October 2004
Abstract:The objective of the Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory is to bring together researchers from (but not limited to) the Nordic and Baltic countries interested in programming theory, in order to improve mutual contacts and cooperation.
The 16th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory took place at the Uppsala University, Sweden, 6-8 October 2004. The previous workshops were held in Uppsala (1989 and 1999), Aalborg (1990), Gothenburg (1991 and 1995), Bergen (1992 and 2000), Turku (1993, 1998, and 2003), Aarhus (1994), Oslo (1996), Tallinn (1997 and 2002), and in Lyngby (2001).
There were 39 regular presentations at the workshop, arranged in two parallel sessions. In addition the following five invited speakers gave presentations in plenary sessions: Erik Hagersten (Uppsala Univ., Sweden), Neil D. Jones (Copenhagen Univ., Denmark), Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg Univ., Denmark), P.S. Thiagarajan (National University of Singapore), and Michael Williams (Ericsson, Sweden).
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