6th Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop (SNCNW 2009)
9th Scandinavian Workshop on Wireless Adhoc Networks (Adhoc'09)
Submission guidelines
Indicate if the paper is indented for SNCNW09 or AdHoc09 in the submission. Papers can either be presented orally or displayed as posters/demos. The author should indicate his/her preferences when submitting. The program chairs will then decide about the suitable conference (SNCNW09 or AdHoc09), and final category based on the authors' preference and the technical content of the paper.
The submission format is a superset of previous Adhoc and SNCNW formats. The submissions can range from a 1000 word abstract to a 5 page paper in IEEE two-column format. Papers get a full review in the spirit of previous SNCNWs, while abstracts are screened for suitability to the workshop. The language at the workshop is English, so all submission should be written in English.
All abstracts and papers to both SNCNW09 and AdHoc09 are submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF) electronically through EDAS
Final papers
Authors of accepted submissions have the possibility to submit an updated final version for the proceedings. Authors that submitted an abstract have the choice of submitting an updated abstract, a paper (max 5 pages), or the full slide set to be presented.
Presentation formats and proceedings
- Oral presentation
- Submissions selected for oral presentation will be assigned to an SNCNW or Adhoc session by the program committee, taking the author preference indicated at submission into account.
- Poster presentation
- Submissions selected for poster presentation will be assigned to the joint SNCNW and Adhoc poster session.
- Demonstrations and experimental equipment
- During the workshop one or several "demo sessions" will be held, where participants can show their experimental hardware&software, simulations etc that demonstrate & illustrate (ad-hoc) networking and services.
NOTE: preliminary info below!
A printed version, informal workshop proceedings, of all accepted papers will be provided to the workshop delegates. No copyright will be claimed by the workshop. For the final papers the accepted authors may choose if they in addition also would like to have their paper on the workshops homepage. By submitting the final paper the authors agree to the procedure above.
Please, note that those who are going to present a poster are responsible for bringing the printed posters to the workshop. Space: 2 frames per presentation. Frame size: 70 (width) x 100 (height) cm.