Graduate School in Cybersecurity
The Graduate School gathers a cohort of existing and forthcoming PhD students and their supervisors to create an environment where experts in cybersecurity and related areas work together.
About the Graduate School in Cybersecurity
To strengthen its strategic research activities, the Department of Information Technology has established a Graduate School in Cybersecurity that brings together the domain expertise and strengthens collaboration on cybersecurity-related research and education.
The school gathers a cohort of existing and forthcoming PhD students and their supervisors to create an environment where experts in cybersecurity and related areas work together, through a core PhD-level curriculum of joint courses and research activities. The school is also envisioned to contribute to existing cybersecurity-related initiatives within the Department and the Faculty, such as undergraduate courses, activities within the Cybersecurity Arena, and the faculty-wide strength area of Systems and Cyber Security. Regular seminars are planned with presentations from the school’s participants and by invited speakers. Active participation in the school's activities by all PhD students and their supervisors is a prerequisite.
Call for Proposals 2024
The school is now opening its second call for two new PhD positions in Cybersecurity to all faculty at the Department of Information Technology. The school will cover 50% of the research time of the PhD students for up to 5 years. This support aims to engage faculty that will actively contribute to the development of the Graduate School and related teaching and research activities.
Read the full call text here.
Applications are open until Feb. 29, 2024, 18:00.
Applications must be uploaded before the deadline as a single PDF file to the Box folder specified in the call text.
Previous Call for Proposals 2022
The school is now opening its first call for two new PhD positions in Cybersecurity to all faculty at the Department of Information Technology. The school will cover 50% of the research time of the PhD students over a period of up to 5 years. The aim of this support is to engage faculty that will actively contribute to the development of the Graduate School and related teaching and research activities.
Read the full call text here.
Contact Us
The Graduate School is currently organized by Christian Rohner and André Teixeira.