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Department of Information Technology

Publications 2020

  1. Efficient Handling of String-Number Conversion. Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Yu-Fang Chen, Phi Diep Bui, Julian Dolby, Petr Janku, Hsin-Hung Lin, Lukas Holik, and Wei-Cheng Wu. In PLDI 2020: Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pp 943-957, 2020. (DOI).
  2. On the Formalization of Decentralized Contact Tracing Protocols. Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Giorgio Delzanno, Marco Montali, and Arnaud Sangnier. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Formal Verification, Logic, Automata, and Synthesis hosted by the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge 2020 {(BOSK} 2020), September 25, 2020, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp 65-70,, 2020. (External link).
  3. On the Separability Problem of String Constraints. Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Vrunda Dave, and Shankara Narayanan Krishna. In 31st International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR 2020, September 1-4, 2020, Vienna, Austria (Virtual Conference), LIPIcs, pp 16:1-16:19, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  4. Parameterized verification under TSO is PSPACE-complete. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, and Rojin Rezvan. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, volume 4, number POPL, pp 26:1-26:29, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, USA, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  5. Fractional Laplace operator in two dimensions, approximating matrices, and related spectral analysis. Lidia Aceto, Mariarosa Mazza, and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Calcolo, volume 57, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
  6. Asymptotic Spectra of Large (Grid) Graphs with a Uniform Local Structure (Part I): Theory. Andrea Adriani, Davide Bianchi, and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Milan Journal of Mathematics, volume 88, number 2, pp 409-454, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  7. A multiple motion sensors index for motor state quantification in Parkinson's disease. Somayeh Aghanavesi, Jerker Westin, Filip Bergquist, Dag Nyholm, Håkan Askmark, Sten-Magnus Aquilonius, Radu Constantinescu, Alexander Medvedev, Jack Spira, Fredrik Ohlsson, Ilias Thomas, Anders Ericsson, Dongni Johansson Buvarp, and Mevludin Memedi. In Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, volume 189, ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD, 2020. (DOI).
  8. Optimal Scheduling of Measurement-Based Parallel Real-Time Tasks. Kunal Agrawal, Sanjoy Baruah, Pontus Ekberg, and Jing Li. In Real-time systems, volume 56, number 3, pp 247-253, Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  9. Accounting for Information Freshness in Scheduling of Content Caching. Ghafour Ahani and Di Yuan. In ICC 2020: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2020. (DOI).
  10. Optimal scheduling of content caching subject to deadline. Ghafour Ahani and Di Yuan. In IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, volume 1, pp 293-307, IEEE, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  11. Routing and scheduling of network flows with deadlines and discrete capacity allocation. Ghafour Ahani, Pawel Wiatr, and Di Yuan. In Networks, volume 76, number 1, pp 54-74, WILEY, 2020. (DOI).
  12. Local meshless methods for second order elliptic interface problems with sharp corners. Masood Ahmad, Siraj-ul Islam, and Elisabeth Larsson. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 416, 2020. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  13. Intermittent Computing with Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling. Saad Ahmed, Qurat Ul Ain, Junaid Haroon Siddiqui, Luca Mottola, and Muhammad Hamad Alizai. In EWSN '20: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, pp 97-107, 2020. (Publisher fulltext).
  14. Online Model-Based Beat-by-beat Heart Rate Estimation. Adnan Albaba and Alexander Medvedev. In 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp 539-544, 2020. (DOI).
  15. Patient-Specific Electrocardiogram Monitoring by Model-Based Stochastic Anomaly Detection. Adnan Albaba and Alexander Medvedev. In 2020 European Control Conference (ECC), pp 735-740, 2020. (DOI).
  16. Dimensions of Professionalism: A Study of Computer Science Teaching in Saudi Arabia. Fayiq Alghamdi. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1965, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (Online defence, fulltext, preview image).
  17. Delay and Bypass: Ready and Criticality Aware Instruction Scheduling in Out-of-Order Processors. Mehdi Alipour, Rakesh Kumar, Stefanos Kaxiras, and David Black-Schaffer. In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture-Proceedings, pp 424-434, 2020. (DOI).
  18. Rethinking Dynamic Instruction Scheduling and Retirement for Efficient Microarchitectures. Mehdi Alipour. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1902, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (Join Zoom Meeting, fulltext, preview image).
  19. Non-stiff boundary and interface penalties for narrow-stencil finite difference approximations of the Laplacian on curvilinear multiblock grids. Martin Almquist and Eric M. Dunham. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 408, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  20. Constraint-based Contract Inference for Deductive Verification. Anoud Alshnakat, Dilian Gurov, Christian Lidström, and Philipp Rümmer. In Deductive Software Verification: Future Perspectives: Reflections on the Occasion of 20 Years of KeY, volume 12345 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 149-176, Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  21. Efficient temporal and spatial load to load forwarding. Ricardo Alves, Stefanos Kaxiras, and David Black-Schaffer. In Proc. 26th International Symposium on High-Performance and Computer Architecture, IEEE Computer Society, 2020.
  22. Visual Pattern Extraction and Recognition for Cultural Heritage Understanding: Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Visual Pattern Extraction and Recognition for Cultural Heritage Understandingco-located with 16th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (IRCDL 2020). Alessia Amelio, Gunilla Borgefors, and Anders Hast (eds). CEUR, CEUR, 2020. (External link).
  23. Minimal Adversarial Perturbations in Mobile Health Applications: The Epileptic Brain Activity Case Study. Amir Aminifar. In ICASSP 2020: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp 1205-1209, 2020. (DOI).
  24. Universal Adversarial Perturbations in Epileptic Seizure Detection. Amir Aminifar. In 2020 International Joint Conference On Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, 2020.
  25. Transcriptome-Supervised Classification of Tissue Morphology Using Deep Learning. Axel Andersson, Gabriele Partel, Leslie Solorzano, and Carolina Wählby. In IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp 1630-1633, 2020. (DOI).
  26. Strategies for array data retrieval from a relational back-end based on access patterns. Andrej Andrejev, Kjell Orsborn, and Tore Risch. In Computing, volume 102, number 5, pp 1139-1158, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  27. Modelling long-range interactions in multiscale simulations of ferromagnetic materials. Doghonay Arjmand, Mikhail Poluektov, and Gunilla Kreiss. In Advances in Computational Mathematics, volume 46, number 1, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
  28. Approximate multiplication of nearly sparse matrices with decay in a fully recursive distributed task-based parallel framework. Anton G. Artemov. 2020. (arXiv:1906.08148).
  29. On Securing Persistent State in Intermittent Computing. Hafiz Areeb Asad, Erik Henricus Wouters, Naveed Anwar Bhatti, Luca Mottola, and Thiemo Voigt. In ENSsys '20: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems, pp 8-14, 2020. (DOI).
  30. A fast instance selection method for support vector machines in building extraction. Mohammad Aslani and Stefan Seipel. In Applied Soft Computing, volume 97, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  31. Adaptive Mathematical Morphology on Irregularly Sampled Signals in Two Dimensions. Teo Asplund, Cris L. Luengo Hendriks, Matthew J. Thurley, and Robin Strand. In Mathematical Morphology - Theory and Applications, volume 4, number 1, pp 108-126, Walter de Gruyter, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, Publisher's full text, fulltext:print).
  32. Preface to the VECoS 2018 special issue of ISSE. Mohamed Faouzi Atig and Simon Bliudze. In Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, volume 16, number 2, pp 99-100, SPRINGER LONDON LTD, 2020. (DOI).
  33. What is decidable under the TSO memory model?. Mohamed Faouzi Atig. In ACM SIGLOG News, volume 7, number 4, pp 4-19, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020. (DOI).
  34. An Introduction and Summary of Use of Optimal Control Methods for PDE's. Owe Axelsson. In Large-Scale Scientific Computing (LSSC 2019), volume 11958 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pp 275-283, 2020. (DOI).
  35. Extensions of a coarse–fine mesh stabilized Schwarz alternating iteration domain decomposition method. Owe Axelsson. In Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 364, 2020. (DOI).
  36. Numerical solution methods for implicit Runge-Kutta methods of arbitrarily high order. Owe Axelsson and Maya Neytcheva. In Proceedings of the conference Algoritmy 2020, pp 11-20, 2020. (Publisher fulltext).
  37. Optimality properties of a square block matrix preconditioner with applications. Owe Axelsson. In Computers and Mathematics with Applications, volume 80, pp 286-294, 2020. (DOI).
  38. Regularization methods for the construction of preconditioners for saddle point problems. Owe Axelsson. In Algoritmy 2020: 21st Conference On Scientific Computing, pp 141-150, SLOVAK UNIV TECHNOLOGY, BRATISLAVA, 2020.
  39. Superior properties of the PRESB preconditioner for operators on two-by-two block form with square blocks. Owe Axelsson and János Karátson. In Numerische Mathematik, volume 146, number 2, pp 335-368, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  40. Generalised deep learning framework for HEp-2 cell recognition using local binary pattern maps. Buda Bajic, Tomas Majtner, Joakim Lindblad, and Natasa Sladoje. In IET Image Processing, volume 14, number 6, pp 1201-1208, INST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY-IET, 2020. (DOI).
  41. Block generalized locally Toeplitz sequences: theory and applications in the multidimensional case. Giovanni Barbarino, Carlo Garoni, and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, volume 53, pp 113-216, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2020. (DOI).
  42. Block generalized locally Toeplitz sequences: theory and applications in the unidimensional case. Giovanni Barbarino, Carlo Garoni, and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, volume 53, pp 28-112, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2020. (DOI, External link, External link).
