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Department of Information Technology

Past activities

Below are images from excursions and seminars organized by the Uppsala University SIAM chapter.

Excursion to DICE, October 19, 2015

We visited Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment (DICE) in Stockholm, where we were introduced to the company, gaming development, and efficient methods for simulation of ocean waves.


Excursion to FOI, May 25, 2015

We had the opportunity to visit the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) in Kista. They presented a variety of research projects that they are working on. We were also given a tour in their labs.


SIAM seminar by Mustafa Khammash on December 19, 2013

Mustafa Khammash explained how cows regulate their blood calcium and demonstrated using a LEGO robot.


More information about the seminar

Excursion to Ericsson in Kista, November 8, 2013

Ericsson told us about the company, about working with R&D at Ericsson and about visions for the future.


Excursion to ABB in Västerås, April 4, 2013

ABB Corporate Research in Västerås hosted us for a visit and gave us an overview of some of their past and current research activities.


Excursion to SunGard in Stockholm, April 20, 2012

SunGard develops software that is used in the financial sector for trading, management and accounting. They gave a presentation of the company, their software development process and other activities.

Lunch seminar by David Sumpter on March 7, 2012

David Sumpter at the Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University gave the seminar Building mathematical models of anything and everything. After the seminar we all had lunch together.


Excursion to Forsmark nuclear power plant on November 14, 2011

We got the opportunity to visit the nuclear power plant in Forsmark. This was a full-day trip, including a guided tour in one of the nuclear reactor buildings.


The SIAM student chapter, nuclear reactors are behind us.


Nuclear reactor buildings.

SIAM-seminar, fall 2011: Warwick Tucker

Warwick Tucker at the Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, gave a seminar entitled Validated Numerics - a short introduction to rigorous computations after which we enjoyed a nice lunch together.


Some more info about this event

Excursion to Comsol on May 19, 2011

A visit to the offices of Comsol, creators of Comsol Multiphysics, with presentations and stimulating discussions.


The SIAM student chapter, Lars Langemyr and Germund Dahlquist.

Student SIAM Chapter inauguration on April 6, 2011


Bertil Gustafsson presents some key factors that made the Division of Scientific Computing at Uppsala University successful.


Heinz-Otto Kreiss, SIAM Student Chapter President Katharina Kormann, Bertil Gustafsson, and faculty advisor Stefan Engblom (from left) celebrate a successful initiation of the chapter.

More pictures

Updated  2017-03-27 08:27:47 by Adrien Coulier.