June 2004
Abstract:This report give an introduction to ad hoc networking and presents a list of over 60 ad hoc routing protocols that have been proposed between 199x and 2002. It also discuss the problems of performance evaluation of these protocols and the experiences gathered during the implementation of a real world evaluation testbed.
A major challenge when evaluating ad hoc routing protocol proposals is to agree on a metric under which a protocol's performance will be measured. The fact that most proposed ad hoc protocols have different goals makes it very important to find the essential properties and invent methods how to measure them. This is the main focus in this this report.
The first part discuss the methods and metrics used in simulations performed during recent years. The results show that mobility models, traffic patterns, metrics and propagation models are crucial when doing simulations in order to get valid results.
The second part of this paper describes a new metric called virtual mobility(vM) describing the mobility from a physical point of view opposed to geometrical or link-stability metrics. It also describes the APE-testbed (Ad hoc Protocol Evaluation) that we have created in order to be a able to conduct large scale experiments in an real environment.A lot of effort was put on making the testbed streamlined and as easy to use as possible.
Note: M.Sc. thesis
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