Our latest refereed publications
An Exact and Approximate Schur Complement Method for Time-Harmonic Optimal Control Problems
. In Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, volume 32, number 1, John Wiley & Sons, 2025. (DOI
, Fulltext
, fulltext:print
Matrix-free higher-order finite element methods for hyperelasticity
. In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, volume 435, Elsevier, 2025. (DOI
, Fulltext
, fulltext:print
Modeling the hallmarks of avascular tumors
. Springer, 2025. (DOI
All our refereed publications
August 2017
August 21-24: Timofey Mukha, Saleh Rezaeiravesh, and Mattias Liefvendahl attended and gave presentations at the 16th European Turbulence Conference in Stockholm.
July 2017
July 24-27: Timofey Mukha attended and gave a presentation at the 12th OpenFOAM Workshop in Exeter, UK.
June 2017
June 19-21: Gustav Ludvigsson and Simon Sticko attended and gave presentations at X-DMS 2017 in Umeå.
June 12-13: Timofey Mukha and Saleh Rezaeiravesh attended and gave presentations at the 25th Svenska Mekanikdagarna in Uppsala.
May 2017
May 17-20: Murtazo Nazarov visited Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
May 15-19: Siyang Wang attended WAVES 2017 in Minneapolis, MN. He presented his research on discontinuous Galerkin methods for a coupled acoustic-elastic system.
April 2017
April 4 - May 24: Murtazo Nazarov visited Department of Mathematics, Texas A & M University.
March 2017
March 6-7: Stefan Engblom visited Alexandros Sopasakis at Lund University, and gave a talk Data-driven computational Epidemics
February 2017
February 20 - March 10: Gustav Ludvigsson, Simon Sticko, and Gunilla Kreiss visited
Yekaterina Epshteyn and her PhD students at the Department of Mathematics
, University of Utah for a research collaboration.
February 8-9: Stefan Engblom attended Young Academy of Sweden meeting in Gothenburg.
November 2016
November 20-25: Stefan Engblom gave a talk Data-driven Epidemiological Simulations: Verotoxigenic E. coli O157 at the workshop Mathematical Biology for Understanding Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Human-Animal-Environment Interface in Banff, Canada.
November 16: Timofey Mukha attended the Gothenburg Region OpenFOAM User Group Meeting. He presented his research on turbulent inflow generation.
November 1-15: Ken Mattsson, Jonatan Werpers, Ylva Rydin, and Martin Almquist visited the Department of Geophysics at Stanford University to participate in projects on magma flow in volcanoes, flexural-gravity waves in ice sheets, and acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere.
September 2016
September 19: Jonathan Bull attended the Parallel Programming with Open Standards Meeting at CSC, KTH. He learned about programming for GPUs on current and future architectures.
August 2016
August 22-23: Lina von Sydow, Elisabeth Larsson, Slobodan Milovanovic, and Victor Shcherbakov that are working within the Computational Finance project organized a workshop to start the BENCHOP complex project.
August 11-16: Carl Nettelblad participated in experiments at LCLS. We tried out using InfluxDB
and Grafana
for the somewhat unorthodox purpose of monitoring physics experiments in real-time, as well as keeping a history.
July 2016
July 27-30: Sonja Mathias and Adrien Coulier attended the 10th Annual q-bio Conference in Nashville, TN.
July 18-22: Saleh Rezaeiravesh attended the CISM advanced school on wall-bounded turbulence in Udine, Italy. He presented a poster on near-wall modeled LES on behalf of himself and his collaborators.
July 11-15: Jing Liu and Siyang Wang attended the SIAM Annual Meeting 2016 in Boston, MA. Both gave presentations on numerical methods for scientific problems.
July 10-22: Sonja Mathias and Adrien Coulier participated in the 10th q-bio Summer School in San Diego, CA. They gave short presentations about their research.
June 2016
June 27 - July 1: Martin Almquist, Jonathan Bull, Sverker Holmgren, Ken Mattsson, Victor Shcherbakov, and Siyang Wang attended the 11th International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They gave talks in minisymposia and contributed sessions related to high order methods for solving partial differential equations.
