@TechReport{ it:2003-023, author = {Bertil Gustafsson and Per Wahlund}, title = {Time Compact Difference Methods for Wave Propagation in Discontinuous Media}, institution = {Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University}, department = {Division of Scientific Computing}, year = {2003}, number = {2003-023}, month = apr, abstract = {In an earlier paper by Gustafsson and Mossberg, a fourth order one-step method was constructed for the solution of wave propagation problems. The method is based on the first order system form of the PDE, and uses a staggered grid both in space and time. The method was also applied with good results to a problem with discontinuous coefficients without using any special procedure across the discontinuity. In this paper we will analyze a model problem from acoustics, and demonstrate the theoretical foundation for this behavior. Furthermore, we shall present more detailed numerical experiments which confirm the theoretical results.} }