  43. Non-Hermitian perturbations of Hermitian matrix-sequences and applications to the spectral analysis of the numerical approximation of partial differential equations. Giovanni Barbarino and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, volume 27, number 3, John Wiley & Sons, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
  44. The exchange programme between new and different partners, Royal University of Bhutan and Uppsala University. Anders Berglund, Tsheten Dorji, Dekar Lhamo, Phurpa Tshering, Kristina von Hausswolff, Karma Wangchuk, Tandin Wangchuk, and Yeshi Wangchuk. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Frontiers in Education Conference, 2020. (DOI).
  45. Nontrivial Lexical Convergence in a Geography-Themed Game. Amanda Bergqvist, Ramesh Manuvinakurike, Deepthi Karkada, and Maike Paetzel. In Proceedings of the SIGdial 2020 Conference, pp 209-214, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2020. (fulltext (pdf)).
  46. Nontrivial Lexical Convergence in a Geography-Themed Game. Amanda Bergqvist, Ramesh Manuvinakurike, Deepthi Karkada, and Maike Paetzel. In SIGDIAL 2020: 21ST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP ON DISCOURSE AND DIALOGUE (SIGDIAL 2020), pp 209-214, ASSOC COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS, 2020.
  47. Solving Satisfaction Problems using Large-Neighbourhood Search. Gustav Björdal, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, Peter J. Stuckey, and Guido Tack. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, volume 12333 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 55-71, 2020. (DOI).
  48. Apache Spark Streaming, Kafka and HarmonicIO: A performance benchmark and architecture comparison for enterprise and scientific computing. Ben Blamey, Andreas Hellander, and Salman Toor. In Benchmarking, Measuring, and Optimizing, volume 12093 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 335-347, Springer, 2020. (DOI).
  49. A multiscale model to design therapeutic strategies that overcome drug resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in multiple myeloma. Anass Bouchnita, Vitaly Volpert, Mark J. Koury, and Andreas Hellander. In Mathematical Biosciences, volume 319, 2020. (DOI).
  50. Multiple comparison correction methods for whole-body magnetic resonance imaging. Eva Breznik, Filip Malmberg, Joel Kullberg, Håkan Ahlström, and Robin Strand. In Journal of Medical Imaging, volume 7, number 1, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  51. Laguerre-domain Modeling and Identification of Linear Discrete-time Delay Systems. Viktor Bro, Alexander Medvedev, and Rosane Ushirobira. In IFAC PapersOnline, pp 939-944, ELSEVIER, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  52. Modeling of human smooth pursuit by sparse Volterra models with functionally dependent parameters. Viktor Bro and Alexander Medvedev. In Control Engineering Practice, volume 103, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI).
  53. HISTOBREAST: a collection of brightfield microscopy images of Haematoxylin and Eosin stained breast tissue. Roxana M. Buga, Tiberiu Totu, Adrian Dumitru, Mariana Costache, Iustin Floroiu, Natasa Sladoje, and Stefan G. Stanciu. In Scientific Data, volume 7, number 1, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  54. A first meshless approach to simulation of the elastic behaviour of the diaphragm. Nicola Cacciani, Elisabeth Larsson, Alberto Lauro, Marco Meggiolaro, Alessio Scatto, Igor Tominec, and Pierre-Frédéric Villard. In Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations: ICOSAHOM 2018, volume 134 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pp 501-512, Springer, 2020. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  55. Diversified spatial keyword search on RDF data. Zhi Cai, Georgios Kalamatianos, Georgios J. Fakas, Nikos Mamoulis, and Dimitris Papadias. In The VLDB journal, volume 29, number 5, pp 1171-1189, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  56. Personcentrering med journalåtkomst och andra e-hälsotjänster. Åsa Cajander, Maria Hägglund, Isabella Scandurra, and Axel Wolf. In Medicinsk informatik, Liber, 2020.
  57. The effects of automation of a patient?centric service in primary care on the work engagement and exhaustion of nurses. Åsa Cajander, Marta Lárusdóttir, and Gustaf Hedström. In Quality and User Experience, volume 5, number 1, Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  58. What brings women into ehealth?: Women's career trajectories in digital transformations in health care. Åsa Cajander, Hilde Corneliussen, Gunilla Myreteg, and Kari Dyb. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on e-Health, 2020.
  59. Can a Social Robot Be Persuasive Without Losing Children’s Trust?. Natalia Calvo Barajas, Maha Elgarf, Giulia Perugia, Christopher Peters, and Ginevra Castellano. In HRI '20: Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, pp 157-159, ACM Digital Library, 2020. (DOI, fulltext:preprint).
  60. The Effects of Robot’s Facial Expressions on Children’s First Impressions of Trustworthiness. Natalia Calvo-Barajas, Giulia Perugia, and Ginevra Castellano. In 2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), IEEE RO-MAN, pp 165-171, IEEE Press, 2020. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  61. MaRe: Processing Big Data with application containers on Apache Spark. Marco Capuccini, Martin Dahlö, Salman Toor, and Ola Spjuth. In GigaScience, volume 9, number 5, Oxford University Press, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  62. Boosting Store Buffer Efficiency with Store-Prefetch Bursts. Juan M. Cebrian, Stefanos Kaxiras, and Alberto Ros. In 2020 53rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), pp 568-580, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  63. Timed Up-and-Go Dual-Task Testing in the Assessment of Cognitive Function: A Mixed Methods Observational Study for Development of the UDDGait Protocol. Ylva Cedervall, Anna M. Stenberg, Hanna Bozkurt Åhman, Vilmantas Giedraitis, Fredrik Tinmark, Lars Berglund, Kjartan Halvorsen, Martin Ingelsson, Erik Rosendahl, and Anna Cristina Åberg. In International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, volume 17, number 5, MDPI, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  64. Higher vascularity at infiltrated peripheral edema differentiates proneural glioblastoma subtype. Eduard Chelebian, Elies Fuster-Garcia, Maria del Mar alvarez-Torres, Javier Juan-Albarracin, and Juan M. Garcia-Gomez. In PLOS ONE, volume 15, number 10, PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  65. Fault-tolerant real-time tasks scheduling with dynamic fault handling. Gang Chen, Nan Guan, Kai Huang, and Yi Wang. In Journal of systems architecture, volume 102, ELSEVIER, 2020. (DOI).
  66. A Multigrid method for nonlocal problems: non-diagonally dominant Toeplitz-plus-tridiagonal systems. Minghua Chen, Sven-Erik Ekström, and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, volume 41, number 4, pp 1546-1570, 2020. (DOI).
  67. A Decision Procedure for Path Feasibility of String Manipulating Programs with Integer Data Type. Taolue Chen, Matthew Hague, Jinlong He, Denghang Hu, Anthony Widjaja Lin, Philipp Rümmer, and Zhilin Wu. In ATVA 2020: Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, volume 12302 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pp 325-342, Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI).
  68. A full Stokes subgrid scheme in two dimensions for simulation of grounding line migration in ice sheets using Elmer/ICE (v8.3). Gong Cheng, Per Lötstedt, and Lina von Sydow. In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 13, pp 2245-2258, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
  69. Parameter sensitivity analysis of dynamic ice sheet models — numerical computations. Gong Cheng and Per Lötstedt. In The Cryosphere, volume 14, pp 673-691, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
  70. Combined <em>L</em><sub>2</sub>-stable feedback and feedforward aeration control in a wastewater treatment plant. Tatiana Chistiakova, Torbjörn Wigren, and Bengt Carlsson. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, volume 28, number 3, pp 1017-1024, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020. (DOI).
  71. Why Do CSCW Insights Lose Out to Management Intuitions?. Lars Rune Christensen, Ingrid Erickson, Richard Harper, Myriam Lewkowicz, and Gerolf Nauwerck. In ECSCW 2020: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies, European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies, 2020. (DOI).
  72. The NEUBIAS Gateway: A hub for bioimage analysis methods and materials.. Beth A Cimini, Simon F Nørrelykke, Marion Louveaux, Natasa Sladoje, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Julien Colombelli, and Kota Miura. 2020. (DOI).
  73. A level-set multigrid technique for nonlinear diffusion in the numerical simulation of marble degradation under chemical pollutants. A. Coco, M. Semplice, and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Applied Mathematics and Computation, volume 386, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  74. Numerical Simulations of Marble Sulfation. Armando Coco, Marco Donatelli, Matteo Semplice, and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Mathematical Modeling in Cultural Heritage, volume 41 of Springer INdAM Series, pp 107-122, Springer International Publishing, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  75. Polynomial nonlinear state space identification of an aero-engine structure. Samson B. Cooper, Koen Tiels, Branislav Titurus, and Dario Di Maio. In Computers & structures, volume 238, 2020. (DOI).
  76. Att utveckla ihärdighet: En intervjustudie om lärarens roll för studenters motivation att jobba mot långsiktiga mål. Rebecca Cort. In , 2020.
  77. Behind the Scenes: Unintended Effects of Increased Technology use in Operational Train Traffic. Rebecca Cort. In Swedish Transportation Research Conference 2020, October 21, 2020., 2020. (fulltext:postprint).
  78. ”We’re Doing This Together”: An in-Depth Analysis of the Teamwork between Train Traffic Controllers and Train Drivers. Rebecca Cort. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications, pp 96-103, Portugal, 2020. (DOI).
  79. Online tissue conductivity estimation in Deep Brain Stimulation. Rubén Cubo and Alexander Medvedev. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, volume 28, number 1, pp 149-162, 2020. (DOI).
  80. Computing Education: The Importance of Context: Keynote presentation. Mats Daniels. In , 2020.
  81. A nonlinear model of vortex-induced forces on an oscillating cylinder in a fluid flow. J. Decuyper, T. De Troyer, K. Tiels, J. Schoukens, and M. C. Runacres. In Journal of Fluids and Structures, volume 96, ACADEMIC PRESS LTD- ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2020. (DOI).
