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Department of Information Technology

Current seminars in scientific computing

Former seminars in scientific computing

  • Time: 13.15
  • Location: ITC, Polacksbacken


27 May, PhD student seminar in room 2345

Modeling of Moving Contact Lines in Two-Phase Immiscible Flows

Near-Wall Modelling for Large Eddy Simulation

High-fidelity numerical simulation of solitons in the nerve axon

20 May in room 4306

The GLT class as a Generalized Fourier Analysis and applications

15 April at 14.15 in room 2345

Runge-Kutta type Explicit Local Time-Stepping Methods for Wave Propagation

15 April at 13.15 in room 2345

Handling noise in X-ray flash diffraction imaging

25 March in room 1112

High resolution interface representation in numerical flow simulations using finite element methods

18 March in room 2345

Large-scale biomedical data management and analysis with applications in biological sequencing and drug discovery

4 March in room 2345

Diffeomorphic registration of densities by optimal information transport

25 February in room 2215

Micromechanical modelling of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of semicrystalline polymers

11 February in room 2247

What we've learnt about the human upper respiratory airways

23 January at 10.15 in room 2446, licentiate seminar

Techniques for finite element methods on modern processors

21 January in room 2344

Implicit methods for compressible flow problems


3 December in room 2344

Cut finite element methods for convection-diffusion problems on time dependent domains

26 November in room 2344

Some statistical and computational aspects on managed futures funds

19 November in room 2344, PhD student seminar

A stabilized Nitsche cut element method for the wave equation

Convergence analysis for the SBP-SAT approximation of the second order wave equation

5 November in room 2344

Computational aeroacoustics of low Mach number ducted flows

22 October in room 2344

New Developments for Initial Boundary Value Problems at Linköping University

1 October in room 2446

Conservation through Computation: Using Modeling and Simulation to find Methods to Save Endangered Amphibians

17 September in room 2344

Maximum principle preserving continuous finite element schemes for conservation laws

10 September in room 1112

Multiscale techniques for solving eigenvalue problems

27 August in room 2244

A combined experimental and numerical workflow for field-scale in-situ combustion simulation

26 May at 10.15, docent lecture in Swedish

Modeller, metoder och mjukvara för simulering av cellulära reglersystem

21 May in room 2344

Probabilistic Domain Decomposition: an out-of-the-box approach to beat Amdahl's law in PDEs

7 May

Multi-level methods for discrete state modelling of chemical systems

23 April

The Induced Dimension Reduction method and extensions for solving large systems of linear equations

9 April

On the asymptotic spectrum of stiffness matrices arising from Isogeometric Analysis

2 April in room 2446

Basic introduction to hierarchical tensor decompositions - Tucker and Tensor Train decompositions with application to Quantum simulations

19 March

Energy-preserving integrators for stochastic Poisson systems

14 March at 10.15 in room 2344

A multilayer ice flow model generalizing the Shallow Shelf Approximation

12 March

Simultaneous Partitioning of a Sequence of Graphs using a Spectral Tensor Method

26 February

A compact finite difference model for the global electric circuit

12 February

Time-domain numerical modeling of poroelastic waves: the Biot-JKD model with fractional derivatives

29 January in room 1112

Multiscale reaction-diffusion modelling: Application to stochastic front propagation


19 December at 12.00 in room 2347, SIAM Student Chapter Seminar

Of cows and calculus: how mammals regulate blood calcium with precision

11 December in room 2446

Automated Solution of Differential Equations

20 November in room 2345
15 November at 13.15 in room 2347, docent lecture (in Swedish)
13 November in room 2247

Link prediction and affiliation recommendation using auxiliary sources of information

24 October

Monte Carlo hybrid Chernoff tau leap method for stochastic simulation of chemical reaction networks

23 October

Solving nonlinear constrained optimization problems based on Krylov methods

22 October at 10.15 in room 1311, licentiate seminar

Difference methods with boundary and interface treatment for wave equations

15 October at 13.15 in room 1211, licentiate seminar
8 October

Workshop in Computational and Mathematical Finance

with Johan Waldén, University of California, Berkeley, starting with registration at 9.30.