June 26-30: Timofey Mukha attended the 11th OpenFOAM Workshop in Guimarães, Portugal.
June 14-17: Martin Almquist visited Michaela Mehlin at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
June 6-8: Slobodan Milovanovic and Lina von Sydow attended International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2016) in San Diego, CA. They gave talks on numerical option pricing within Workshop on Computational and Algorithmic Finance.
June 5-10: Hanna Holmgren, Saleh Rezaeiravesh, Simon Sticko, Jonathan Bull, and Mattias Liefvendahl attended the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS) in Crete, Greece.
June 2-6: Carl Nettelblad participated in experiments at LCLS. We were hit by a memory leak bug in the release branch of libzmq
, which was fixed in trunk. After some creative backporting, we reached much more stable operation on the real-time monitoring.
May 2016
May 23-27: Hanna Holmgren gave a presentation about moving contact lines at the 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Florence, Italy.
May 23: Slobodan Milovanovic gave a talk about RBF-FD methods for high-dimensional option pricing at Computational Finance Day organized by the SIAM student chapter at TU Delft
. Besides the scientific benefits, this has greatly contributed to establishing some stronger ties between the two chapters.
May 19: Martin Almquist, Adrien Coulier, Hanna Holmgren, Lina Meinecke, Slobodan Milovanovic, and Jarmo Rantakokko represented the Division at Blodomloppet.
May 12: The alumnus Emil Kieri was awarded The Carl-Erik Fröberg Prize for Young BIT Authors
May 3-4: Martin Almquist, Ken Mattsson, and Jonatan Werpers visited Magnus Svärd and Anna Nissen
at University of Bergen, Norway.
April 2016
April 25-26: Elisabeth Larsson participated in the MC meeting of the COST Action cHiPSET in Dublin, Ireland.
April 20-24: Carl Nettelblad participated in experiments at LCLS. We found out that the OpenMPI version 1.8.6 had a memory leak that had bit us hard in the past, cf. Github repo
April 14-15: Patrick Farrell from the Mathematical Institute at Oxford University visited Jonathan Bull to work on finding multiple solutions to the Euler and RANS equations using the method of deflation.
April 11-15: Ali Dorostkar, Anastasia Kruchinina, Maya Neytcheva, Elisabeth Larsson, and Afshin Zafari participated in SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Paris, France. All gave presentations and were involved in the organization of minisymposia.
April 5-8: Fredrik Hellman and Saleh Rezaeiravesh participated in SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Lausanne, Switzerland.
March 2016
March 31 - April 5: Elisabeth Larsson participated in International Conference on Multivariate Approximation, Schloss Rauischholzhausen, Gießen, Germany. She gave an invited presentation on Robust Kernel Based Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations.
March 21-24: Michaela Mehlin from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology was visiting.
March 18-20: Murtazo Nazarov attended 27th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians in Stockholm. He gave a talk Towards invariant domain preserving high order continuous finite elements for conservation laws
March 18: The Division organized an alumni meeting with presentations by alumni PhD students, a poster session by present PhD students, and a dinner at Eklundshof. There are pictures from the event.
March 7-9: Elisabeth Larsson participated in the PMG meeting of the FP7 EU-project FESTA in Aachen, Germany.
March 3 - May 28: Karl Ljungkvist visited the research group of Wolfgang Bangerth at Texas A & M University. The visit involved collaboration on development of the deal.II
open source finite element library.
February 2016
February 4: It was announced that the paper BENCHOP - The BENCHmarking project in Option Pricing
(authored by Lina von Sydow, Josef Höök, Elisabeth Larsson, Slobodan Milovanovic, Victor Scherbakov, et al.) was one of the most popular articles published in 2015 in Taylor and Francis Mathematics and Statistics journals.
January 2016
January 18-22: Lina Meinecke attended the opening workshop of Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Biology: Numerical Methods and Applications
at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK. She presented a poster on macromolecular crowding.
