198 1997 Johan Walden johan@tdb.uu.se Filter Bank Preconditioners for Finite Difference Discretizations of PDEs Abstract We study preconditioners that are based on filter bank methods. Filter banks are more general than biorthogonal wavelets, and are easier to adapt to boundaries. The filter bank transform is shown to efficiently decompose operators coming from the discretization of PDEs with finite difference methods into two parts; one that has a diagonal preconditioner, and one small part that can be directly inverted. This feature is shown both for problems with periodic and non-periodic boundary conditions; the change being small due to the locality of the filter bank transform. In contrast to earlier work on the topic, the ``right'' transform is chosen for each problem, meaning that both non-periodicity, and higher-dimensional tensor product operators are taken into account. This is shown to improve the method. For a one-dimensional problem, the condition numbers of the problems involved are shown to be bounded by a constant, independently of the problem size. The algorithmic complexity of the method is also analyzed.