Older Licentiate Theses from the Division of Systems and Control (1995-1999)
- K. Halvorsen. Model-based methods for tracking and analysis of human movement. November 1999.
- M. Mossberg. On identification of continuous-time systems using a direct approach. May 1998.
- N. Björsell. Control of heating systems in buildings. April 1998.
- A. Jakobsson. Contributions to parametric and non-parametric analysis of mixed spectra. August 1997.
- A. Karlsson. Human standing and walking - methods for diagnosis and assessment. February 1997.
- A. Nordsjö. Accuracy aspects in nonlinear system identification and decimation-based frequency estimation. November 1996.
- J. Sorelius. On parameter and order estimation in sensor array processing and ARMA modelling. 1996.
- K. Hansson. Object-oriented modelling and simulation of human gait. September 1996.
- T. Persson. Analysis of joint loads and balance - methods intended for routine use in clinical settings. April 1996.
- M. Lif. Design and evaluation of human-computer interfaces in working life. April 1996.
- C.-F. Lindberg. Control of wastewater treatment plants. May 1995.
- S. Bigi. On the use of system identification for design purposes and parameter estimation. April 1995.
- E. Lindskog. On equalization and beamforming for mobile radio applications. April 1995.
- M. Cedervall. On noisy input-output system identification and array signal processing. March 1995.