January 17 - February 10: Murtazo Nazarov visited Department of Mathematics, Texas A & M University. It was a collaboration visit, where the goal was to develop nonlinear stabilization techniques for hyperbolic problems.
January 13-14: The Division organized an internal conference at Haga slott, where goals and strategies, road map and guidelines for PhD studies were discussed.
December 2015
December 14-18: Lina von Sydow and Josef Höök attended International Conference on Computational Finance (ICCF) 2015 in Greenwich, UK. They gave talks on RBF-FD for multidimensional option pricing, Forward option pricing using Gaussian RBFs, and Filtering and parameter estimation of partially observed diffusion processes using Gaussian RBFs.
November 2015
November 17-20: Emil Kieri visited André Uschmajew at the University of Bonn, Germany, and gave a talk on dynamical low-rank approximation.
November 10-13: Siyang Wang visited Anna Nissen at University of Bergen, Norway, to work on accuracy analysis of SBP-SAT finite difference methods for the wave equation.
November 1-15: Ken Mattsson, Jonatan Werpers, and Martin Almquist visited Stanford University to participate in a project on magma flow in volcanoes. Jonatan gave a talk on solitary waves at the Department of Geophysics.
October 2015
October 29-31: Gong Cheng attended the International Glaciological Society - Nordic Branch Meeting 2015 in Copenhagen, Denmark, and presented a poster entitled Efficient Numerical Ice Sheet Simulations over Long Time Spans.
October 19: Members of the Uppsala University Student Chapter of SIAM visited the video game development company DICE in Stockholm.
September 2015
September 28-30: Elisabeth Larsson participated in the project management and collaborative meeting of the FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2011-1 project Female Empowerment in Science and Technology Academia (FESTA) at Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
September 28-29: Jonathan Bull visited Philipp Birken at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University to work on multigrid smoothers for compressible flows.
September 14-18: Stefan Engblom attended SciCADE 2015 in Potsdam, Germany, and gave a talk entitled Pathwise analysis for split-step methods and multiscale variable splitting in spatial stochastic kinetics
September 14-18: Josefin Ahlkrona, Doghonay Arjmand, Hanna Holmgren, Emil Kieri, Slobodan Milovanovic, Victor Shcherbakov, Lina von Sydow, and Siyang Wang attended the 11th European Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH) conference in Ankara, Turkey.
September 11: Elisabeth Larsson participated in Management Committee and Work Group meetings of the EU COST Action IC1406 High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet), Kraków, Poland.
September 10-11: Maya Neytcheva participated in Management Committee and Work Groups meetings of the EU COST Action IC1305 Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS), Kraków, Poland.
September 9: Sonja Mathias joined the Division as a doctoral student. She will be working with her main advisor Stefan Engblom in a project entitled Numerical modeling and simulation of living cells.
September 8-19: Gong Cheng attended the 15th Karthaus Summer School on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System in Karthaus, Italy.
September 7-11: Lina von Sydow attended Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations (NUMDIFF-14), and gave a talk on Forward option pricing using Gaussian RBFs.
September 5-8: Elisabeth Larsson, Slobodan Milovanovic, and Victor Shcherbakov attended Dolomites Research Week on Approximation (DRWA15) in Alba di Canazei, Italy.
September 3: Jonathan Bull was invited to give a talk at Linköping University about his research on turbulence modelling and high-order methods in CFD. The talk was given at a meeting of the members of the Swedish national project called Methods for Improved Accuracy in Unsteady Aerodynamics (MIAU) involving the partners Saab, Chalmers, KTH, LiU, FOI, and Creo Dynamics.
August 2015
August 26-27: Ten of us participated in the BIT Circus 2015 at Umeå University. The circus is organized biannually, and the main idea is that young researchers present their on-going work.
August 10-14: Lina Meinecke attended the 8th ICIAM conference in Beijing, China.
August 3 - September 11: Ali Safdari-Vaighani, Department of Statistics, Mathematics, and Computer Science, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran visited Elisabeth Larsson to work on RBF methods for the Rosenau equation.
