviations from a functioning reference configuration. For evaluation of the method, a prototype tool which explores dependencies and stores them under version control has been developed. The prototype has been used for partial analysis of the Windows 2000 platform, for which it has been important to remain aware of dynamic dependencies. Preliminary experiments indicate that most components have only a few dependencies. The method has thus given an indication that the analysis of the effects of component updates may not be as difficult as might be expected.} } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2000-006, author = {Gustaf Naeser}, title = {A Flexible Framework for Detection of Feature Interactions in Telecommunication Systems}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2000, number = {2000-006}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, abstract = {The complexity of today's telecommunications systems grows with each new feature introduced. As the number of services an operator provides can be used to gain advantage over competitors the number of services will continue to increase. As the complexity grows, so does the possibility for feature interactions, situations where the operation of features interfere with the operation of other features. Interactions cost more to resolve the later during the introduction of a new feature they are detected. This makes the need for analysis of feature interactions during development preeminent. There exists a multitude of frameworks and techniques for specification and analysis of models of telecommunications systems. However, we have identified that they often impose unnecessary design decisions on the models, making them untoward. In this thesis we propose a framework for specification of models of telecommunications systems. The framework is designed to describe them as general systems of communicating processes in a flexible way which allows alterations to be made late during the design. We also present definitions of interactions and how the interaction definitions are used in the framework to detect undesired interactions. A model for telephony systems is derived through observations made of common telephony concepts and constructs. Delving into concepts early in the design of the system is shown to avoid several sources of interactions. To demonstrate the potential of the framework we present a case study where the system and services described in the first interaction detection contest has been implemented and searched for interactions. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2000-005, author = {Fredrik Edelvik}, title = {Finite Volume Solvers for the {M}axwell Equations in Time Domain}, school = it, department = tdb, year = 2000, number = {2000-005}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = oct, abstract = {Two unstructured finite volume solvers for the Maxwell equations in 2D and 3D are introduced. The solvers are a generalization of FD-TD to unstructured grids and they use a third-order staggered Adams--Bashforth scheme for time discretization. Analysis and experiments of this time integrator reveal that we achieve a long term stable solution on general triangular grids. A Fourier analysis shows that the 2D solver has excellent dispersion characteristics on uniform triangular grids. In 3D a spatial filter of Laplace type is introduced to enable long simulations without suffering from late time instability. The recursive convolution method proposed by Luebbers et al. to extend FD-TD to permit frequency dispersive materials is here generalized to the 3D solver. A better modelling of materials which have a strong frequency dependence in their constitutive parameters is obtained through the use of a general material model. The finite volume solvers are not intended to be stand-alone solvers but one part in two hybrid solvers with FD-TD. The numerical examples in 2D and 3D demonstrate that the hybrid solvers are superior to stand-alone FD-TD in terms of accuracy and efficiency. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2000-004, author = {Anders Wall}, title = {A Formal Approach to Analysis of Software Architectures for Real-Time Systems}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2000, number = {2000-004}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = sep, note = {Also published as report MRTC 00/21 at M{\"a}lardalens h{\"o}gskola}, abstract = {A software architecture is a high-level design description of a software system. In terms of the architecture, early design decisions can be analyzed to improve the quality of a real time software system, which depends very much on how it is structured rather than how it is implemented. Architectural analysis techniques vary in their degree of formality. The least formal is based on reviews and scenarios, whereas the most formal analysis methods are based on mathematics. In this thesis, we propose to use a formal approach to software architectural analysis. We use networks of timed automata to model the architecture of real time systems and transform architectural analysis problems to reachability problems that can be checked by the existing tools for timed automata. The typical properties that can be handled using this approach are schedulability and safety properties. As the first technical contribution, we extend the classic model of timed automata with a notion of real time tasks. This yields a general model for real-time systems in which tasks may be periodic and non-periodic. We show that the schedulability problem for the extended model can be transformed to a reachability problem for standard timed automata, and thus it can be checked by existing model-checking tools, e.g. UPPAAL for timed automata. As the second contribution, we present a method to check general high level temporal requirements e.g. timing constraints on data flowing in multi-rate transactions, which can not be handled by traditional approach to schedulability analysis. We have developed an algorithm that given a data dependency model and a schedule for a transaction constructs a timed automaton describing the behavior of the transaction. Thus, by using existing verification tools we can verify that a given architecture is schedulable and more importantly, it is correctly constructed with respect to the high level temporal constraints. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2000-003, author = {Fredrik Larsson}, title = {Efficient Implementation of Model-Checkers for Networks of Timed Automata}, school = it, department = docs, year = 2000, number = {2000-003}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, abstract = {Since real-time systems often operate in safety-critical environments it is extremely important that they function correctly. \textsc{uppaal} is a tool that can be used for validation and verification of real-time systems. The user models the system using networks of timed automata and uses a simple logic to express safety requirements that the modelled system must satisfy to guarantee its correct behaviour. \textsc{uppaal} then performs reachability analysis using constraint solving techniques to check if the model satisfies the given requirements. In addition, the tool is also able to provide the user with a sample execution that explains why a requirement is (or is not) satisfied by the model. The analysis is fully automated. This thesis describes various techniques adopted when implementing \textsc{uppaal}. Some of he techniques have improved the performance of \textsc{uppaal} significantly. We have studied the techniques with performance measurements in several case-studies. One of the main contributions is the comparison of different strategies in implementing the basic data structures and searching algorithms. The measurements can be used as hints on what parts of the model-checker that are most important to optimise. Though the techniques are studied in the context of timed automata, we believe that they are applicable to the implementation of general software tools for automated analysis. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2000-002, author = {Susanne Remle}, title = {Modeling and Parameter Estimation of the Diffusion Equation}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2000, number = {2000-002}, type = {Licentiate thesis}, month = may, abstract = {In many applications such as heat diffusion and flow problems, it is of interest to describe the process behavior inside a particular medium. An example can be the strive for estimating certain parameters related to the material. These processes are often modeled by a partial differential equation. Certain methods for identifying unknown material constants require the model to be of finite order. This thesis describes how the diffusion process can be approximated with finite order model, and how the accuracy of an estimated model depends on the model order. In particular, a detailed analysis is carried out for the case when the approximate model accounts for solving the diffusion by a difference method. } } @PhDThesis{ itlic:2000-001, author = {Katarina Boman}, title = {Low-Angle Estimation: Models, Methods and Bounds}, school = it, department = syscon, year = 2000, type = {Licentiate thesis}, number = {2000-001}, month = feb, abstract = {In this work we study the performance of elevation estimators and lower bounds on the estimation error variance for a low angle target in a smooth sea scenario using an array antenna. The article is structured around some key assumptions on multipath knowledge, signal parameterization and noise covariance, giving the reader a framework in which Maximum-Likelihood estimators exploiting different {\'a} priori information can be found. The crucial factor that determines the estimator accuracy is the multipath modeling, and there are three alternative levels of knowledge that can be used: 1) two unknown target locations 2) the target and its corresponding sea-reflection are related via simple geometry 3) the sea reflection coefficient is known as a function of grazing angle. A compact expression for the Cram{\'e}r-Rao lower bound is derived, including all special cases of the key assumptions. We prove that the Cram{\'e}r-Rao bound is highly dependent on the multipath model, while it is the same for the different signal parameterizations and that it is independent of the noise covariance. However, the Cram{\'e}r-Rao bound is sometimes too optimistic and not achievable. The tighter Barankin bound is derived to predict the threshold behavior seen at low SNR. At high SNR the Barankin bound coincides with the Cram{\'e}r-Rao bound. Simulations show that the Maximum Likelihood methods are statistically efficient and achieve the theoretical lower bound on error variance, in case of high enough SNR. The bounds are also useful tools to design an improved array structure that can give better performance than the standard uniform linear array structure. The influence of the number of sensors and the number of snapshots on the error variance is also studied, showing the rate of improvement with more sensors or snapshots. Finally we discuss the use of multiple frequencies, which is mainly a tool for suppressing ambiguities. We show for which signal models it provides improved performance. } }