@TechReport{	  it:2004-016,
  author	= {Maya Neytcheva and Erik B{\"a}ngtsson and Bj{\"o}rn Lund},
  title		= {Numerical Solution Methods for Glacial Rebound Models},
  institution	= {Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University},
  department	= {Division of Scientific Computing},
  year		= {2004},
  number	= {2004-016},
  month		= apr,
  note		= {Typographic corrections April 2005},
  abstract	= {We consider the finite element discretization of the
		  system of partial differential equations describing the
		  stress field and the displacements in a (visco)elastic
		  inhomogeneous layered media in response to a surface load.
		  The underlying physical phenomenon, which is modelled, is
		  glacial advance and recession, and the resulting crustal
		  stress state. We analyse the elastic case in more detail
		  and present discretization error estimates. The so-obtained
		  linear system of equations is solved by an iterative
		  solution method with suitable preconditioning and numerical
		  experiments are presented.}