Graduate Courses
Autumn 2015
Spring 2015
Autumn 2014
Spring 2014
Autumn 2013
- Advanced Computer Architecture
- Automata + Learning reading group
- Visible Light Communication
- Introduction to Computer Architecture (undergraduate course, both on-campus and distance)
Spring 2013
- Concurrent Data Structures Reading Course
- Programming of Parallel Computers, 10 hp, 2013
- Programming of Parallel Computers, 10 hp, 2013 (undegraduate course)
- Advanced Algorithmics (Arne Andersson, starts Period 4)
- Introduction to Computer Architecture (undergraduate course)
Autumn 2012
- Advanced Computer Architecture
- Introduction to Computer Architecture (undergraduate course, both on-campus and distance)
Spring 2012
- Parallel Computing: Theory - Hardware - Software with special focus on Multi-core Programming, 7.5hp, Spring 2012
- Programming of Parallel Computers, 10 hp, 2012
- Advanced Compiler Design Spring 2012
- Reading Group: Seminal Papers in Verification (and Related Topics) (starts 2012-02-03)
- Reading Group on Timed Automata (started 2012-01-30)
- Programming of Parallel Computers, 10 hp, 2012 (undegraduate course)
- Advanced Algorithmics (Arne Andersson, starts Period 4)
- Introduction to Computer Architecture (undergraduate course)
Spring 2011
- Advanced Compiler Design
- Separation Logic Seminar
- Programming of Parallel Computers, 10 hp, 2011 (undegraduate course)
Autumn 2010
- Domain Engineering by Guest professor Dines Bjorner
- Advanced Computer Architecture
- Models for performance analysis of concurrent programs HT'10, 7.5p
- Introduction to Computer Architecture (undergraduate course, both on-campus and distance)
Spring 2010