July 2015
July 20-24: Martin Almquist, Ken Mattsson, and Jonatan Werpers attended the WAVES 2015 conference in Karlsruhe, Germany.
June 2015
June 15-18: Lina Meinecke participated in the workshop Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology in Dublin, Ireland.
June 14-17: Martin Almquist visited Michaela Mehlin and Marcus Grote
at Universität Basel, to work on local time-stepping methods for wave equations.
June 8-12: Maya Neytcheva and Ali Dorostkar presented some recent results at the 10th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations in Sozopol, Bulgaria. The conference was organized by the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with SIAM.
June 1-3: Murtazo Nazarov attended the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing, PASC15 conference at ETH
Zürich, Switzerland. He gave two invited minisymposium talks on stabilization techniques in fluid dynamics and on the dynamic subgrid-scale model for LES in numerical weather prediction.
May 31 - June 6: Emil Kieri attended the Oberwolfach workshop Mathematical Methods in Quantum Molecular Dynamics, and presented work regarding dynamical low-rank approximation.
May 2015
May 27: The IT department celebrated its 50th anniversary and published a jubilee book.
May 25: Our Student SIAM Chapter visited Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut.
May 12-16: Stefan Engblom visited Radek Erban at the Mathematical Institute
, University of Oxford, UK. He gave a talk entitled Towards consistent and effective modeling in the stochastic reaction-diffusion framework
May 4-8: Daniel Elfverson and Fredrik Hellman visited Daniel Peterseim at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany. They presented work regarding multilevel methods for uncertainty quantification.
April 2015
April 30: Maya Neytcheva participated in the Third Management Committee meeting of the EU COST Action IC1305 Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS), Budapest, Hungary.
April 14-16: Josef Höök, Lina von Sydow, and Elisabeth Larsson visited Erik Lindström at Lund University to work on their joint project in Computational Financial Statistics financed by eSSENCE
March 2015
March 15-30: Jing Liu visited the Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, Japan. It was a collaboration on analyzing PBCV X-ray single particle imaging and acquiring cryo EM imaging.
March 14-18: Andreas Hellander, Elisabeth Larsson, and Simon Sticko attended the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE15) in Salt Lake City, UT.
February 2015
February 9-13: Alberto Gambaruto visited Elisabeth Larsson to explore how radial basis function methods can be used in flow simulations, and to discuss with other researchers about the flow aspects of the problem.
February 10-12: Daniel Elfverson visited Mats Larson at Umeå University. The goal with this collaboration is to develop a multiscale method for complex geometries.
February 2-6: Alison Ramage visited Lina von Sydow and Elisabeth Larsson to work on a project in preconditioning of RBF-PUM methods.
February 2-5: Lina Meinecke visited Stefan Hellander, Brian Drawert, and Linda Petzold at UC Santa Barbara, CA.
January 2015
January 26-30: Linda Petzold from University of California, Santa Barbara visited Per Lötstedt to receive an honorary doctorate at the winter conferment ceremony in Uppsala. She gave a talk at the eSSENCE workshop on Frontiers in Computational Biomedicine.
January 11-30: Lina Meinecke attended the interdisciplinary course Systems Biology: Morphogenesis and Spatial Dynamics at UC Irvine, CA.
January 7-8: Daniel Elfverson visited Uni Research, research partner to University of Bergen, Norway. He met surprisingly many former colleagues: Per Pettersson and Anna Nissen who work there, but also Patrick Henning who was visiting independently of Daniel.
December 2014
December 8-12: Fredrik Hellman visited SINTEF in Oslo, Norway.
November 2014
November 13-15: Elisabeth Larsson, Slobodan Milovanovic, Victor Shcherbakov, and Lina von Sydow participated in and presented their research at SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics and Engineering. They all gave a presentation, and Lina and Elisabeth organized the minisymposium Radial Basis Function Based Methods in Finance.
