Seminars 2014
3 December in room 2344
Cut finite element methods for convection-diffusion problems on time dependent domains
- Sara Zahedi
- Numerical Analysis Group
- Department of Mathematics
- School of Engineering Sciences
- Stockholm
- abstract
26 November in room 2344
Some statistical and computational aspects on managed futures funds
- Tobias Rydén
- Brummer & Partners
- Stockholm
- abstract
19 November in room 2344, PhD student seminar
A stabilized Nitsche cut element method for the wave equation
Convergence analysis for the SBP-SAT approximation of the second order wave equation
5 November in room 2344
Computational aeroacoustics of low Mach number ducted flows
- Gunilla Efraimsson
- Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering
- School of Engineering Sciences
- Stockholm
- abstract
22 October in room 2344
New Developments for Initial Boundary Value Problems at Linköping University
- Jan Nordström
- Division of Computational Mathematics
- Department of Mathematics
- Linköping University
- Linköping
- abstract
1 October in room 2446
Conservation through Computation: Using Modeling and Simulation to find Methods to Save Endangered Amphibians
- Brian Drawert
- Department of Computer Science
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Santa Barbara, California, USA
- abstract
24 September in room 1245
A Variational Multi-Scale method with spectral approximation of the sub-scales
- Ben Mansour Dia
- SRI - Center for Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Science & Engineering
- Division of Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering
- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
- Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
- abstract
17 September in room 2344
Maximum principle preserving continuous finite element schemes for conservation laws
- Murtazo Nazarov
- Division of Scientific Computing
- Department of Information Technology
- Uppsala University
- abstract
10 September in room 1112
Multiscale techniques for solving eigenvalue problems
27 August in room 2244
A combined experimental and numerical workflow for field-scale in-situ combustion simulation
- Anna Nissen
- Department of Mathematics
- University of Bergen
- Bergen, Norway
- abstract
4 June in room 2344
Two studies of the accuracy and complexity of Monte Carlo methods
- Håkon Hoel
- Stochastic Numerics Research Group
- Division of Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering
- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
- Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
- abstract
26 May at 10.15, docent lecture in Swedish
Modeller, metoder och mjukvara för simulering av cellulära reglersystem
- Andreas Hellander
- Division of Scientific Computing
- Department of Information Technology
- Uppsala University
- abstract
22 May in room 2344
Overview of the PULSAR Project
- Jakub Kurzak
- Innovative Computing Laboratory
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- University of Tennessee
- Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
- abstract
21 May in room 2344
Probabilistic Domain Decomposition: an out-of-the-box approach to beat Amdahl's law in PDEs
- Francisco Bernal
- Department of Mathematics
- Technical University of Lisbon
- Lisbon, Portugal
- abstract
7 May
Multi-level methods for discrete state modelling of chemical systems
- Ruth Baker
- Mathematical Institute
- University of Oxford
- Oxford, United Kingdom
- abstract
23 April
The Induced Dimension Reduction method and extensions for solving large systems of linear equations
- Gerard Sleijpen
- Department of Mathematics
- Utrecht University
- Utrecht, the Netherlands
- abstract
9 April
On the asymptotic spectrum of stiffness matrices arising from Isogeometric Analysis
- Stefano Serra-Capizzano
- Department of Physics and Mathematics
- University of Insubria
- Como, Italy
- abstract
2 April in room 2446
Basic introduction to hierarchical tensor decompositions - Tucker and Tensor Train decompositions with application to Quantum simulations
- Thomas Huckle
- Informatics V - Scientific Computing
- Fakultät für Informatik
- Technical University Munich
- Munich, Germany
19 March
Energy-preserving integrators for stochastic Poisson systems
- David Cohen
- UMIT Research Lab
- Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Umeå University
- Umeå
- abstract
14 March at 10.15 in room 2344
A multilayer ice flow model generalizing the Shallow Shelf Approximation
- Guillaume Jouvet
- Institut für Mathematik
- Free University Berlin
- Berlin, Germany
- abstract
12 March
Simultaneous Partitioning of a Sequence of Graphs using a Spectral Tensor Method
- Lars Eldén
- Division of Computational Mathematics
- Department of Mathematics
- Linköping University
- Linköping
- abstract
26 February
A compact finite difference model for the global electric circuit
- Erik Lehto
- Numerical Analysis
- Department of Mathematics
- School of Engineering Science
- Stockholm
- abstract
12 February
Time-domain numerical modeling of poroelastic waves: the Biot-JKD model with fractional derivatives
- Emilie Blanc
- Division of Scientific Computing
- Department of Information Technology
- Uppsala University
- abstract
29 January in room 1112
Multiscale reaction-diffusion modelling: Application to stochastic front propagation
- Martin Robinson
- Mathematical Institute
- University of Oxford
- Oxford, United Kingdom
- abstract