Computer architecture Period 3
Course Code : 1DT631 and 1TT441
Lab assistants:
When and where shall we meet:
Course material
- The course will be based on the book by Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Structuered Computer Organization fourth edition.
- For the labs we recommend the book by John Waldrom. Introduction to RISC Assembly Language Programming.
- The lectures'slides: Dark slides
- Some useful links and notes here
Lab and assignments
The lab and the first assignment are compulsory for both 1DT631 and 1TT441. The 1DT631 students have to go through
the second assignment too.
Important!! The assignments and the lab should be handed in (as .s files) using Course Manager. Notice that you can't hand in any assignments after the deadlines (see below).
Recommended Exercices
- Exercise 1 Introduction to SPIM, the MIPS Simulator
- Exercise 2 More on SPIM/MIPS
Compulsory Lab
- Stacks and Subroutines (deadline feb 25th)
Compulsory Assignments
- Assignment 1 MIPS assembly (deadline 28th feb)
- Assignment 2 MIPS assembly, memory mapped I/O (deadline 5th march)