  82. Modeling and Optimization of Mobility-Aware Dynamic Caching With Time-Varying Content Popularity. Tao Deng, Pingzhi Fan, and Di Yuan. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 69, number 1, pp 1157-1162, 2020. (DOI).
  83. PDE-constrained optimization: Matrix structures and preconditioners. Ivo Dravins and Maya Neytcheva. In Large-Scale Scientific Computing, volume 11958 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pp 315-323, 2020. (DOI).
  84. A stable discontinuous Galerkin method for the perfectly matched layer for elastodynamics in first order form. Kenneth Duru, Leonhard Rannabauer, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Gunilla Kreiss, and Michael Bader. In Numerische Mathematik, volume 146, number 4, pp 729-782, 2020. (DOI).
  85. Rate-Monotonic Schedulability of Implicit-Deadline Tasks is NP-hard Beyond Liu and Layland's Bound. Pontus Ekberg. In 2020 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Real-Time Systems Symposium : Proceedings, pp 308-318, 2020. (DOI).
  86. Fast graph-cut based optimization for practical dense deformable registration of volume images. Simon Ekström, Filip Malmberg, Håkan Ahlström, Joel Kullberg, and Robin Strand. In Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, volume 84, Elsevier, 2020. (DOI).
  87. Eigenpairs of some particular band Toeplitz matrices: A comment. Sven-Erik Ekström and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, volume 27, number 1, 2020. (DOI).
  88. Bayesian epidemiological modeling over high-resolution network data. Stefan Engblom, Robin Eriksson, and Stefan Widgren. In Epidemics, volume 32, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  89. Efficient drone hijacking detection using two-step GA-XGBoost. Zhiwei Feng, Nan Guan, Mingsong Lv, Wenchen Liu, Qingxu Deng, Xue Liu, and Yi Wang. In Journal of systems architecture, volume 103, ELSEVIER, 2020. (DOI).
  90. Learning Robust LQ-Controllers Using Application Oriented Exploration. Mina Ferizbegovic, Jack Umenberger, Hakan Hjalmarsson, and Thomas B. Schön. In IEEE Control Systems Letters, volume 4, number 1, pp 19-24, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2020. (DOI).
  91. Developing the First Intensity Prediction Equation Based on the Environmental Scale Intensity: A Case Study from Strong Normal-Faulting Earthquakes in the Italian Apennines. Maria Francesca Ferrario, Franz Livio, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, and Alessandro M. Michetti. In Seismological Research Letters, volume 91, number 5, pp 2611-2623, Seismological Society of America (SSA), 2020. (DOI, External link).
  92. Analysis of DTLS Implementations Using Protocol State Fuzzing. Paul Fiterau-Brostean, Bengt Jonsson, Robert Merget, Joeri de Ruiter, Konstantinos Sagonas, and Juraj Somorovsky. In Proceedings of the 29th USENIX Security Symposium, pp 2523-2540, 2020. (Proceedings paper fulltext, fulltext:print).
  93. Predicting Round-Trip Time Distributions in IoT Systems using Histogram Estimators. Christofer Flinta, Wenqing Yan, and Andreas Johnsson. In , 2020. (DOI, External link).
  94. Predicting Round-Trip Time Distributions in IoT Systems using Histogram Estimators. Christofer Flinta, Wenqing Yan, and Andreas Johnsson. In NOMS 2020 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 IEEE/IFIP NETWORK OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUM 2020: MANAGEMENT IN THE AGE OF SOFTWARIZATION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, IEEE IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, IEEE, 2020.
  95. Two to Tango: Hybrid Light and Backscatter Networks for Next Billion Devices. Ander Galisteo, Ambuj Varshney, and Domenico Giustiniano. In , 2020.
  96. Towards Explainable, Compliant and Adaptive Human-Automation Interaction. Barbara Gallina, Görkem Paçac?, David Johnson, Steve McKeever, Andreas Hamfelt, Stefania Costantini, Pierangelo Dell'Acqua, and Gloria-Cerasela Crisan. In Proceedings of the 3rd EXplainable AI in Law Workshop (XAILA 2020), volume 2891 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020. (External link, fulltext:print).
  97. Machine Behavior Development and Analysis using Reinforcement Learning. Yuan Gao. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1983, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (Online defence, fulltext, preview image).
  98. NURBS in isogeometric discretization methods: A spectral analysis. Carlo Garoni, Carla Manni, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, and Hendrik Speleers. In Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, volume 27, number 6, Wiley, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  99. Proof-theoretic Conservativity for HOL with Ad-hoc Overloading. Arve Gengelbach and Tjark Weber. In Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2020 - 17th International Colloquium, Macau, China, November 30 - December 4, 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 23-42, Springer, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  100. Identifying reionization-epoch galaxies with extreme levels of Lyman continuum leakage in James Webb Space Telescope surveys. Sambit K. Giri, Erik Zackrisson, Christian Binggeli, Kristiaan Pelckmans, and Rubén Cubo. In Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 491, number 4, pp 5277-5286, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2020. (DOI).
  101. Communication Breakdowns between Nurses and IT Department: Why Hospitals Fail at Improving the Usability of Health Information Technology. Diane Golay, Åsa Cajander, Deman Hussein, Ali Azeez, and Stefano Bonacina. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research, 2020. (fulltext:postprint).
  102. Existence result for the coupling of shallow water and Borda–Carnot equations with Riemann data. Mouhamadou Samsidy Goudiaby and Gunilla Kreiss. In Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, volume 17, number 01, pp 185-212, 2020. (DOI).
  103. "Mature" to Doubt: Using Ethical Theories for Role Modeling in Computing Education. Virginia Grande and Kristina von Hausswolff. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Frontiers in Education Conference, 2020. (DOI).
  104. Everybody Rock Your Equity: Experiences of Organizing a Women in Computing Event with Role Models for Diversity and Inclusion. Virginia Grande, Clara Benac Earle, Cristina Manresa-Yee, Elena Gomez-Martinez, Laura M. Castro, Patricia Pons, and Raul Coroban. In Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society in the 21st Century, volume 573 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pp 5-16, Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI).
  105. Types of Role Models for the Frontiers in Education (FIE) Community. Virginia Grande, Mats Daniels, and Anne-Kathrin Peters. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Frontiers in Education Conference, 2020. (DOI).
  106. Who Should We Invite? A Proposal of Steps for Conference Organizers to Follow to Bring Diverse Role Models to Computing Events. Virginia Grande and Mats Daniels. In , International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE), IEEE Computer Society, 2020.
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  114. Monadic Decomposition in Integer Linear Arithmetic. Matthew Hague, Anthony W. Lin, Philipp Rümmer, and Zhilin Wu. In IJCAR 2020: Automated Reasoning, volume 12166 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 122-140, Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI).
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  120. Ensembles and Cascading of Embedded Prototype Subspace Classifiers. Anders Hast and Mats Lind. In Journal of WSCG, volume 28, number 1/2, pp 89-95, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
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  122. Shadow-based Hand Gesture Recognition in one Packet. Saptarshi Hazra, Martina Brachmann, and Thiemo Voigt. In 16th Annual International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2020), pp 27-34, IEEE, 2020. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
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  125. The Dark (and Bright) Side of IoT: Attacks and Countermeasures to Identification of Smart Home Devices and Services. Ahmed Hussain, Gabriele Oligeri, and Thiemo Voigt. In Proceeding: International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication and Storage, pp 122-136, Springer, 2020. (DOI).
  126. Privacy-preserving continuous tumour relapse monitoring using in-body radio signals. Sam Hylamia, Wenqing Yan, André Teixeira, Noor Badariah Asan, Mauricio D. Perez, Robin Augustine, and Thiemo Voigt. In 2020 IEEE Symposium On Security And Privacy Workshops (SPW 2020), pp 82-87, IEEE, 2020. (DOI).
  127. User Experiences of an Internet-Based Stepped-Care Intervention for Individuals With Cancer and Concurrent Symptoms of Anxiety or Depression (the U-CARE AdultCan Trial): Qualitative Study. Helena Igelström, Anna Hauffman, Sven Alfonsson, Jonas Sjöström, Åsa Cajander, and Birgitta Johansson. In Journal of Medical Internet Research, volume 22, number 5, JMIR PUBLICATIONS, INC, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
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  129. Smoothing With Couplings of Conditional Particle Filters. Pierre E. Jacob, Fredrik Lindsten, and Thomas B. Schön. In Journal of the American Statistical Association, volume 115, number 530, pp 721-729, Informa UK Limited, 2020. (DOI).
  130. Patient-specific fine-tuning of CNNs for follow-up lesion quantification. Marielle J A Jansen, Hugo J Kuijf, Ashis Kumar Dhara, Nick A Weaver, Geert Jan Biessels, Robin Strand, and Josein Pluim. In Journal of Medical Imaging, 2020.
  131. Patient-specific fine-tuning of convolutional neural networks for follow-up lesion quantification. Marielle J. A. Jansen, Hugo J. Kuijf, Ashis Kumar Dhara, Nick A. Weaver, Geert Jan Biessels, Robin Strand, and Josien P. W. Pluim. In Journal of Medical Imaging, volume 7, number 6, SPIE-SOC PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
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  133. Optimizing the Locations and Sizes of Solar Assisted Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in an Urban Area. Dong Ji, Mingsong Lv, Jiayu Yang, and Yi Wang. In IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering, volume 8, pp 112772-112782, IEEE Computer Society, 2020. (DOI).