November 9-14: Stefan Engblom participated in the BIRS workshop Particle-Based Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Models in Biology in Banff, Alberta, Canada. He gave a talk entitled Mesoscopic Stochastic Modeling: Diffusion Operators, Multiphysics Couplings, and Convergence
, which was recorded on video
November 6: Emil Kieri gave a talk at the University of Tübingen. Emil is visiting the numerics group in Tübingen over the winter.
November 3: Gunilla Kreiss received a grant from the Swedish Research Council to develop Computational methods for second order wave equations with immersed boundaries.
November 2-16: Ken Mattsson and Martin Almquist visited Stanford University to participate in a project on magma flow in volcanoes, and deliver a presentation at the Department of Geophysics.
October 2014
October 30 - November 1: Cheng Gong attended the International Glaciological Society Nordic Branch Meeting 2014 in Mýrdalur, Iceland.
October 25-29: Maya Neytcheva attended the 5th International Conference on Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing in Shanghai, China. She gave a presentation on Performance study of block preconditioned inner-outer solvers on multicore CPU and GPU.
September 29 - October 10: Daniel Elfverson visited the UK and held presentations at University College London (September 29 - October 1), University of Sussex (October 2-3), University of Nottingham (October 6-7), and University of Bath (October 8-10).
September 2014
September 29 - October 3: Fredrik Hellman attended International Conference on Numerical and Mathematical Modeling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
September 28 - October 4: Maya Neytcheva attended International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics in Strobl, Austria.
September 18: Professor Linda Petzold, University of California, Santa Barbara, will become doctor honoris causa
at Uppsala University in January 2015. She is honored for her work in developing methods for simulation of deterministic and stochastic models and for implementation of the methods in widely used software.
August 2014
August 29: Per Wahlund retired from his position as Senior Lecturer (universitetslektor) after a long and successful teaching career.
August 26-27: Maya Neytcheva attended the yearly meeting of the Swedish Network for Mathematics in Industry, which is a part of the
European Service Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation. The network aims at promoting the use of mathematics in industry, and to serve as an interface between academia and industry. It is individual-based and anyone interested can be involved and contribute.
August 13-21: Siyang Wang gave a talk at 27th International Congress of Mathematicians in Seoul, Korea. The congress is one of the largest in mathematics with topics in numerical analysis, PDEs, mathematical physics, mathematical aspects of computer science, etc. Four leading mathematicians were awarded the Fields Medal. Interesting lectures were delivered by the medalists.
August 11-22: Lina von Sydow and Simon Sticko attended the 24th Jyväskylä Summer School in Finland. Lina taught the course Numerical Methods for Option Pricing and Simon took two courses.
July 2014
July 20-27: Daniel Elfverson attended the World Congress on Computational Mechanics and the Summer school Isogeometric Analysis: Fundamentals and Applications
July 7-11: SIAM Annual Meeting 2014 in Chicago was attended by three members of the staff. The talks at the conference covered many topics, e.g., networks, stochastic models and methods of solution, inverse problems with large data sets such as for the Antarctic ice sheet, machine learning, visualization of big data, statistical methods to find the Higgs particle, and methods for exascale computing. We presented stochastic simulation in molecular biology in two minisymposium talks and one student talk.
July 7-10: The conference Mathematics Days in Sofia, Bulgaria, provided an opportunity to present the current state of the art in all areas of mathematics (in particular differential equations, mathematical physics, mathematical modeling, and mathematical aspects of computer science). Maya Neytcheva gave an invited presentation in a minisymposium entitled Advanced Analytical and Numerical Techniques for Applications.
July 5-8: Cecilia Håård and Slobodan Milovanovic organized a scientific computing workshop at Petnica Science Center in Serbia. The workshop gathered 19 participants, who are doing research in fields of science that rely on scientific computing.
July 2-4: 8th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications in Lugano, Switzerland was attended by Emanuel Rubensson and Maya Neytcheva, both delivering presentations on current research. The conference provides an excellent forum for exchange of ideas, insights and experiences in different areas of parallel computing (multicore, manycores, and GPU) and applications in which matrix algorithms are employed. The computational efficiency of algorithms and their computer implementations was emphasized.
