Application to Thesis Course
Students in the Master's Programme have to apply for the thesis course via University admission or Antagning.
The credit requirements for each thesis course can be found in the course plan for the Master Thesis Project. The courses on offer are:
• 1MD038 Degree Project E in Image Analysis and Machine Learning, 30 credits [Link]
• 1DT440 Degree Project D in Computer Science, 15 credits [Link]
• 1DT540 Degree Project E in Computer Science, 30 credits [Link]
• 1DT550 Degree Project E in Computer Science, 45 credits (starts in period 2) [Link]
• 1TD908 Degree Project D in Computational Science, 15 credits [Link]
• 1TD808 Degree Project E in Computational Science, 30 credits [Link]
• 1TD708 Degree Project E in Computational Science, 45 credits (starts in period 2) [Link]
Please note that for 1TD708, the following are prerequisites:
- Both student and Supervisor must reach an agreement to develop a project proposal for 45 credits.
- Along with the project proposal, the student must submit a letter of motivation explaining why this project necessitates 45 credits (an additional 15 credits) with the Supervisor's signature to the Porgram Coordinator.
- Your Subject Reviewer must agree that this project requires the additional time (15 credits).
- Subsequently, the students are required to send the Program Coordinator the proposal, motivation letter, and consent from the Subject Reviewer.
• 1DT087 Degree Project D in Embedded Systems, 15 credits [Link]
• 1DT068 Degree Project E in Embedded Systems, 30 credits [Link]
• 1DT090 Degree Project E in Embedded Systems, 45 credits (starts in period 2) [Link]
Please note that for 1DT090, the following are prerequisites:
- Both student and Supervisor must reach an agreement to develop a project proposal for 45 credits.
- Along with the project proposal, the student must submit a letter of motivation explaining why this project necessitates 45 credits (an additional 15 credits) with the Supervisor's signature to the Program Coordinator.
- If approved by the Program Coordinator, then the student can register for the course.
• 1DL390 Degree Project D in Data Science, 15 credits [Link]
• 1DL510 Degree Project E in Data Science, 30 credits [Link]
• 1TD960 Degree Project in Computer and Information Engineering, 30 credits [Link]
Program Coordinators
The Program Coordinators of the degrees are found below:
Image Analysis and Machine Learning: Nataša Sladoje.
Computer Science: Lars-Henrik Eriksson.
Computational Science: Salman Toor.
Embedded Systems: Pontus Ekberg.
Data Science: Matteo Magnani.
Computer and Information Engineering: Lars-Åke Nordén.
Once you apply to a thesis course, you will receive a confirmation email of your request. Please check your spam folder if you haven't received the email. After the deadline, we will check your eligibility to the course. If accepted, the admission results will be published on University admission or Antagning.
Questions about the required credits, or registration instructions should be directed to the Student Advisors for your programs as they deal with questions about course selection, programmes and different branches within programmes. If you have issues related to your studies, the student advisors are who you turn to.