  134. Non-Invasive Transmission Based Tumor Detection Using Anthropomorphic Breast Phantom at 2.45 GHz. Laya Joseph, Noor Badariah Asan, Javad Ebrahimizadeh, Arvind Selvan Chezhian, Mauricio D. Perez, Thiemo Voigt, and Robin Augustine. In 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2020. (DOI).
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  138. Reconciling Time Slice Conflicts of Virtual Machines With Dual Time Slice for Clouds. Taeklim Kim, Chang Hyun Park, Jaehyuk Huh, and Jeongseob Ahn. In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, volume 31, number 10, pp 2453-2465, 2020. (DOI).
  139. Andre Martineau: Some Memories. Christer Kiselman. In Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, volume 14, number 7, Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
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  142. Lingvoj kaj scienco. Christer Oscar Kiselman. In Mi?dzynarodowe Sympozjum:: J?zyk Esperanto – Rozwijanie osobowo?ci ludzkich na etapie m?odo?ci i trzeciego wieku – systemy edukacyjne., pp 100-121, Ars Libri Introligatornia, Wydawnictwo s.c., under the auspices of Uniwersytet Wroc?awski and Europejskie Centrum Edukacji Mi?dzykulturowej, Lublin, 2020.
  143. TrackMate - My Favorite Image Analysis Tool, by Neubias Members. Anna Klemm. In Imaging & Microscopy, volume September, 2020. (External link).
  144. Sustainable Development of Professional Competencies: A Teacher Training Perspective. Sandhya Kode, Mats Daniels, Anders Berglund, Surya Kiran Karri, and Erkki Sutinen. In , IEEE Computer Society, 2020.
  145. Uncovering hidden reasoning of convolutional neural networks in biomedical image classification by using attribution methods. Nadezhda Koriakina, Natasa Sladoje, Elisabeth Wetzer, and Joakim Lindblad. In 4th NEUBIAS Conference, Bordeaux, France, 2020.
  146. Rapid evolution of coordinated and collective movement in response to artificial selection. Alexander Kotrschal, Alexander Szorkovszky, James Herbert-Read, Bloch, Natasha, I, Maksym Romenskyy, Severine Denise Buechel, Ada Fontrodona Eslava, Laura Sanchez Alos, Hongli Zeng, Audrey Le Foll, Ganael Braux, Kristiaan Pelckmans, Judith E. Mank, David J. T. Sumpter, and Niclas Kolm. In Science Advances, volume 6, number 49, AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCIENCE, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  147. Particle Filter with Rejection Control and Unbiased Estimator of the Marginal Likelihood. Jan Kudlicka, Lawrence M. Murray, Thomas B. Schön, and Fredrik Lindsten. In ICASSP 2020: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp 5860-5864, 2020. (DOI).
  148. Probabilistic programming for birth-death models of evolution using an alive particle filter with delayed sampling. Jan Kudlicka, Lawrence M. Murray, Fredrik Ronquist, and Thomas B. Schön. In The 35th Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Conference (UAI), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pp 679-689, JOURNAL MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH, San Diego, 2020.
  149. Impact of Code Refactoring using Object-Oriented Methodology on a Scientific Computing Application. Malin Källén, Sverker Holmgren, and Ebba Þóra Hvannberg. 2020.
  150. Kidney segmentation in neck-to-knee body MRI of 40,000 UK Biobank participants. Taro Langner, Andreas Östling, Lukas Maldonis, Albin Karlsson, Daniel Olmo, Dag Lindgren, Andreas Wallin, Lowe Lundin, Robin Strand, Håkan Ahlström, and Joel Kullberg. In Scientific Reports, volume 10, number 1, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  151. Large-scale Inference of Liver Fat with Neural Networks on UK Biobank Body MRI. Taro Langner, Robin Strand, Håkan Ahlström, and Joel Kullberg. In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2020, volume 12262 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 602-611, Springer, Cham, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
  152. Large-scale biometry with interpretable neural network regression on UK Biobank body MRI. Taro Langner, Robin Strand, Håkan Ahlström, and Joel Kullberg. In Scientific Reports, volume 10, number 1, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  153. Large-scale inference of liver fat with neural networks on UK Biobank body MRI. Taro Langner, Robin Strand, Håkan Ahlström, and Joel Kullberg. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS Vol. 12265, pages 602-611, Springer, Cham., pp 602-611, 2020.
  154. An investigation of global radial basis function collocation methods applied to Helmholtz problems. Elisabeth Larsson and Ulrika Sundin. In Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, volume 13, pp 65-85, Padova University Press, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  155. A Pragmatic Approach for Teaching Ethics to Engineers and Computer Scientists. Thomas Taro Lennerfors, Mikael Laaksoharju, Matthew Davis, Peter Birch, and Per Fors. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2020. (DOI).
  156. Efficient iterative solvers for a complex valued two-by-two block linear system with application to parabolic optimal control problems. Zhao-Zheng Liang, Owe Axelsson, and Guo-Feng Zhang. In Applied Numerical Mathematics, volume 152, pp 422-445, 2020. (DOI).
  157. Voxel-wise Study of Cohort Associations in Whole-Body MRI: Application in Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components.. Lars Lind, Robin Strand, Karl Michaëlsson, Håkan Ahlström, and Joel Kullberg. In Radiology, volume 294, number 3, pp 559-567, 2020. (DOI).
  158. The Use of Scenarios in a Vision Seminar Process: The Case of Students Envisioning the Future of Study-Administration. Thomas Lind, Åsa Cajander, Annika Björklund, and Bengt Sandblad. In NordiCHI '20: Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020. (DOI).
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  160. Evaluation of Augmented Reality-Based Building Diagnostics Using Third Person Perspective. Fei Liu, Torsten Jonsson, and Stefan Seipel. In ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, volume 9, number 1, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
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  162. Towards Fast and Robust Algorithms in Flash X-ray single-particle Imaging. Jing Liu. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1905, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (fulltext, preview image).
  163. Approximate Gaussian Process Regression and Performance Analysis Using Composite Likelihood. Xiuming Liu, Dave Zachariah, and Edith Ngai. In 30th IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP 2020, Espoo, Finland, September 21-24, 2020, pp 1-6, IEEE, 2020. (DOI).
  164. Robust Prediction When Features are Missing. Xiuming Liu, Dave Zachariah, and Petre Stoica. In IEEE Signal Processing Letters, volume 27, pp 720-724, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2020. (DOI).
  165. Secure Information Fusion using Local Posterior for Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems. Xiuming Liu, Edith Ngai, and Jiangchuan Liu. In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, volume 20, number 5, pp 2041-2054, IEEE, 2020. (DOI).
  166. Statistical Data Analysis for Internet-of-Things: Scalability, Reliability, and Robustness. Xiuming Liu. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1976, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (Join Zoom Meeting, fulltext, preview image).
  167. Deep Learning and System Identification. Lennart Ljung, Carl Andersson, Koen Tiels, and Thomas B. Schön. In IFAC Papersonline, pp 1175-1181, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  168. A Deep Learning Based Pipeline for Efficient Oral Cancer Screening on Whole Slide Images. Jiahao Lu, Natasa Sladoje, Christina Runow Stark, Eva Darai Ramqvist, Jan-Michaél Hirsch, and Joakim Lindblad. In Image Analysis and Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS 12132, pp 249-261, pp 249-261, Springer International Publishing, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  169. Combinatorial Image Analysis -: 20th International Workshop, IWCIA 2020, Novi Sad, Serbia, July 16-18, 2020, Proceedings. Tibor Lukic, Reneta Barneva, Valentin Brimkov, Lidija Comic, and Natasa Sladoje (eds). Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS 12148, Springer, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  170. An efficient finite difference method for the shallow water equations. Lukas Lundgren and Ken Mattsson. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 422, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI).
  171. Parallel Graph-Based Stateless Model Checking. Magnus Lång and Konstantinos Sagonas. In Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 18th International Symposium, ATVA 2020, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 19–23, 2020, Proceedings, volume 12302 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pp 377-393, 2020. (DOI).
  172. Aiming at Moving Targets: Applying Cognitive Work Analysis to Work Domains in Transition. Ida Löscher. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1893, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (fulltext, preview image).
  173. Insights Into Multiple/Single Lower Bound Approximation for Extended Variational Inference in Non-Gaussian Structured Data Modeling. Zhanyu Ma, Jiyang Xie, Yuping Lai, Jalil Taghia, Jing-Hao Xue, and Jun Guo. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, volume 31, number 7, pp 2240-2254, 2020. (DOI).
  174. Wrapping a NoSQL Datastore for Stream Analytics. Khalid Mahmood, Kjell Orsborn, and Tore Risch. In 2020 IEEE 21st International Conference On Information Reuse And Integration For Data Science (IRI 2020), pp 301-305, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020. (DOI).
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  177. Self-Aware Machine Learning for Multimodal Workload Monitoring during Manual Labor on Edge Wearable Sensors. Giulio Masinelli, Farnaz Forooghifar, Adriana Arza, David Atienza, and Amir Aminifar. In IEEE design & test, volume 37, number 5, pp 58-66, 2020. (DOI).
  178. On stability and performance of disturbance observer-based-dynamic load torque compensator for assistive exoskeleton: A hybrid approach. Nauman Masud, Per Mattsson, Christian Smith, and Magnus Isaksson. In Mechatronics (Oxford), volume 69, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
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  180. Foreword Identification and Control in Biomedical Applications. Guillaume Mercere, Alexander Medvedev, Daniel E. Rivera, Caterina Scoglio, and Bayu Jayawardhana. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, volume 28, number 1, pp 1-2, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2020. (DOI).
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  182. On Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records and the Experienced Effect on the Work Environment of Nurses. Jonas Moll and Åsa Cajander. In Digital Personalized Health and Medicine, volume 270 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, pp 1021-1025, IOS PRESS, 2020. (DOI).
