@TechReport{ it:2011-015, author = {Elena Sundkvist and Kurt Otto}, title = {Discretization of a Hybrid Model for Acoustic Wave Propagation in Layered Fluid Media}, institution = {Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University}, department = {Division of Scientific Computing}, year = {2011}, number = {2011-015}, month = jun, abstract = {The objective is to construct and discretize (to fourth-order accuracy) a hybrid model for waveguide problems, where a finite difference method for inhomogeneous layers is coupled to a boundary element method (BEM) for a set of homogeneous layers. Such a hybrid model is adequate for underwater acoustics in complicated environments. Waveguides with either plane or axial symmetry are treated, which leads to (algebraically) two-dimensional problems. The main focus is on the collocated BEM.}, note = {Updated 2011-08-08.} }