Swedish Workshop on Multi-Core Computing, MCC09
Call for papers
The CFP as pdf file MCC09-cfp.pdf
Scope of the workshop
The scope of the workshop is both hardware and software aspects of multi-core computing, including design and development as well as practical usage of systems.
The list of interests includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
- Multi-core processor architecture
- Memory system architecture
- Performance/power issues
- Interconnect and on-chip network architecture
- Parallel programming languages, algorithms and applications
- Compiler optimizations and techniques for multi-core systems
- Hardware/software design trade-offs in multi-core systems
- Operating system, middleware, and run-time system support for multi-core
- Correctness and performance debugging in hardware and software
- Tools and methods for development and evaluation of multi-core systems
Submission of papers
Participants willing to give a 20 minutes presentation are asked to send an electronic version of an extended abstract containing 700-1000 words to http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mcc09. Each submitted abstract will be read by the program committee and designated reviewers and judged on scientific merit, readability, and relevance.
For deadlines see Home
Workshop proceedings with the abstracts will be available at the workshop. Because the proceedings has a small and limited distribution, contributions will not disqualify subsequent publications in conferences or journals.
Persons interested in attending the workshop are kindly requested to submit the registration form before November 12.
Workshop program
The program will be updated before November 3.