  183. Oncology health-care professionals’ perceived effects of patient accessible electronic health records 6 years after launch: A survey study at a major university hospital in Sweden. Jonas Moll and Åsa Cajander. In Health Informatics Journal, volume 26, number 2, pp 1392-1403, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  184. Computation of Asymptotic Spectral Distributions for Sequences of Grid Operators. S. V. Morozov, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, and E. E. Tyrtyshnikov. In Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, volume 60, number 11, pp 1761-1777, Springer, 2020. (DOI).
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  189. Differentiated Assessments for Advanced Courses that Reveal Issues with Prerequisite Skills: A Design Investigation. Greg L. Nelson, Filip Stromback, Ari Korhonen, Marjahan Begum, Ben Blamey, Karen H. Jin, Violetta Lonati, Bonnie MacKellar, and Mattia Monga. In ITICSE-WGR'20: Proceedings Of The Working Group Reports On Innovation And Technology In Computer Science Education, pp 75-129, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020. (DOI).
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  191. Extended Lagrangian Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics using a Krylov subspace approximation. Anders M. N. Niklasson. In Journal of Chemical Physics, volume 152, number 10, AMER INST PHYSICS, 2020. (DOI).
  192. Design Guidelines for Educational Games Targeting Children. Emma Nilsson, Marie Sjölinder, Åsa Cajander, Olof Ståhl, and Erik Einebrant. In , 2020.
  193. Twig: Multi-Agent Task Management for Colocated Latency-Critical Cloud Services. Rajiv Nishtala, Vinicius Petrucci, Paul Carpenter, and Magnus Själander. In , IEEE, 2020. (DOI).
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  195. ‘I do not share it with others. No, it’s for me, it’s my care’: On sharing of patient accessible electronic health records. Leysan Nurgalieva, Åsa Cajander, Jonas Moll, Rose-Mharie Åhlfeldt, Isto Huvila, and Maurizio Marchese. In Health Informatics Journal, volume 26, number 4, pp 2554-2567, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  196. Clustered Grid Cell Data Structure for Isosurface Rendering. Fredrik Nysjö. In Journal of WSCG, volume 28, number 1-2, pp 9-17, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
  197. Modeling and Visualization for Virtual Interaction with Medical Image Data. Fredrik Nysjö. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1898, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (fulltext, preview image).
  198. RayCaching: Amortized Isosurface Rendering for Virtual Reality. Fredrik Nysjö, Filip Malmberg, and Ingela Nyström. In Computer graphics forum (Print), volume 39, number 1, pp 220-230, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  199. Engagement in Human-Agent Interaction: An Overview. Catharine Oertel, Ginevra Castellano, Mohamed Chetouani, Jauwairia Nasir, Mohammad Obaid, Catherine Pelachaud, and Christopher Peters. In Frontiers in Robotics and AI, volume 7, FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  200. Inertial motion capture for ambulatory analysis of human movement and balance. Fredrik Olsson. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1946, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (fulltext, preview image).
  201. Nonparametric time-domain tremor quantification with smart phone for therapy individualization. Fredrik Olsson and Alexander Medvedev. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, volume 28, number 1, pp 118-129, 2020. (DOI).
  202. Robust Plug-and-Play Joint Axis Estimation Using Inertial Sensors. Fredrik Olsson, Manon Kok, Thomas Seel, and Kjartan Halvorsen. In Sensors, volume 20, number 12, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  203. Learning Robust Decision Policies from Observational Data. Muhammad Osama, Dave Zachariah, and Petre Stoica. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS 2020), Neural Information Processing Systems, 2020. (Paper in full-text).
  204. Machine learning for spatially varying data. Muhammad Osama. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2020-004, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2020. (fulltext).
  205. Robust Risk Minimization for Statistical Learning From Corrupted Data. Muhammad Osama, Dave Zachariah, and Petre Stoica. In IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, volume 1, pp 287-294, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  206. A rapid and accurate method to quantify neurite outgrowth from cell and tissue cultures: Two image analytic approaches using adaptive thresholds or machine learning. Alexander Ossinger, Andrej Bajic, S. Pan, Brittmarie Andersson, Petter Ranefall, Nils P. Hailer, and Nikos Schizas. In Journal of Neuroscience Methods, volume 331, 2020. (DOI).
  207. RDG-Map: A Multimodal Corpus of Pedagogical Human-Agent Spoken Interactions. Maike Paetzel, Deepthi Karkada, and Ramesh Manuvinakurike. In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), pp 600-609, The European Language Resources Association, Paris, 2020. (Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, fulltext:print).
  208. The Persistence of First Impressions: The Effect of Repeated Interactions on the Perception of a Social Robot. Maike Paetzel, Giulia Perugia, and Ginevra Castellano. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '20), pp 73-82, 2020. (DOI).
  209. The Novelty in the Uncanny: Designing Interactions to Change First Impressions. Maike Paetzel-Prüsmann. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1960, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (Online defence (opening at 10:00 Stockholm time), fulltext, preview image).
  210. Perforated Page: Supporting Fragmented Memory Allocation for Large Pages. Chang Hyun Park, Sanghoon Cha, Bokyeong Kim, Youngjin Kwon, David Black-Schaffer, and Jaehyuk Huh. In Proceedings of the 47th Annual ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), pp 913-925, 2020. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  211. Automated identification of the mouse brain’s spatial compartments from in situ sequencing data. Gabriele Partel, Markus M. Hilscher, Giorgia Milli, Leslie Solorzano, Anna H Klemm, Mats Nilsson, and Carolina Wählby. In BMC Biology, volume 18, number 1, Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print, attachment:print, attachment:print).
  212. Image and Data Analysis for Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics: Decrypting fine-scale spatial heterogeneity of tissue's molecular architecture. Gabriele Partel. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1964, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (Join Zoom Meeting, fulltext, preview image).
  213. Framing the FRAM: A literature review on the functional resonance analysis method. R. Patriarca, G. Di Gravio, Rogier Woltjer, F. Costantino, G. Praetorius, P. Ferreira, and E. Hollnagel. In Safety Science, volume 129, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  214. Teaching Computer Ethics: Steps towards Slow Tech, a Good, Clean, and Fair ICT. Norberto Patrignani. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1903, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (Public defence via Zoom. Passcode: 168840, preview image, fulltext, errata).
  215. What are the ingredients for an ethics education for computer scientists?. Norberto Patrignani and Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. In Paradigm Shifts in ICT Ethics: Societal Challenges in the Smart Society, pp 107-109, Logroño, Spain, 2020. (External link).
  216. Monitoring High-Frequency Data Streams in FinTech: FADO Versus <em>K</em>-means. Kristiaan Pelckmans. In IEEE Intelligent Systems, volume 35, number 2, pp 36-42, 2020. (DOI).
  217. On the Role of Personality and Empathy in Human-Human, Human-Agent, and Human-Robot Mimicry. Giulia Perugia, Maike Paetzel, and Ginevra Castellano. In Social Robotics: 12th International Conference, ICSR 2020, Golden, CO, USA, November 14–18, 2020, Proceedings, volume 12483 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNAI), pp 120-131, Springer, Cham, 2020. (DOI).
  218. Care ethics to develop computing and engineering education for sustainability. Anne-Kathrin Peters, Stefan Bengtsson, Åsa Cajander, Mats Daniels, Virginia Grande, Johanna Lönngren, and Minna Salminen-Karlsson. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Frontiers in Education Conference, 2020. (DOI).
  219. CoMIR: Contrastive Multimodal Image Representation for Registration. Nicolas Pielawski, Elisabeth Wetzer, Johan Öfverstedt, Jiahao Lu, Carolina Wählby, Joakim Lindblad, and Natasa Sladoje. In NeurIPS - 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2020. (External link, External link).
  220. In Silico Prediction of Cell Traction Forces. Nicolas Pielawski, Jianjiang Hu, Staffan Strömblad, and Carolina Wählby. In 2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pp 877-881, 2020. (DOI).
  221. Introducing Hann windows for reducing edge-effects in patch-based image segmentation. Nicolas Pielawski and Carolina Wählby. In PLOS ONE, volume 15, number 3, PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  222. CC ’20: 29th International Conference on Compiler Construction, San Diego, CA, USA, February 22-23, 2020. Louis-Noël Pouchet and Alexandra Jimborean (eds). ACM Digital Library, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  223. A Fast Carrier Scheduling Algorithm for Battery-free Sensor Tags in Commodity Wireless Networks. Carlos Pérez-Penichet, Dilushi Piumwardane, Christian Rohner, and Thiemo Voigt. In IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, IEEE INFOCOM, pp 994-1003, IEEE, 2020. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  224. Seamless Integration of Battery-Free Communications in Commodity Wireless Networks. Carlos Pérez-Penichet. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1928, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (fulltext, preview image).
  225. TagAlong: Efficient Integration of Battery-free Sensor Tags in Standard Wireless Networks. Carlos Pérez-Penichet, Dilushi Piumwardane, Christian Rohner, and Thiemo Voigt. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, pp 169-180, IEEE, 2020. (DOI).
  226. Spectral analysis of Pk Finite Element matrices in the case of Friedrichs–Keller triangulations via Generalized Locally Toeplitz technology. Ryma Imene Rahla, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, and Cristina Tablino-Possio. In Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, volume 27, number 4, Wiley, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  227. RVSDG: An Intermediate Representation for Optimizing Compilers. Nico Reissmann, Jan Chrisitian Meyer, Helge Bahmann, and Magnus Själander. In ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, volume 19, number 6, 2020. (DOI).
