Seminars 2015
2 December in room 1112
The multilevel Monte Carlo methods with applications to stochastic partial differential equations
25 November, PhD student seminar in room 1112
Computation of interior eigenstates in electronic structure calculations
Least Squares Radial Basis Function Partition of Unity Method
DuctTeip: A Task-Based Parallel Programming Framework For Distributed Memory Architectures
18 November in room 2345
Inverse Markov Chain for a stochastic process with partial observations
14 October in room 2347
Numerical Homogenisation via Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods
- Doghonay Arjmand
- Division of Scientific Computing
- Department of Information Technology
- Uppsala University
- abstract
30 September in room 2345
Weak solutions of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations
- Magnus Svärd
- Applied and Computational Mathematics
- Department of Mathematics
- University of Bergen
- Bergen, Norway
- abstract
25 September at 13.15 in room 2446, licentiate seminar
Multiscale and multilevel methods for porous media flow problems
- Fredrik Hellman
- Division of Scientific Computing
- Department of Information Technology
- Uppsala University
- abstract
- thesis in DiVA
23 September in room 1111
Implicit interface boundary integral methods
- Richard Tsai
- Numerical Analysis Group
- Department of Mathematics
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Stockholm
- abstract
9 September in room 1311
High-fidelity turbulence simulation for industrial applications
- Jonathan Bull
- Division of Scientific Computing
- Department of Information Technology
- Uppsala University
- abstract
26 August in room 2446
Simulating wave propagation for fluid-filled cracks in elastic solids using summation-by-parts
- Ossian O'Reilly
- Department of Geophysics
- Stanford University
- Stanford, California, USA
- abstract
21 August at 14.00 in room 2247
Aerodynamic inverse design and shape optimization via control theory
- Antony Jameson
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Stanford University
- Stanford, California, USA
3 July in room 2345
A new discontinuous Galerkin formulation for wave equations in second order form
- Daniel Appelö
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- University of New Mexico
- Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
- abstract
15 June in room 2345
Multi-Index Monte Carlo
- Raul Tempone
- Division of Mathematics & Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering
- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
- abstract
27 May, PhD student seminar in room 2345
Modeling of Moving Contact Lines in Two-Phase Immiscible Flows
Near-Wall Modelling for Large Eddy Simulation
High-fidelity numerical simulation of solitons in the nerve axon
20 May in room 4306
The GLT class as a Generalized Fourier Analysis and applications
- Stefano Serra-Capizzano
- Department of Physics and Mathematics
- University of Insubria
- Como, Italy
- abstract
29 April in room 2345
Modelling a fusion power plant
- Thomas Jonsson
- Fusion Plasma Physics
- School of Electrical Engineering
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Stockholm
- abstract
15 April at 14.15 in room 2345
Runge-Kutta type Explicit Local Time-Stepping Methods for Wave Propagation
- Michaela Mehlin
- Departement Mathematik und Informatik
- University of Basel
- Basel, Switzerland
- abstract
15 April at 13.15 in room 2345
Handling noise in X-ray flash diffraction imaging
- Carl Nettelblad
- Division of Scientific Computing
- Department of Information Technology
- Uppsala University
- abstract
25 March in room 1112
High resolution interface representation in numerical flow simulations using finite element methods
- Bärbel Janssen
- Department of High Performance Computing and Visualization
- School of Computer Science and Communication
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Stockholm
- abstract
18 March in room 2345
Large-scale biomedical data management and analysis with applications in biological sequencing and drug discovery
4 March in room 2345
Diffeomorphic registration of densities by optimal information transport
25 February in room 2215
Micromechanical modelling of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of semicrystalline polymers
- Mikhail Poluektov
- Division of Scientific Computing
- Department of Information Technology
- Uppsala University
- abstract
11 February in room 2247
What we've learnt about the human upper respiratory airways
- Alberto Gambaruto
- High Performance Computational Mechanics
- Computer Applications in Science and Engineering
- Barcelona Supercomputing Centre
- Barcelona, Spain
- abstract
23 January at 10.15 in room 2446, licentiate seminar
Techniques for finite element methods on modern processors
- Karl Ljungkvist
- Division of Scientific Computing
- Department of Information Technology
- Uppsala University
- abstract
- thesis in DiVA
21 January in room 2344
Implicit methods for compressible flow problems