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Department of Information Technology

Master programme in Computational Science

UU pic for computational science
Today, mathematical and statistical models, computers and simulations play a key role in natural sciences and engineering in the search for new understanding and new products. The Master Programme in Computational Science offers an opportunity to strengthen and deepen your original skill in natural sciences or engineering, with a direction towards computers, computer simulations and mathematical modelling. You will learn to apply computational methods, programs and software, mathematical and statistical models on the area of your interest.

The thesis project

In the degree project, working towards the Master Thesis, you will use the knowledge and competence that you have acquired in the courses throughout the M. Sc. degree programme. The degree project is a full-semester research or development project, where you work independently to solve a scientific problem at the university or in a company. You will have a supervisor to coach you. The result of the project is presented both orally and in a written report, your M. Sc. Degree Thesis.

More information about the degree project, see course syllabus. Examples of theses can be found on Master theses from the Master Programme in Computational Science.

Link to research groups

Uppsala University is an internationally highly renowned research institution. Many groups at the university perform leading research in areas that contributes to the programme. The lecturers are active researchers in world-class groups in e.g. Materials Physics, Molecular Biology and Scientific Computing. They contribute with international research contacts at the highest level, opening possibilities for e.g. MSc thesis projects at leading institutions abroad. Also, some courses in the program are developed and given in collaboration with lecturers at such institutions abroad.


Updated  2016-04-15 09:01:48 by Anneli Folkesson.