  228. Cancer patients' information seeking behaviour related to online electronic healthcare records. Hanife Rexhepi, Isto Huvila, Rose-Mharie Åhlfeldt, and Åsa Cajander. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research, pp 53-61, 2020. (fulltext:print).
  229. Beyond exploding and vanishing gradients: analysing RNN training using attractors and smoothness. Antonio H. Ribeiro, Koen Tiels, Luis A. Aguirre, and Thomas B. Schön. In Proceedings of the 23<sup>rd</sup> International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), volume 108 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR), pp 2370-2380, 2020. (Publisher fulltext).
  230. Automatic 12-lead ECG Classification Using a Convolutional Network Ensemble. Antônio H. Ribeiro, Daniel Gedon, Daniel Martins Teixeira, Manoel Horta Ribeiro, Antonio L. Pinho Ribeiro, Thomas B. Schön, and Wagner Meira Jr. In 2020 Computing in Cardiology, volume 47 of Computing in Cardiology (CinC), IEEE, Rimini, Italy, 2020. (DOI).
  231. Automatic diagnosis of the 12-lead ECG using a deep neural network. Antônio H. Ribeiro, Manoel Horta Ribeiro, Gabriela M. M. Paixao, Derick M. Oliveira, Paulo R. Gomes, Jessica A. Canazart, Milton P. S. Ferreira, Carl Andersson, Peter W. Macfarlane, Wagner, Meira, Jr., Thomas B. Schön, and Antonio Luiz P. Ribeiro. In Nature Communications, volume 11, number 1, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  232. Nonparametric models for Hammerstein-Wiener and Wiener-Hammerstein system identification. Riccardo Risuleo and Hakan Hjalmarsson. In IFAC PapersOnline, pp 407-412, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  233. Speculative Enforcement of Store Atomicity. Alberto Ros and Stefanos Kaxiras. In 2020 53rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), pp 555-567, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:postprint).
  234. BIAFLOWS: A Collaborative Framework to Reproducibly Deploy and Benchmark Bioimage Analysis Workflows.. Ulysse Rubens, Romain Mormont, Lassi Paavolainen, Volker Bäcker, Benjamin Pavie, Leandro A Scholz, Gino Michiels, Martin Maška, Devrim Ünay, Graeme Ball, Renaud Hoyoux, Rémy Vandaele, Ofra Golani, Stefan G Stanciu, Natasa Sladoje, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Raphaël Marée, and Sébastien Tosi. In Patterns (New York, N.Y.), volume 1, number 3, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  235. Impulsive Feedback Modeling of Levodopa Pharmacokinetics Subject to Intermittently Interrupted Gastric Emptying. Håkan Runvik, Alexander Medvedev, and Maria C. Kjellsson. In 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp 1323-1328, 2020. (DOI).
  236. Initialization of a Disease Transmission Model. Håkan Runvik, Alexander Medvedev, Robin Eriksson, and Stefan Engblom. In IFAC PapersOnline, pp 839-844, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  237. Laguerre Domain Estimation of an Input Impulse Train to a Continuous Linear Time-invariant System. Håkan Runvik and Alexander Medvedev. In 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, pp 4622-4627, 2020. (DOI).
  238. Structural Identifiability of a Third-order Continuous System under Impulsive Feedback. Håkan Runvik and Alexander Medvedev. In IFAC PapersOnline, pp 16215-16220, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  239. Competition Report: CHC-COMP-20. Philipp Rümmer. In Proceedings 8th International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation and 7th Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis, volume 320 of EPTCS, pp 197-219, 2020. (DOI).
  240. Evaluating the Potential Applications of Quaternary Logic for Approximate Computing. Christos Sakalis, Alexandra Jimborean, Stefanos Kaxiras, and Magnus Själander. In ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, volume 16, number 1, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020. (DOI).
  241. Securing the Memory Hierarchy from Speculative Side-Channel Attack. Christos Sakalis. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2020-003, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2020. (fulltext).
  242. Understanding Selective Delay as a Method for Efficient Secure Speculative Execution. Christos Sakalis, Stefanos Kaxiras, Alberto Ros, Alexandra Jimborean, and Magnus Själander. In IEEE Transactions on Computers, volume 69, number 11, pp 1584-1595, 2020. (DOI).
  243. Den digitala arbetsmiljön inomhälso- och sjukvården. Minna Salminen-Karlsson, Diane Golay, and Åsa Cajander. In Medicinsk informatik, Liber, 2020.
  244. Gender equality projects at European level: Exploring factors for success. Minna Salminen-Karlsson. In Does knowledge have a gender?: A Festschrift for Liisa Husu on gender, science and academia, pp 136-145, Örebro universitet, Örebro, 2020.
  245. Flood Prediction Using IoT and Artificial Neural Networks with Edge Computing. Eric Samikwa, Thiemo Voigt, and Joakim Eriksson. In 2020 International Conferences on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData) and IEEE Congress on Cybermatics (Cybermatics), pp 234-240, IEEE, 2020. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  246. Real-time Thread Isolation and Trusted Execution on Embedded RISC-V. Lindemer Samuel, Gustav Midéus, and Shahid Raza. In , 2020.
  247. High-order cut discontinuous Galerkin methods with local time stepping for acoustics. Svenja Schoeder, Simon Sticko, Gunilla Kreiss, and Martin Kronbichler. In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, volume 121, number 13, pp 2979-3003, 2020. (DOI).
  248. A Robot by Any Other Frame: Framing and Behaviour Influence Mind Perception in Virtual but not Real-World Environments. Wallkötter Sebastian, Rebecca Stower, Arvid Kappas, and Ginevra Castellano. In HRI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, ACM IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, pp 609-618, Assoc Computing Machinery, 2020. (DOI).
  249. Visualisation of 3D Property Data and Assessment of the Impact of Rendering Attributes. Stefan Seipel, Martin Andrée, Karolina Larsson, Jesper M. Paasch, and Jenny Paulsson. In Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, volume 4, number 2, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  250. Research programs as a tool to map Internet studies. Håkan Selg. In Second International Handbook of Internet Research, pp 505-528, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2020. (DOI).
  251. Extreme adopters in digital communities.. Amendra Shrestha, Lisa Kaati, and Katie Cohen. In Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, volume 7, pp 72-84, American Psychological Association (APA), 2020. (DOI).
  252. Introducing Digital-7 Threat Assessment of Individuals in Digital Environments. Amendra Shrestha, Nazar Akrami, and Lisa Kaati. In 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining, ASONAM, pp 720-726, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020. (DOI).
  253. A latent variable approach to heat load prediction in thermal grids. Johan Simonsson, Khalid Tourkey Atta, Dave Zachariah, and Wolfgang Birk. In 2020 European Control Conference (ECC), pp 344-349, 2020. (DOI).
  254. Towards Smart e-Infrastructures, A Community Driven Approach Based on Real Datasets. Prashant Singh, Mona Mohamed Elamin, and Salman Toor. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), IEEE Green Technologies Conference, pp 109-114, 2020. (DOI).
  255. Transmission Electron Microscopy Dataset for Image Deblurring. Ida-Maria Sintorn, Håkan Wieslander, and Carolina Wählby. 2020. (DOI).
  256. TissUUmaps: interactive visualization of large-scale spatial gene expression and tissue morphology data. Leslie Solorzano, Gabriele Partel, and Carolina Wählby. In Bioinformatics, volume 36, number 15, pp 4363-4365, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  257. The effect of interventions on COVID-19. Kristian Soltesz, Fredrik Gustafsson, Toomas Timpka, Joakim Jaldén, Carl Jidling, Albin Heimerson, Thomas B. Schön, Armin Spreco, Joakim Ekberg, Örjan Dahlström, Fredrik Bagge Carlson, Anna Jöud, and Bo Bernhardsson. In Nature, volume 588, number 7839, pp E26-E32, 2020. (DOI).
  258. Blind identification of two-channel FIR systems: a frequency domain approach. Umberto Soverini and Torsten Söderström. In IFAC PapersOnline, pp 914-920, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  259. Frequency domain identification of FIR models in the presence of additive input-output noise. Umberto Soverini and Torsten Söderström. In Automatica, volume 115, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2020. (DOI).
  260. The Frisch scheme for EIV system identification: time and frequency domain formulations. Umberto Soverini and Torsten Söderström. In IFAC PapersOnline, pp 907-913, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  261. Healthcare managers' experiences of technostress and the actions they take to handle it: a critical incident analysis. Magdalena Stadin, Maria Nordin, Eleonor I. Fransson, and Anders Broström. In BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, volume 20, number 1, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  262. Spatial Interpolation of Extreme PM1 Values Using Copulas. Alfred Stein, Fakhereh Alidoost, and Vera van Zoest. In Computational and Methodological Statistics and Biostatistics: Contemporary Essays in Advancement, pp 309-328, Springer, Cham, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  263. Smart Resource Management for Data Streaming using an Online Bin-packing Strategy. Oliver Stein, Ben Blamey, Johan Karlsson, Alan Sabirsh, Ola Spjuth, Andreas Hellander, and Salman Toor. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp 2207-2216, 2020. (DOI).
  264. High-order cut finite elements for the elastic wave equation. Simon Sticko, Gustav Ludvigsson, and Gunilla Kreiss. In Advances in Computational Mathematics, volume 46, number 3, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
  265. Recent Advances in Large Scale Whole Body MRI Image Analysis – Imiomics. Robin Strand, Simon Ekström, Eva Breznik, Therese Sjöholm, Martino Pilia, Lars Lind, Filip Malmberg, Håkan Ahlström, and Joel Kullberg. In In Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2020), Malang, Indonesia, 2020.
