@TechReport{ it:2008-012, author = {Stefan Engblom and Lars Ferm and Andreas Hellander and Per L{\"o}tstedt}, title = {Simulation of Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Processes on Unstructured Meshes}, institution = {Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University}, department = {Division of Scientific Computing}, year = {2008}, number = {2008-012}, month = apr, abstract = {Stochastic chemical systems with diffusion are modeled with a reaction-diffusion master equation. On a macroscopic level, the governing equation is a reaction-diffusion equation for the averages of the chemical species. On a mesoscopic level, the master equation for a well stirred chemical system is combined with Brownian motion in space to obtain the reaction-diffusion master equation. The space is covered by an unstructured mesh and the diffusion coefficients on the mesoscale are obtained from a finite element discretization of the Laplace operator on the macroscale. The resulting method is a flexible hybrid algorithm in that the diffusion can be handled either on the meso- or on the macroscale level. The accuracy and the efficiency of the method are illustrated in three numerical examples inspired by molecular biology.} }