June 2014
June 23-37: Eight members of the staff attended the 10th International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods in Salt Lake City, UT. We organized minisymposia, gave talks in minisymposia and contributed sessions. Most talks at the conference concerned development and analysis of discretization techniques for partial differential equations, but stochastic and fractional differential equations as well as parallelization issues, were also discussed. The focus of this conference series is very well aligned with Scientific Computing activities.
June 15-19: Five members of the staff participated in the 9th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology in Göteborg and organized one minisymposium, gave talks in minisymposia and contributed sessions, and presented a poster. The conference is mainly devoted to mathematical modeling in ecology, evolution, epidemics, genetics, and cell and molecular biology, but there were also talks about computational methods in biology.
June 9-11: Josef Höök, Elisabeth Larsson, and Lina von Sydow organized a workshop on financial mathematics and computations at Institut Mittag-Leffler in Djursholm. It was well attended by people from academia and financial institutions. There were research presentations with a mix of applied mathematics and numerical methods in the morning. New problems were discussed in the afternoon sessions, which resulted in at least one new major collaboration project.
June 2-6: Josef Höök presented a poster and Lina von Sydow gave a talk at 8th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society in Brussels, Belgium. The conference is one of the largest in the area of quantitative and mathematical finance. Its topics range from mathematical modeling, risk management, portfolio optimization, economics, trading strategies to computational finance.
June 2-4: Cecilia Håård and Josefin Ahlkrona participated in the ISSM Workhop 2014 at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
in Bergen, Norway. The workshop was about the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM), and the lectures were given by the developers at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA. There was also a poster session, where the participants presented their research.
May 2014
May 28: Several of us attended the Computational Mathematics Circus at KTH. The Circus was visited by people from KTH, Uppsala, Linköping, Kaust, and Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa. It was a nice opportunity to exchange ideas.
May 26-30: Josefin Ahlkrona attended and presented her research at the International Symposium on Contribution of Glaciers and Ice Sheets to Sea-Level Change in Chamonix, France. There were research presentations spanning from classical glaciology and geology to numerical modeling of glaciers and ice sheets, and also an excursion to the nearby glacier Mer de Glace
May 23, 10:15, room 2446: PhD dissertation, Martin Tillenius, Scientific Computing on Multicore Architectures
May 14-June 4: Bengt Fornberg is visiting. Together with Natasha Flyer
he is giving the graduate course Perturbation Theory and Asymptotic Expansions.
May 8-9: Slobodan Milovanovic and Victor Shcherbakov accompanied by Elisabeth Larsson attended Postgraduate Workshop on Approximation Theory (with emphasis on Financial Applications) at Birkbeck, University of London. Doctoral students and researchers from Birkbeck, Leicester University, and Uppsala University had a chance to share their research results and exchange ideas amongst a larger audience. The broader aim of the workshop was to explore potential collaborative projects in this field for the future.
April 2014
April 25 - June 23: Francisco Bernal, Technical University of Lisbon is visiting Elisabeth Larsson.
April 25, 13:15, room 2446: Licentiate seminar, Anne-Kathrin Peters, The role of students´ identity development in higher education in computing
April 13-19: Slobodan Milovanovic and Victor Shcherbakov participated in Montestigliano Workshop, Italy. The theme of the workshop was Radial Basis Function Methods for Scientific Computing. The workshop was very useful for further development of their research projects.
April 1-8: Thomas Huckle from Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität München was visiting.
March 2014
March 31 - April 4: Daniel Elfverson and Fredrik Hellman visited the SIAM UQ conference in Savannah, GA. The conference was an interdisciplinary conference for statisticians and applied mathematicians. There were some very interesting presentations for PDEs with log-normal data, which are often used in geoscience applications.
March 19-20: Mark Chaplain from Division of Mathematics, University of Dundee was visiting.
February 2014
February 3-6: Alison Ramage from Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Strathclyde was visiting.
January 2014
January 28-31: Martin Robinson from OCCAM, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford was visiting.