  266. Artificial intelligence for diagnosis and grading of prostate cancer in biopsies: a population-based, diagnostic study. Peter Strom, Kimmo Kartasalo, Henrik Olsson, Leslie Solorzano, Brett Delahunt, Daniel M. Berney, David G. Bostwick, Andrew J. Evans, David J. Grignon, Peter A. Humphrey, Kenneth A. Iczkowski, James G. Kench, Glen Kristiansen, Theodorus H. van der Kwast, Katia R. M. Leite, Jesse K. McKenney, Jon Oxley, Chin-Chen Pan, Hemamali Samaratunga, John R. Srigley, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Toyonori Tsuzuki, Murali Varma, Ming Zhou, Johan Lindberg, Cecilia Lindskog, Pekka Ruusuvuori, Carolina Wählby, Henrik Gronberg, Mattias Rantalainen, Lars Egevad, and Martin Eklund. In The Lancet Oncology, volume 21, number 2, pp 222-232, Elsevier, 2020. (DOI).
  267. Capacity Augmentation Function for Real-Time Parallel Tasks With Constrained Deadlines Under GEDF Scheduling. Jinghao Sun, Nan Guan, Shuangshuang Chang, Feng Li, Qingxu Deng, and Yi Wang. In IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, volume 39, number 12, pp 4537-4548, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020. (DOI).
  268. On Computing Exact WCRT for DAG Tasks. Jinghao Sun, Feng Li, Nan Guan, Wentao Zhu, Minjie Xiang, Zhishan Guo, and Yi Wang. In 57th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, DAC 2020, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 20-24, 2020, Design Automation Conference DAC, pp 1-6, IEEE, 2020. (DOI).
  269. On the Volume Calculation for Conditional DAG Tasks: Hardness and Algorithms. Jinghao Sun, Yaoyao Chi, Tianfei Xu, Lei Cao, Nan Guan, Zhishan Guo, and Yi Wang. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 DESIGN, AUTOMATION &amp; TEST IN EUROPE CONFERENCE &amp; EXHIBITION (DATE 2020), Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, pp 204-209, NEW YORK, USA, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
  270. Real-Time Scheduling and Analysis of OpenMP DAG Tasks Supporting Nested Parallelism. Jinghao Sun, Nan Guan, Feng Li, Huimin Gao, Chang Shi, and Yi Wang. In IEEE Transactions on Computers, volume 69, number 9, pp 1335-1348, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2020. (DOI).
  271. Global radial basis function collocation methods for PDEs. Ulrika Sundin. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2020-002, Uppsala University, 2020. (fulltext).
  272. Machine Learning in Risk Prediction. Johan Sundström and Thomas B. Schön. In Hypertension, volume 75, number 5, pp 1165-1166, 2020. (DOI).
  273. Professional Competencies in Computing Education: Are They Important?. Justyna Szynkiewicz, Gunhild M. Lundberg, and Mats Daniels. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Frontiers in Education Conference, 2020. (DOI).
  274. Students' professional competencies in computing project courses in the Norwegian context. Justyna Szynkiewicz, Gunhild M. Lundberg, and Mats Daniels. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2020. (DOI).
  275. Modeling and Optimizing NUMA Effects and Prefetching with Machine Learning. Isaac Sánchez Barrera, David Black-Schaffer, Casas Marc, Miquel Moretó, Anastasiia Stupnikova, and Mihail Popov. In ICS '20: Proceedings of the 34th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:postprint).
  276. Polyphase Waveform Design for MIMO Radar Space Time Adaptive Processing. Bo Tang, Jonathan Tuck, and Peter Stoica. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 68, pp 2143-2154, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2020. (DOI).
  277. Response Time Analysis and Priority Assignment of Processing Chains on ROS2 Executors. Yue Tang, Zhiwei Feng, Nan Guan, Xu Jiang, Mingsong Lv, Qingxu Deng, and Yi Wang. In 2020 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Real-Time Systems Symposium: Proceedings, pp 231-243, 2020. (DOI).
  278. Towards Intelligent Industry 4.0 5G Networks: A First Throughput and QoE Measurement Campaign. William Tarneberg, Omar Hamsis, John Hedlund, Kjell Brunnström, Emma Fitzgerald, Andreas Johnsson, Viktor Berggren, Maria Kihl, Akhila Rao, Rebecca Steinert, and Caner Kilinc. In 2020 28th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2020, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020. (DOI).
  279. Reshape your layouts, not your programs: A safe language extension for better cache locality. Alexandros Tasos, Juliana Franco, Sophia Drossopoulou, Tobias Wrigstad, and Susan Eisenbach. In Science of Computer Programming, volume 197, 2020. (DOI).
  280. A monotonic optimization approach for solving strictly quasiconvex multiobjective programming problems. Tran Ngoc Thang, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Tuan Anh Dao, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, and Pham Van Hai. In Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, volume 38, pp 6053-6063, 2020. (DOI).
  281. Clearing the Shadows: Recovering Lost Performance for Invisible Speculative Execution through HW/SW Co-Design. Kim-Anh Tran, Christos Sakalis, Magnus Själander, Alberto Ros, Stefanos Kaxiras, and Alexandra Jimborean. In PACT ’20: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, pp 241-254, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020. (DOI, External link).
  282. Finding and Exploiting Memory-Level-Parallelism in Constrained Speculative Architectures. Kim-Anh Tran. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1897, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2020. (Join Zoom Meeting, fulltext, preview image).
  283. Nonlinear Input Design as Optimal Control of a Hamiltonian System. Jack Umenberger and Thomas B. Schön. In IEEE Control Systems Letters, volume 4, number 1, pp 85-90, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2020. (DOI).
  284. Optimistic robust linear quadratic dual control. Jack Umenberger and Thomas B. Schön. In Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, VOL 120, volume 120 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pp 550-560, ML Research Press, 2020. (Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  285. Secondary Coronal Synostosis After Early Surgery for Sagittal Craniosynostosis: Implications for Cranial Growth. Jesper Unander-Scharin, Johan Nysjö, Per Enblad, and Daniel Nowinski. In The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, volume 32, number 1, pp 113-117, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2020. (DOI).
  286. Detection of signs of Parkinson's disease using dynamical features via an indirect pointing device. Rosane Ushirobira, Denis Efimov, Gery Casiez, Laure Fernandez, Fredrik Olsson, and Alexander Medvedev. In IFAC Papersonline, pp 16347-16352, ELSEVIER, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  287. A Twitter-Based Study of the European Internet of Things. Funda Ustek-Spilda, Davide Vega, Matteo Magnani, Luca Rossi, Irina Shklovski, Sebastian Lehuede, and Alison Powell. In Information Systems Frontiers, volume 23, number 1, pp 135-149, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  288. Graph-theoretic approaches and tools for quantitatively assessing curricula coherence. Damiano Varagnolo, Steffi Knorn, Kjell Staffas, Eva Fjällström, and Tobias Wrigstad. In European Journal of Engineering Education, volume 46, number 3, pp 344-363, 2020. (DOI).
  289. Tunnel Emitter: Tunnel Diode based Low-Power Carrier Emitters for Backscatter Tags. Ambuj Varshney and Lorenzo Corneo. In , 2020. (DOI, External link).
  290. Students as Prosumers: Learning from Peer-Produced Materials in a Computing Science Course. Anna Vasilchenko, Åsa Cajander, and Mats Daniels. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Frontiers in Education Conference, 2020. (DOI).
  291. The Vanishing and Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations Project. I. USNO Objects Missing in Modern Sky Surveys and Follow-up Observations of a "Missing Star". Beatriz Villarroel, Johan Soodla, Sebastien Comeron, Lars Mattsson, Kristiaan Pelckmans, Martin Lopez-Corredoira, Kevin Krisciunas, Eduardo Guerras, Oleg Kochukhov, Josefine Bergstedt, Bart Buelens, Rudolf E. Bar, Rubén Cubo, J. Emilio Enriquez, Alok C. Gupta, Inigo Imaz, Torgny Karlsson, M. Almudena Prieto, Aleksey A. Shlyapnikov, Rafael S. de Souza, Irina B. Vavilova, and Martin J. Ward. In Astronomical Journal, volume 159, number 1, American Astronomical Society, 2020. (DOI).
  292. Reformulations of Constraint Satisfaction Problems: A Survey. Huu-Phuc Vo. 2020. (fulltext).
  293. Jamming to Support Privacy-preserving Continuous Tumour Relapse Monitoring Using In-body Radio Signals. Thiemo Voigt, Wenqing Yan, Maria Mani, Sam Hylamia, Noor Badariah Asan, Mauricio D. Perez, Laya Joseph, Bappaditya Mandal, and Robin Augustine. In , 2020.
  294. Towards Physical-Layer Authentication for Backscatter Devices: Extended Abstract. Thiemo Voigt, Carlos Perez Penichet, and Christian Rohner. In International Workshop on Attacks and Defenses for Internet-of-Things, volume 12501 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  295. Towards Secure Backscatter-based In-Body Sensor Networks. Thiemo Voigt, Christian Rohner, Wenqing Yan, Laya Joseph, Sam Hylamia, Noor Badariah Asan, Bappaditya Mandal, Mauricio D. Perez, and Robin Augustine. In , 2020.
  296. A stratified process for the perception of objects: From optical transformations to 3D relief structure to 3D similarity structure to slant or aspect ratio. Xiaoye Michael Wang, Mats Lind, and Geoffrey P. Bingham. In Vision Research, volume 173, pp 77-89, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2020. (DOI).
  297. Bootstrapping a better slant: A stratified process for recovering 3D metric slant. Xiaoye Michael Wang, Mats Lind, and Geoffrey P. Bingham. In Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, volume 82, number 3, pp 1504-1519, 2020. (DOI).
