MATLAB code for RBF-PUM solvers for convection diffusion problems
These MATLAB codes are released to support reproducible research for the numerical results in the manuscript
A radial basis function partition of unity collocation method for convection–diffusion equations arising in financial applications
. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 64, pp 341-367, 2015. (DOI
, fulltext:postprint
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These subroutines may be used freely without permission, but not
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kindly ask users to cite and acknowledge the source.
Solve 2-D convection-diffusion problem in [0 1]x[0 1] with RBF-PUM
u_t = \kappa\Delta{u} + \nu\nabla{u}
with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions.
The PUM method is used with inverse multiquadric RBFs for the local interpolants
Involved functions
weight_PUM, imq_PUM, RBF_PUM_diffmat and ode_CD.
For the non-uniform discretization case based on Halton points,
uncomment the code line:
load hpoints.mat; xm=data(:,1); ym=data(:,2);
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RBF-PUM-BS (uniform-tailored)
Evaluate the two assets AMERICAN OPTION with RBF-PUM.
The RBF-PUM method is used with inverse multiquadric RBFs for the local interpolants.
The penalty parameters are \delta=0.00001, C=r.
Involved functions
weight_PUM, imq_PUM, BS_1D, PUM_BS_diffmat and odefun_2D.
PUM_BS_tailored.m is based on tailored nodes and
PUM_BS_uniform.m is based on uniform nodes.
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The two assets AMERICAN option calculator as a graphical user
interface (GUI).
solver_BS.m is the main program for implementation of the example.
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