The 11th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory
Uppsala University, Sweden, October 6-8, 1999
The objective of the Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory is to
bring together researchers from (but not limited to) the Nordic and
Baltic countries interested in programming theory, in order to improve
mutual contacts and cooperation.
The previous workshops were held in Uppsala (1989), Aalborg (1990),
Göteborg (1991 and 1995), Bergen (1992), Åbo
(1993 and 1998),
Aarhus (1994), Oslo (1996), and Tallinn
In 1999 the workshop again took place at the MIC campus of
Uppsala University, hosted by the Department of Computer Systems.
The programme committee consisted of:
Magne Haveraaen (Bergen, NO),
Hannu-Matti Järvinen (Tampere, FI),
Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg, DK),
Bengt Nordstrom (Chalmers, SE),
Olaf Owe (Oslo, NO),
Hans Rischel (DTU, Lyngby, DK),
Kaisa Sere (Åbo Akademi, FI),
Jüri Vain (Inst. of Cybernetics, EE), and
Wang Yi (Uppsala, SE).
We would like to thank the authors of the submitted papers, the
invited speakers, and the members of the program committee for their
contribution to both the workshop and these proceedings. We are also
very grateful for the financial support of ASTEC, the Advanced Software
Technology competence centre.
The organizing committee:
Johan Bengtsson, Jakob Engblom, Björn Victor, and Wang Yi (chair)
(This is the online version of the proceedings, also available as Technical report 1999-008 from the Department of Information Technology.)
Invited presentations
Validation of Synchronous Reactive Systems:
from Formal Verification to Automatic Testing
- Nicolas Halbwachs (VERIMAG, France)
- Data-Flow Analysis as Model-Checking of Abstract Interpretations
- Bernhard Steffen (Dortmund University, Germany)
Stålmarck's method with extensions to first order logic
- Gunnar Stålmarck (Prover Technology AB, Sweden)
Industrial-Strength Functional Programming:
Experiences from the Ericsson AXD 301 Project
- Ulf Wiger (Ericsson Telecom)
Accepted submissions
- Testing
Conformance Testing of Real-Time Systems with Timed Automata
- Rachel Cardell-Oliver
Automated Generation of Test Oracles from Temporal Logic Specifications
- John Håkansson, Bengt Jonsson, Ola Lundkvist
- Synchronous Programming
Synchronous Data-flow Programming in ML
- M. Pouzet
Correct Implementations of Abstractions of Location
- Pertti Kellomäki
- Verification 1
Partial Order Reduction for Region Automata
- Dragan Bosnacki
Parametric model-checking in PMC
- Giosué Bandini, Ronald Lutje Spelberg, Hans Toetenel
Binary Communication in Parameterized System Verification
- Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, Bengt Jonsson, Marcus Nilsson
Syntactic Action Refinement in the Modal Mu-Calculus and its
Applications to the Verification of Reactive Systems
- Mila Majster-Cederbaum, Frank Salger
- Semantics
On Semantics and Correctness of Reactive Rule-based Systems
- Man Lin, Jacek Malec, Simin Nadjm-Tehrani
Formal Models of Dynamic Programming Constructs
- Nisse Husberg
On Shivers's Aggressive Cutoff Method A Study of the 0-CFA
- Daniel Damian
Correctness of Unfold/Fold-transformations for Nondeterministic
- Björn Lisper
- Verification 2
Verification of Sequential Erlang Programs
- Gennady Chugunov, Lars-åke Fredlund
Verification of State/Event Systems with Acyclic Dependencies by Quotienting
- Nicky O. Bodentien, Jacob Vestergaard, Jakob Friis, Kåre J. Kristoffersen, Kim G. Larsen
- Programming Languages
Distributed Implementation of a Process Algebra-Based
Programming Language for Embedded Systems
- Simon Mørk
Symmetry and Logic Programming
- Jinzhao Wu
- Logics and Semantics
Branching-Time Logic and Semantisc for Probabilistic Open Systems
- Purush Iyer
The Automata-Theoretic Approach Works for Global Trace Logics
- Jesper Gulmann Henriksen, Martin Leucker
Linking DC together with TRSL
- Anne Haxthausen, Xia Yong
- Software Technology
Formal Software Development using Generic Development Steps
- Axel Dold
On Modelling Feature Interaction in Telecommunications
- Bengt Jonsson, Tiziana Margaria, Gustaf Naeser, Jan Nyström, Bernhard Steffen
A generic tool for expressing the development of validations
- J.-P. Bodeveix, M. Filali
- Case Studies
Verifying Distributed LEGO RCX Programs Using UPPAAL
- Morten Laursen, Rune Gee Madsen, Steffen Kondrup Mortensen
Modeling and Analysis of a Field Bus Protocol Using Uppaal
- Alexandre David, Ulf Hammar, Wang Yi
Guided Synthesis of Control Programs using Uppaal for an
Industrial Batch Plant
- Thomas Hune, Kim G. Larsen, Paul Pettersson
- Type and Proof Theory
Incorporating tuple types to C++
- Jaakko Järvi
Programming in Martin-Löf Type Theory Unification - A non-trivial
- Ana Bove
Extending the Window Inference Method
- Jeanette Heidenberg
- Hybrid Systems
General Hybrid Action Systems
- Ralph-Johan Back, Luigia Petre, Iván Porres Paltor
Linear Hybrid Action Systems
- Mauno Rönkkö, Xuandong Li
Case Study : A Temperature Control System Modeling and Verification
Using Action Systems Formalism Parallel Composition of Two or More
Control Systems Simultaneous Control
- Ralph-Johan Back, Cristina Cerschi, Iván Porres Paltor
Component based technique for hybrid control systems design
- Jüri Vain, Alar Kuusik, Marko Kääramees
An Outline of UML Class Diagram Semantics Using PVS-SL
- Demissie B. Aredo, Issa Traoré, Ketil Stølen
An Implementation of UML State Machine Semantics for Model Checking
- Johan Lilius, Henri Sara
Code Generation for Hierarchical Systems
- Gerd Behrmann, Kåre Kristoffersen, Kim G. Larsen
Specifying the Abstract Layer of a Graphical Editor
- Orieta Celiku
- Propositional Logics & SAT
An Analogue of Stålmarck's Method for Intuitionistic Propositional
- Tarmo Uustalu
Symbolic Reachability Analysis Based on SAT Solvers
- Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Per Bjesse, Niklas Een
- Object-Oriented Techniques
OUN: A Formalism for Open, Object Oriented, Distributed Systems
- Olaf Owe, Isabelle Ryl
Object Integrity & Sharing <= True Object-Orientation
- Harri Hakonen, Ville Leppänen, Timo Raita, Tapio Salakoski, Jukka Teuhola
- Logics and Semantics
The Decision Procedure for Finitely-Valued Modal Propositional Logics
- Jurate Sakalauskaite
Correctness of migration in a subset of Obliq
- Hans Hüttel, Josva Kleist, Uwe Nestmann
- Action Systems
Mobile Components as Topological Action Systems
- L. Petre, M. Waldén
An Action Systems Approach to the FEAL-8 Algorithm
- Tiberiu Seceleanu, Sören Holmström