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Department of Information Technology


Maya Neytcheva

Seminar program in scientific computing

January 18 at 13:15: Internal speaker, 101127

Global optimisation of computationally expensive objective functions

Fall 2022

December 21 at 13:15: Invited speaker, 101130

To be announced

December 14 at 13:15: PhD presentations, 101130

Title to be announced

Title to be announced

December 7 at 13:15: Invited speaker

To be announced

December 1 at 13:15: Invited speaker, Polhemsalen, 10134

To be announced

November 30 at 13:15: Internal speaker, 101130

To be announced

November 23 at 13:15: Internal speaker

To be announced

November 9 at 13:15: Licentiate seminar

To be announced

November 4 at 13:15: Half-time seminar, 101130

Toward Efficient Data Management in Hierarchical Storage using Reinforcement Learning

November 2 at 13:15: Internal speaker, 101130

To be announced

October 25 at 13:15: Guest speaker, 101127

To be announced

October 19 at 13:15: Internal speaker, 101130

Reduced order models for inverse scattering problems

September 28 at 13:15: Invited speaker

DoD stabilization for solving conservation laws on cut cell meshes

September 7 at 13:15: Invited speaker

An introduction to material distribution topology optimization and its application to the design of a device colloquially called an acoustic diode

Spring 2022

June 21 at 13:15: Internal speaker, 101130, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

WaveHolts: How the wave equation can be used to solve Helmholtz equation

June 15 at 13:15: Invited speaker, 101130, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Quantum-based molecular dynamics using deep neural networks and AI hardware

June 7 at 15:30: Internal speaker, 101146, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Designing neural networks for population genomic data and evolutionary inference

May 25 at 13:15: Internal speaker, 101130, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Federated learning

May 19 at 12:15: LUNCH SEMINAR !!! Guest speaker, 106157 & zoom meeting

Mitral Valve Modeling: From Medical Image Analysis to Fluid Structure Interaction

May 18 at 13:15: PhD student presentations, 1101130, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Presentation 1: Memory-Aware Scheduling of Tasks Sharing Data on Multiple GPUs with Dynamic Runtime Systems

Presentation 2: Parallel implementations of Implicit Runge-Kutta methods

May 11 at 13:15: Internal speaker, 101130, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Fog Computing and its role in Digital Transformation

April 20 at 13:15: Internal speaker, Postponed

To be announced

April 6 at 13:15: Internal speaker, 101130, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

To be announced

March 23 at 13:15: Guest presentation, Zoom meeting

Waveform relaxation methods for coupled multiphysics

March 16 at 13:15: PhD student presentations, 1101130, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Presentation 1: Algorithm study of federated learning and its application in radiation treatment planning

Presentation 2: Deep Learning for Agricultural Genomics

March 9 at 13:15: PhD student presentations, 1101130, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Presentation 1: Scalable computational modeling of living cells

Presentation 2: Numerical Simulation of the Human Diaphragm

February 23 at 13:15: Internal speaker, Hybrid live (101136 Del B) - zoom meeting

High-Order CutFEM with BDF on Time-Dependent Domains

February 16 at 13:15: Internal speaker, Hybrid live (101190) - zoom meeting

An Invariant Domain Preserving Finite Element Method for Surface-Quasi-Geostrophic (SQG) Flows

January 26 at 13:15: Internal speaker, Hybrid live (2245)-zoom meeting

Briefly on computational complexity when computing gradient vectors and Hessians (automatic differentiation)

Seminar postponed: Guest speaker, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

To be announced

  • Artur Podobas

January 21 at 13:15: Half-time seminar, Å4101, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

High-order nonlinear artificial viscosity methods for magnetohydrodynamics

Fall 2021

December 15 at 13:15: Half-time seminar, 2347, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

High-order finite difference methods with applications in Geophysics

December 8 at 13:15: Guest lecturer, 2247 Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Multiscale analysis and high-order schemes for nonlinear multilevel Maxwell-Bloch equations

December 1 at 13:15: Guest lecturer, 1245 Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Bayesian inversion for tomography through machine learning

November 24 at 13:15: 1211 Hybrid live-zoom meeting

To test, or not to test: A proactive approach for deciding complete performance test initiation

November 10 at 13:15: 2345, Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Orthogonal Spline Collocation Method for Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems

October 27 at 13:15: Guest lecturer, 2245 Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Error estimates of the backward Euler--Maruyama method for multi-valued stochastic differential equations

October 20 at 14:15: Guest lecturer, 2344 Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Investigating the drivers of Helheim Glacier’s variability using numerical modelling

Date TBA at 13:15: TDB lecturer

Bayesian inversion for tomography through machine learning

October 13 at 13:15: Guest lecturer, 2344 Hybrid live-zoom meeting

Preliminary: Computer simulations of network models with application to paper industry

September 22 at 13:15: Guest lecturer, Zoom meeting

Preliminary: Deep learning as optimal control problems with applications to mechanical systems

Updated  2022-11-22 10:30:23 by Maya Neytcheva.