See the homepage

Organized in collaboration with Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics

25 September in room 2244
11 September in room 1145

Numerical challenges in particle simulation of kinetic diffusion equations in toroidal plasmas

22 August, PhD student seminar

Stochastic Simulation of Reaction Diffusion Processes on Unstructured Meshes

Accelerated convergence for Schrödinger equations with non-smooth potentials

21 August

Tackling the construction of probability distributions arising in Bio-Chemical networks

14 August

Difference Potentials Method and its Applications to Composite Domains Problems and to Chemotaxis Models in Biology

5 June at 14.00 in room 2446

Mini-Symposium in Numerical Analysis

  • Olof Widlund, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA: "Domain Decomposition Algorithms for PDEs with Two Sets of Coefficients"
  • Raymond Chan, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: "Linearized alternating direction method for constrained linear least-squares problem"
  • Elisabeth Larsson, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University: "A Galerkin radial basis function method applied to the Schrödinger equation"
4 June at 14.00 in room 2446, licentiate seminar
31 May at 14.00 in room 2446, licentiate seminar
22 May in room 2244
8 May in room 2345

On Optimal Link Activation and Scheduling in Wireless Networks

24 April in room 2345
10 April in room 2345

The Schrödinger Equation in Quantum Dynamics - Applications to Chemical Physics

3 April

Design optimization for wave propagation problems by material distribution
Acoustics and electromagnetics: same same or different?

6 March in room 2345
13 February in room 2446

Extraction of periodic structures from time series using Koopman analysis: An extension of normal-mode and Fourier analyses

7 February

High order preserving residual distribution schemes for advection-diffusion like problems on arbitrary grids, application to the Navier Stokes equations

31 January

Explorations in Numerical Aerodynamic Shape Optimization

23 January


12 December

Solving elliptic PDEs using integral equation methods

6 December

Towards the Ultimate Solver for Wave Equations in the Time Domain

5 December in room 2446

Entropy Stable High Order SBP for Finite Domain Compressible Flows

14 November

Boundary Closures for ESWENO Schemes

31 October in room 1145

Multiresolution and Adaptive Mesh Refinement schemes: a comparative study

24 October in room 2345

Using improved directions of negative curvature for the solution of unconstrained or bound-constrained non-convex problems

19 October at 14.00 in room 2446

Mini-workshop: Topics in Numerical Quantum Dynamics

  • Speakers: Christian Lubich, Tübingen, Regina de Vivie-Riedle, München, Vasile Gradinaru, Zürich, Hans Karlsson, Uppsala, Emil Kieri, Uppsala
  • Program
28 September at 10.15 in room 2446, licentiate seminar
26 September in room 2345
19 September at 15.15

Radial Basis Function - Generated Finite Differences for scientific computing: Freedom from meshes with low computational cost

11 September at 14.15

Modeling and Simulation of Coating Processes in Automotive Industry

5 September

A Newton-Scheme Framework for Multiscale Methods for Nonlinear Elliptic Problems

11 June

Finite Volume Methods for Wave Propagation in Elastic and Poroelastic Materials

30 May

Data Partitioning Based on Realistic Performance Models

23 May

Large Eddy Simulation of partially separated incompressible flow

16 May, PhD student seminar

Matrix-free methods in two-phase flow simulations on graphics processors

An adaptive pseudospectral method for wave packet dynamics

9 May

Towards Higher Order Thinking Skills in Scientific Computing

20 April at 10.15 in room 2347

Global weak error control for the tau-leap method

18 April

A Sparse and High-Order Accurate Line-Based Discontinuous Galerkin Method

20 March in room 2245

A pedestrian's guide to Hermite methods, basic elements and some more sophisticated things

14 March

PDEs and Interdisciplinary Mathematics

9 March at 10.15 in room 2446, licentiate seminar

Towards an adaptive solver for high-dimensional PDE problems on clusters of multicore processors

29 February

Numerical methods for nonlinear eigenproblems and associated problems

15 February

Nonlinear Multiobjective Optimization with Some Applications

9 February at 14.15

How Numerical Diffusion Impacts the Level Set Method in 1D and 2D

8 February
8 February at 9.15

Ice modeling and simulation

  • 9.15 Shallow Ice approximations, Kolumban Hutter, Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology, ETH, Zürich
  • 9.45 Glacial basal conditions from inverse modeling and dating complex glaciers, John Moore and Veijo Pohjola, Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
  • 10.05 Coffee break
  • 10.30 Thomas Zwinger, CSC-Finnish IT Center for Science, Helsinki
  • 11.00 The Second-Order Shallow Ice Approximation, Josefin Ahlkrona, TDB, Uppsala University
  • 11.20 Guessing the future: sea level rise and parametric uncertainty in ice sheet modeling, Patrick Applegate, BBCC, Stockholm University
  • 11.40 Towards scalable solvers for full Stokes models, Jonas Thies, Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University
  • 11.55 Marine Ice Margins - a short overview of ongoing projects at Stockholm University, Nina Kirchner, BBCC, Stockholm University
  • 12.05 Sverker Holmgren, Nordforsk and TDB, Uppsala University
25 January

The initial boundary value problems for symmetric second order hyperbolic systems


7 December

Numerical methods and hybrid models for chemical master equations

23 November

How well are subgrid-scale processes described in climate models?

