Uppsala University Department of Information Technology

Technical Report 2006-048

Preconditioning of Boundary Value Problems using Elementwise Schur Complements

Owe Axelsson, Radim Blaheta, and Maya Neytcheva

November 2006


Based on a particular node ordering and corresponding block decomposition of the matrix we analyse an efficient, algebraic multilevel preconditioner for the iterative solution of finite element discretizations of elliptic boundary value problems. Thereby an analysis of a new version of block-factorization preconditioning methods is presented. The approximate factorization requires an approximation of the arising Schur complement matrix. In this paper we consider such approximations derived by the assembly of the local macro-element Schur complements.

The method can be applied also for non-selfadjoint problems but for the derivation of condition number bounds we assume that the corresponding differential operator is selfadjoint and positive definite.

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Uppsala Universitet