  298. Symmetry mediates the bootstrapping of 3-D relief slant to metric slant. Xiaoye Michael Wang, Mats Lind, and Geoffrey P. Bingham. In Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, volume 82, number 3, pp 1488-1503, 2020. (DOI).
  299. SynQuant: an automatic tool to quantify synapses from microscopy images. Yizhi Wang, Congchao Wang, Petter Ranefall, Gerard Joey Broussard, Yinxue Wang, Guilai Shi, Boyu Lyu, Chiung-Ting Wu, Yue Wang, Lin Tian, and Guoqiang Yu. In Bioinformatics, volume 36, number 5, pp 1599-1606, 2020. (DOI).
  300. Modeling Human Activity With Seasonality Bursty Dynamics. Quansi Wen, Choujun Zhan, Ying Gao, Xiping Hu, Edith Ngai, and Bin Hu. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, volume 16, number 2, pp 1130-1139, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020. (DOI).
  301. Cross-modal Representation Learning for Efficient Registration of Multiphoton and Brightfield Microscopy Images of Skin Tissue. Elisabeth Wetzer, Nicolas Pielawski, Johan Öfverstedt, Lu Jiahao, Joakim Lindblad, A. Dumitru, M. Costache, R. Hristu, S.G. Stanciu, and Natasa Sladoje. In 4th NEUBIAS Conference, Bordeaux, France, 2020. (External link).
  302. When texture matters: Texture-focused CNNs outperform general data augmentation and pretraining in oral cancer detection. Elisabeth Wetzer, Jo Gay, Hugo Harlin, Joakim Lindblad, and Natasa Sladoje. In 2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp 517-521, 2020. (DOI).
  303. Calibration of Probabilistic Predictive Models. David Widmann. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2020-006, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2020. (External link, fulltext).
  304. Exploiting conjugacy in state-space models with sequential Monte Carlo. Anna Wigren. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2020-005, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2020. (fulltext).
  305. Globally stable delay alignment for feedback control over NR multi-point connections. Torbjörn Wigren, Delgado Ramon, Lau Katrina, and Middleton Richard. In IEEE Transactions on Control od Network Systems, volume 7, number 4, pp 1633-1642, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  306. Jitter suppression for very low latency feedback control over NR. Torbjörn Wigren. In IEEE VTC-SPRING 2020, 2020.
  307. Statistical beam information for mmW positioning. Torbjörn Wigren. In Proc. IEEE VTC-Spring 2020, 2020.
  308. Time averaged power control of a 4G or a 5G radio base station for RF EMF compliance. Torbjörn Wigren, Christer Törnevik, Shiguang Guo, and Ken Huisman. In IEEE Access, volume 8, pp 211937-211950, 2020. (DOI).
  309. Bootstrapping Weakly Supervised Segmentation-free Word Spotting through HMM-based Alignment. Tomas Wilkinson and Carl Nettelblad. In 2020 17th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), pp 49-54, 2020. (DOI).
  310. A fast quasi-Newton-type method for large-scale stochastic optimisation. Adrian Wills, Thomas B. Schön, and Carl Jidling. In IFAC PapersOnline, pp 1249-1254, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  311. Bricklayer: Resource Composition on the Spot Market. Walter Wong, Lorenzo Corneo, Aleksandr Zavodovski, Pengyuan Zhou, Nitinder Mohan, and Jussi Kangasharju. In ICC 2020: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2020. (DOI).
  312. Bifurcation analysis for non-local design of a hybrid observer for the impulsive Goodwin's oscillator. Diana Yamalova, Alexander Medvedev, and Zhanybai Zhusubaliyev. In Nonlinear dynamics, volume 100, number 2, pp 1401-1419, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  313. PHY-IDS: a physical-layer spoofing attack detection system for wearable devices. Wenqing Yan, Sam Hylamia, Thiemo Voigt, and Christian Rohner. In WearSys '20: Proceedings of the 6th ACM Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2020. (DOI).
  314. Radiometric Signatures for Wireless Device Identification over Dynamic Channels: Poster. Wenqing Yan, Thiemo Voigt, and Christian Rohner. In 2020 IEEE Symposium On Security And Privacy Workshops (SPW 2020), pp 127-127, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020. (DOI).
  315. Sensitivity of radiometric fingerprint against wireless channel: Poster Abstract. Wenqing Yan and Christian Rohner. In SenSys '20: Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, pp 719-720, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, United States, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  316. Towards Robust and Low-complexity Radiometric Fingerprint: PhD forum abstract. Wenqing Yan. In SenSys '20: Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, pp 821-822, New York, NY, United States, 2020. (DOI, External link, fulltext:print).
  317. Improving Program Locality in the GC using Hotness. Albert Mingkun Yang, Erik Österlund, and Tobias Wrigstad. In PLDI 2020: Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pp 301-313, ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 2020. (DOI).
  318. ThinGC: complete isolation with marginal overhead. Albert Mingkun Yang, Eric Österlund, Jesper Wilhelmsson, Hanna Nyblom, and Tobias Wrigstad. In ISMM 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management, pp 74-86, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020. (DOI).
  319. Microstructures and mechanical properties of Al2O3/YAG:Ce3+ eutectics with different Ce3+ concentrations grown by HDS method. Liu Yang, Mingfu Zhang, Dan Wu, Tao Wang, Ying Nie, Jiecai Han, and Wei Xia. In Journal of Alloys and Compounds, volume 816, 2020. (DOI).
  320. User-centric Performance Optimization with Remote Radio Head Cooperation in C-RAN. Lei You and Di Yuan. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, volume 19, number 1, pp 340-353, 2020. (DOI, External link).
  321. Leveraging Muiti-cell NOMA for Cell Edge. Zhanwei Yu, Lei You, and Di Yuan. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems  (IEEE ANTS), IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020. (DOI).
  322. Classical labor values: properties of economic reproduction. David Zachariah and Paul Cockshott. In World Review of Political Economy, volume 11, number 3, pp 388-414, Pluto Journals, 2020. (DOI).
  323. A numerical simulation for Darcy–Forchheimer flow of nanofluid by a rotating disk with partial slip effects. Malik Zaka Ullah, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, and Dumitru Baleanu. In Frontiers in Physics, volume 7, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
  324. Copying Can Be Good: How Students View Imitation as a Tool in Learning to Program. Carol Zander, Lynda Thomas, Jan Erik Moström, and Anna Eckerdal. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020. (DOI).
  325. Boosting Sequential Consistency Checking Using Saturation. Rachid Zennou, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Ranadeep Biswas, Ahmed Bouajjani, Constantin Enea, and Mohammed Erradi. In Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis - 18th International Symposium, ATVA 2020, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 360-376, Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI).
  326. zOPT: an open source optical projection tomography system and methods for rapid 3D zebrafish imaging. Hanqing Zhang, Laura Waldmann, Remy Manuel, Henrik Boije, Tatjana Haitina, and Amin Allalou. In Biomedical Optics Express, volume 11, number 8, pp 4290-4305, The Optical Society, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  327. Towards Pricing for Sensor-Cloud. Chunsheng Zhu, Xiuhua Li, Victor C. M. Leung, Laurence T. Yang, Edith C.-H. Ngai, and Lei Shu. In IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, volume 8, number 4, pp 1018-1029, 2020. (DOI).
  328. Behavioral Characterization of dmrt3a Mutant Zebrafish Reveals Crucial Aspects of Vertebrate Locomotion through Phenotypes Related to Acceleration. Ana del Pozo, Remy Manuel, Ana Belen Iglesias Gonzalez, Harmen Kornelis Koning, Judith Habicher, Hanqing Zhang, Amin Allalou, Klas Kullander, and Henrik Boije. In eNeuro, volume 7, number 3, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  329. Grammar-Based Testing for Little Languages: An Experience Report with Student Compilers. Phillip van Heerden, Moeketsi Raselimo, Konstantinos Sagonas, and Bernd Fischer. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, pp 253-269, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
  330. Spatio-temporal regression kriging for modelling urban NO2 concentrations. Vera van Zoest, Frank Osei, Gerard Hoek, and Alfred Stein. In International Journal of Geographical Information Science, volume 34, number 5, pp 851-865, 2020. (DOI).
  331. Learning to program hands-on: a controlled study. Kristina von Hausswolff, Anna Eckerdal, and Michael Thuné. In Proceedings of the 20th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research November 2020 November 2020, pp 1-10, 2020. (DOI).
  332. Social dimensions in the lab session when novices learn to program. Kristina von Hausswolff and Maria Weurlander. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Frontiers in Education Conference, 2020. (DOI).
  333. Numerical Ross Recovery for Diffusion Processes Using a PDE Approach. Lina von Sydow and Johan Waldén. In Applied Mathematical Finance, pp 46-66, 2020. (DOI).
  334. Translating GWAS-identified loci for cardiac rhythm and rate using an in vivo image- and CRISPR/Cas9-based approach. Benedikt von der Heyde, Anastasia Emmanouilidou, Eugenia Mazzaferro, Silvia Vicenzi, Ida Höijer, Tiffany Klingström, Sitaf Jumaa, Olga Dethlefsen, Harold Snieder, Eco de Geus, Adam Ameur, Erik Ingelsson, Amin Allalou, Hannah L. Brooke, and Marcel den Hoed. In Scientific Reports, volume 10, number 1, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  335. A Mechanised Semantics for HOL with Ad-hoc  Overloading. Johannes Åman Pohjola and Arve Gengelbach. In , EPiC Series in Computing, pp 498-515, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, External link).
  336. Stochastic Distance Transform: Theory, Algorithms and Applications. Johan Öfverstedt, Joakim Lindblad, and Natasa Sladoje. In Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, volume 62, pp 751-769, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).

Updated  2022-06-28 13:52:59 by Björn Victor.