18 November in room 2347

Flashes on Research in Scientific Computing

  • Speakers: Minh Do Quang, Radim Blaheta, Stanislav Sysala, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, Petia Boyanova, Ivan Lirkov, Jens Berg
  • See workshop homepage
16 November

Additive Schur complement approximation and application to multilevel preconditioning

11 November

Velocity interpolation and streamline tracing on irregular geometries

9 November

A stochastic model for peer-to-peer networks

3 November in room 2345, PhD student seminar

The survey of well-known preconditioners used for block two-by-two systems

Adaptive discontinuous Galerkin multiscale method for elliptic problems: Energy norm a posteriori error esimate

19 October

Numerical Challenges in Earthquake Simulations

28 September

Residual based artificial viscosity for compressible flows

21 September at 11.15, SIAM student chapter lecture

Validated Numerics - a short introduction to rigorous computations

16 September at 10.15 in room 2446, licentiate seminar

A high-order accurate, collocated boundary element method for wave propagation in layered media

15 September, undergraduate lecture

Climate and numerical weather prediction models

14 September in room 2245
15 June

Tunneling and Spawning with Hagedorn Wavepackets

25 May

A Numerical Methodology for the Painlevé equations

4 May

Towards a geometric multilevel method for saddlepoint problems

27 April

High order numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction in the human larynx

13 April in room 2446

Stockholm-Uppsala Numerical Analysis Day

13.15: Finite Element Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for the Wave Equation

15.15: Boundary integral equation methods for high frequency scattering problems

6 April

A Finite Element Method for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations

30 March

Fast numerical solution to the Helmholtz equation

23 March

Polarization in Yeast Mating: Modeling and Simulation of Spatial Stochastic Phenomena

9 March

Multi configurational electron structure theory

2 March in room 2245

Adaptive numerical solution of PDE eigenvalue problems

23 February

Task-based Programming on Complex Heterogeneous Multicore

Using Hardware Transactional Memory for High-Performance Computing

9 February

Convergence of Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Using Viscosity Solutions and Differential Inclusions


15 December in room 2245

Entropy stable boundary conditions

1 December, docent lecture

Finita elementmetoder för multiskal- och multifysikproblem

24 November at 13.15 in room 2446

Flashes on Research in Scientific Computing

Workshop in scientific computing with speakers: Fred Wubs, Stefan Engblom, Sofia Eriksson, Erik Lehto, Svetozar Margenov, Stefano Serra, and Maya Neytcheva. Full program and registration at the homepage.

27 October, docent lecture

Noggranna och strikt stabila algoritmer för tids- och rumsberoende partiella differential ekvationer

20 October

Electron-lattice dynamics by means of simultaneous integration of the time dependent Schrödinger equation and the Newton´s equation of motion

13 October

GROMACS - A State of the Art High Performance Computing Application

29 September

Radial Basis Function Methods for Interpolation and Collocation Problems: Adaptive and Partition of Unity Schemes

20 September

First Principles Molecular Dynamics for Extended Length and Time Scales

15 September

Weak Boundary and Interface Conditions with Multi-Physics Applications

12 May in room 2344

PDE-constrained optimisation: why is it so challenging and some methods to overcome these challenges

7 May at 14.00 in room 2446, licentiate seminar
5 May in room 2344

Saddle Point Problems in Liquid Crystal Modelling

21 April

Numerical methods for variance component estimation

7 April

Fast Reduction to Hessenberg Form on Multicore Processors

31 March at 13.15 in room 2345, licentiate seminar

Managing Applications and Data in Distributed Computing Infrastructures

24 March

Supercomputing for Simulation in Science and Engineering

19 March at 13.15 in room 2345, licentiate seminar

Using Markov Models and a Stochastic Lipschitz Condition for Genetic Analyses

10 March at 15.15 in room 2446

Impact of Architecture and Technology for Extreme Scale on Software and Algorithm Design

3 March

Intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to noise in gene expression

24 February

Controlling errors in self-consistent field electronic structure calculations

17 February at 13.15 in room 2214

Robust Multilevel Solution Methods for Nonconforming FEM Systems

11 February at 10.15 in room 2446, licentiate seminar

Absorbing boundary techniques for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation


16 December at 10.15 in room 2344, licentiate seminar

Numerical Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations applied to Turbulent Flow and to Multi-Phase Flow

2 December in room 2344

A novel parallel QR algorithm for hybrid distributed memory HPC systems

18 November in room 2344

Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Convection-Reaction-Diffusion systems with transmission conditions

12 November at 15.15 in room 2344

Large Eddy Simulation on Unstructured Grids

4 November in room 2247
28 October in room 2345

A "best fit" optimization approach for component based software development

21 October in room 2345

General Galerkin methods for Unified Continuum modeling of fluid-structure interaction

Updated  2015-07-16 15:43:10 by Kurt Otto.