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Department of Information Technology

Deep Learning - Pre-course Assignment

As a part of your course application you need to submit solutions to the following pre-course assignment. The functions you implement here you also need for your first hand-in assignment in the course. The purpose if this assignment is to make sure that all participants have the basic knowledge of programming that is required to follow the course.

To solve this assignment (and all other assignments in the course) you may use any software you want, but we recommend to use Python. You do not need any knowledge about Python to complete the assignments in the course, but you do need some programming experience from other languages for scientific computing like Matlab or R and be willing to learn it on your own. If you choose to do this assignment in Python, a notebook is provided below with some hints. The notebook also gives you a brief introduction to Python and goes though some basic concept that are important in the course. We recommend to install Python 3.6 via Anaconda. Then you get both Python and Jupyter Notebook which you need to run the notebook, as well as other commonly used packages for scientific computing and data science. If you are new to python the following introductory crash course is also very well suited for the content of this course.


The instructions for 2021 version of the course is available here.


Sign up for the course by submitting your commented code to Niklas Wahlström. If you go with the notebook option above, just send the notebook where all missing code lines have been completed.

Updated  2021-01-04 09:46:37 by Niklas Wahlström.