Near-Wall Models for Large Eddy Simulation
- Gunilla Kreiss
- Mattias Liefvendahl (Principal Investigator, VR-Grant: 2012-42406-93864-44)
- Timofey Mukha
- Saleh Rezaeiravesh
Project Description
The overall aim of the project is to improve the predictive capability of large eddy simulation, with near wall modelling, for flows with a significant influence of turbulent boundary layers and, in particular, realistic applications with unsteady separation at curved surfaces.
This aim will be pursued along two complementary lines of research
- Theoretical numerical analysis of the properties of the algorithms and their dependence on parameters, as well as the formulation of appropriate model problems for the analysis.
- Systematic large-scale computations of relevant flow cases which are well documented experimentally, in order to validate the model, investigate its range of applicability, find best practice guidelines and to improve the model.
The methods developed within the project are implemented in OpenFOAM, which is the open source software package for CFD which is most widely used. This allows an efficient distribution of the research results of the project, as well as their independent evaluation by other researchers in Sweden, Europe and the world.